The first stop of the Judai City Tour.

Get ready to go to Captain Corn who has the [No. 50 Black Corn] card in the Heartland Amusement Park.

The area where Captain Corn is located is called the Natural Sightseeing Ship. It is the largest and most luxurious Western-style ancient ship building in the Xinyuan Amusement Park.

Yujo Judai remembers it, among the original comics by zexa1.

Captain Corn was originally the most common corn shipped to America on merchant ships in the 18th century.

During the transportation, the merchant ship was intercepted by Captain Robert, a famous pirate at the time.

This corn was also cooked by Robert and became a meal on the plate.

And just when Robert was about to eat the corn.

A kernel of corn suddenly fell and got stuck in Robert's compass.

It has been a long time since then.

The corn followed the compass and finally fell into the hands of Dr. Fika.

Dr. Fika used the power of no to give life to this corn, thus evolving into today's heart star, Captain Corn. to be honest.

Giving life to a ripe corn kernel is a bit too nonsense for Judai Yujo. but.

Who made this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!...

Basically anything related to cards is possible in this world.

Thinking deeply.

Yujo Judai had already taken the cable car to the sightseeing ship where Captain Corn was.

After getting off the cable car, Yujo Judai found that the place was already crowded with many children waiting to meet Captain Corn.

As one of the three stars of Xinyuan.

Captain Corn is loved by children in Xinyuan City.

If you want to see Captain Corn, you have to enter from inside the sightseeing ship, ride on the underground mine car, and it takes a long time to see him. certainly.

If you want to ride a minecart, you have to pay.

"Please pay the ticket fee here."

Looking at the conductor girl in the distance who was waving to him with a smile, Yujo Judai touched his empty pocket and a drop of sweat dripped from his forehead.

As if he could tell that Yujo Judai was in financial distress, the conductor girl immediately gave him a thoughtful suggestion. Second solution

"Of course, if you are a duelist, you can also ride the underground minecart for free as long as you succeed in the duel challenge."

The conductor girl smiled and took out a deck of cards,"However, the difficulty is very high."

Yushidai Judai's eyes lit up.

Very good, it deserves to be a duel world.

In this world, there is no such thing as playing cards to settle the situation!

Ten minutes later

"Activate the magic card [Pot of Desire and Gold], exclude six cards from the extra deck, and draw two cards from the deck"

"Moreover, according to the effect of the sustainable magic card [Soul Absorption], for each card removed, the controller recovers 500 health points."

"I have a total of two soul absorbs on the field, excluding six cards, and I have restored a total of 6,000 health points. Is everything okay?"

Yushiro Judai sat in front of the duel table and looked at the conductor lady in front of him who was obviously a little numb.

"Also, I will liberate [Gear Warrior] and [Cat Lady] on your field and give you this powerful eight-star monster [Lava Demon]."

"By the way, due to the effect of the continuous magic card [Dimensional Crack] on my field, the monster sent to the graveyard was eliminated instead of going to the graveyard. I restored another 2,000 health points......."

"Okay, okay, okay, I surrender, I admit defeat, please forgive me quickly!"

The conductor girl pressed the admit defeat button with tears in her eyes.

She has been selling tickets here for several years, and this is the first time she encountered a duelist who beat her to tears.

Damn, what the hell kind of deck are you talking about?

Do you want it ? So disgusting!

"Eh? This is surrender......The [War Destroyer] on my field hasn't attacked yet......."Looking at the [Hell Storm] in his hand with some regret, Yujo Judai muttered.

"Please stop talking, woo woo woo......Why don't I give you the ticket?"

After packing up the cards, the conductor lady handed the ticket to Yujo Judai with tears in her eyes.

Looking at Yujo Judai's back, the conductor finally couldn't bear the grievance and cried out.

Wuwuwu. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I will quit my job tomorrow.......

This kind of stinking duelist from the underworld is too bullying, woo woo woo.

Satisfied, he sat on the mine cart, Yusheng Judai hummed a tune and slowly drove into the mine.

Don't tell me, Xinyuan is the largest, most luxurious and iconic amusement park in Xinyuan City.

There are indeed a lot of fun things here.

This kind of mine cart can only be regarded as one of the entertainment items.

Such as various adventure skiing, canyon surfing, and some interesting extreme challenges, all of which make you feel eager to try it.

"Well, after collecting the no cards in the heart, let’s go to these tourist spots and give them a try."

Thinking about it in his mind, a bright light shines through the deep mine in front of him.

As the exit of the mine is in front of him, a brand new forest scene appears in Yucheng Judai's field of vision.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there is such a world hidden under the mine in Xinyuan."

The mine cart slowly stopped, and Judai Yujo looked at this unique world with a face full of surprise.

In a corner of the forest, a huge Western-style ancient ship was docked on one side of the river bank.

"Welcome to Nature Tour Ferry Ent!"

A loud voice sounded on the sightseeing boat.

The loud voice, coupled with the slightly weird tongue, made Yucheng Judai slightly startled.

He raised his head and saw a man standing on the tall sail. Wearing a black pirate suit......The humanoid corn seems to be welcoming the arrival of Yujo Judai with open arms.

".The corn actually moves!"Hui Liuli's figure appeared next to Yucheng Judai, and he couldn't help but exclaimed

"oh? That little guy next to you is very strange."Captain Corn looked at the gray figure beside Yu Cheng Judai.

"Eh?! Can it see mine?"Hai Liuli was startled and hurriedly hid behind Yucheng Judai.

Yucheng Judai showed a thoughtful expression.

It seems that Captain Corn's ability to be given life by Dr. Fika is not as simple as it seems.

Now Today's Captain Corn has probably become a card elf.

Is this the reason why it can see Hui Liuli, who is a card elf?

"Hum, it seems that a special guest came today, Kou En. Captain Corn stroked his crooked pirate beard and sneered at the corner of his mouth,"Not only does he have the aura of Noka, but there is also such a strange life around him.""(Money earned)

"If you say that others are strange beings, aren't you yourself the same?"Hui Liuli retorted

"no card......Can you sense the no card on me?"Yushidai Judai took out his three no cards from the card box.

"I was given the power to sense no cards by Dr. Fika, and according to Mr. Shinjo's instructions, I hunted no cards here. Captain Corn said,"

Although Mr. Xincheng is missing, I will carry out his orders unconditionally!""

Raising his arm, a duel disk immediately appeared on Captain Corn's arm.

"bring it on! The duel of hunting no cards has begun!"

"Yeah? It’s not certain who hunts who."

Yucheng Judai smiled, took out the duel plate from his waist, and wore it on his arm.


【AR system linking completed!】

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: LP4000】

【Captain Corn: LP4000】


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