The two Coron princesses on the field can form a mutually protective situation.

Just like when two [Charging Captains] are on the field, you can't attack either one.

The same goes for the two Coron princesses.

Unable to attack and cannot be selected.

Obviously, the reason why Kelong created such a defensive field was just to delay the attack of Judai Youcheng, so as to summon the No card in the next round.

Nowadays, there is no way to get rid of the two Coron princesses in the hand cards of Yucheng Judai.

But maybe I can change my mind...

"I summon [Rogue Emergency-Bat Train]】!"Yujo Judai waved his hand and placed a card in his hand on the duel disk.


Along with the roar of the train, the railroad tracks appeared at Yujo Judai Field.

A red train passed quickly on the railway track and finally stopped at Yujojudaiba.

【Rogue Express-Battrain】

【Star rating: 4

【Mechanical family】

【Attack power: 1800]

This is the train cannon deck!

Hui Liuli's eyes lit up when she saw the monster summoned by Yu Cheng Judai.

"I activate the effect of [Rogue Express-Bat Train]!"Yucheng Judai said,"Once per round, activate during your main phase, inflicting 500 points of health damage to the opponent!"

Bat Train 10 received instructions from Yujo Judai.

The two cannon barrels stacked on the top of the train slowly stood up and were aimed at Cologne who was hiding behind the two Cologne princesses.

Scarlet gunfire erupted from the barrels It surged out and hit Kelong, sending her body, as light as a doll, flying far away.


After rolling on the ground several times, Kelong got up with difficulty.

【Kelong: LP40003500】

"It turned out to be......Effect damage?"Ke Long gritted her teeth. She didn't expect that Yucheng Judai would use such a deck. The train cannon deck is a powerful deck that wins with powerful effects and damage.

Ke Long used two [Princess Ke Long] to form There is an unbreakable line of defense. If you use a deck such as Heroes and Killer, you will be easily dragged to death by Colon.

But Train Cannon is different!

Adhering to the idea that if monsters cannot be eliminated, then duelists will be eliminated.

As long as Colon is killed Long's health points return to zero, and the winner of this duel is Yujo Judai!

"【Rogue Express - Battrain] After activating the effect, I cannot enter the combat phase."Yushiro Judai said, taking out another card from his hand,"However, for this duel, the combat stage is obviously not important anymore."

"I activate the effect of [Bullet Express - Bullet Express] in my hand. If the monsters on my field are only Machine type and Earth attributes, this card can be Special Summoned from my hand!"

The blue flames drew a long trail in the sky.

A blue train like a spaceship drove rapidly in the sky, and finally stopped slowly next to the red train.

【Bullet Express-Bullet Express】

【Star rating: 10】

【Attack power: 3000】

"Attack power 3000?"Colon was startled.

As we all know, among Yu-Gi-Oh monsters, three thousand attack points is not a small number.

And this kind of monster with three thousand attack points that can be specially summoned directly without spending any cost, That's also the rarest of rares

"Then, this is it."

The Haima technology on the tenth generation of Youcheng began to shine with blue light.

【Preparing the environment required for connection and summoning】

【Extra monster area is expanding!】

"I will set a connection mark on the [Rogue Express - Bat Train] and [Bullet Express - Bullet Express] on the field!"

"Connection calls!"

Raise your right hand and spread your fingers.

The two monsters on the field suddenly turned into two groups of scarlet light and rushed into the sky.

"Connection summons?"Kelong was shocked.

What kind of summoning method is this?

Captain Corn and Thunder Flash, who were locked in the iron cage, were also shocked by the unique summoning method in front of them. (To read the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For people in the super world, this unheard-of summoning method of connection summoning is really too novel!

"Come out! [Government Reconnection-Angry Hook Tongue】!" rumble rumble......

The heavy sound of train movement sounded from the railway.

A black steam train is approaching with black smoke spraying from the chimney.

【Agency Reconnection-Angry Hook Tongue】

【Attack power: 1500、LINK-2】

"Is this, is this the connection monster? Two monsters with higher attack power turned into monsters with only 1500 attack power?"

Kelong can't understand what Yucheng Judai is doing.

Isn't this just reducing his own strength?

"Link Monsters are not so much cards used to end the duel as they are important components used as the lubricant of the deck."

Yusheng Judai said,"Connecting monsters are the bridge used when the deck is expanded. Many decks cannot expand on a large scale without connecting monsters."

In the final analysis, the role of link monsters in most decks is to appear as a support.

【Agency Reconnection - Angry Hook Tongue】Of course it is no exception!

"【The effect of the mechanism reconnection - Angry Hook Tongue is activated!"

"Send a monster from your field or hand to the Graveyard. You can Special Summon a Level 10 Machine-type monster from your Graveyard!"

"I sent the level 10 [Midnight Rush Knight] in my hand to the graveyard, negated its effect, and specially summoned it to the field in defense position!"

【Late Night Rider】

【Star rating: 10】

【Defense: 3000】

"After that, activate the magic card [Temporary Driving Timetable]】!"

"Activate by targeting a Machine 773 monster in the graveyard with an attack power of over 3,000, and special summon it to the field in defense position!"

"Show up again! 【Bullet Express-Bullet Express】!"

In just the blink of an eye, two level 10 monsters were gathered together?!

Seeing the two monsters appearing on the field of Yusheng Judai, Kelong finally understood why Yusheng Judai used that connecting monster.

This is simply......It’s simply a rogue way to unfold it!

"There are two level 10 monsters on the field!"Yushiro Judai quickly took down the Bullet Express and the Quick Rider on the field.

"I built a stacking network with two 10-star monsters and super summoned them!"


The vortex of stars in the sky exploded.

The heavy train came with a roar.

On the back of the heavy train, a giant gun barrel continued to grow section by section.

The dark cannon hole, It almost hit Ke Long’s face.

"this.......This is......"

Ke Long saw that his scalp was numb and he kept backing away.

"See the power of the Fuhrer Cannon."Yucheng Judai took out a card from the card box.

"Come out! [Super heavy turret train-Gustav’s largest gun】!"

【Level: 10】

【Excess/mechanical family】

【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 3000, defense power: 3000】......

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