The human world.

Xinyuan City.

Inside the Heart Garden Academy Sports Warehouse.

In the dim environment, only the screen emits blue light.

A strong man wearing a green-striped Xinyuan school uniform sat cross-legged in front of the TV, staring at the picture on the TV.

"Hello everyone~ I am everyone’s duel idol, Dieye Pupa.~"

"《"Mildly Hot Fingertip Card Drawing" is now on sale in Juezan. Please support Pupa Jiang.~"

"Launch a direct attack on your heart~"

Oh oh oh oh.

Looking at the sweet-looking idol girl on TV, the man's rough face showed an excited expression

"I see......Is it called Pupa Jiang? What a mouthful......"

Pink swirls gathered behind the man.

Alito put his hands in his pockets and looked at Kiragu who was addicted to the otaku culture in front of him.

"Yo, I had a pretty good life as a child."


Kiragu suddenly became petrified.

He stood up quickly and looked behind him.

After seeing the young man behind him who was wearing the uniform of Xinyuan Academy and had slightly brown skin, Kira Gu suddenly showed a serious expression.

"Hey, who are you? Why does it appear here!"

"Um? what are you talking about......"Alito was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and realized that something seemed wrong about his appearance at the moment.

He hurriedly looked at the mirror in the sports warehouse and found that he had turned into a human at this moment.

"I see, in this world, will I become like this?"

When Alito was surprised by his human appearance, the furious Kiragu had already punched down, preparing to destroy the body and eliminate all traces.

Just kidding, if someone spreads the news that he is the Seventh Balian Emperor He is a nerd who watches idol shows, even if he doesn’t want to be humiliated and thrown into another world!

However, facing Jigu’s punch,

Alito raised the corners of his mouth and suddenly swayed flexibly.

Under Jigu’s shocked gaze , Alito's fist swung against Kiragu's fist.

Finally, with an extremely subtle misalignment, while avoiding Kiragu's fist, his own fist was already attached to Kiragu's face.

However, Alito did not swing the punch.

Looking at Kilagu who was staying in place, Alito retracted his fist and patted Kilagu on the shoulder.

"you......Is it Alito~?"

This punch also allowed Jiragu to recognize Alito's identity.

"Long time no see, Kiragu......"

"Seeing that you have been nagging like this, you are getting a little impatient over there and asked me to help you recover the No card."

Looking around the sports warehouse where Kiragu lived, looking at the instant noodle bowls and snack bags all over the floor, Alito couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"There's obviously no progress at all in collecting no cards, but you're actually acting like a nerd while looking at cute girls?"

"Well......This is only occasionally......Just occasionally. Kira

Gu blushed and couldn't help but retort,"There are indeed many interesting things in the human world. Do you think you won't be disturbed?""

"Of course! Isn't the most important thing for a man a duel? I have absolutely no interest in anything other than dueling! Alito exclaimed naturally,"It is absolutely impossible for me to do such things as you, who are obsessed with women and pleasure!""

Jiragu rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of which, with your strength, there's no reason why you can't even defeat Nine-Nine Yuma, right? Could it be said that he is stronger now? Alito said a little unhappy,"If it weren't for your constant nagging, I wouldn't be in a place like this.""

"This is because there are too many people getting in the way around Yuma Kujiu!" Kiragu hurriedly scratched his neck to defend,"Before, there were guys named Amagi Kaito and Kamishiro Ryouga who had been blocking it, and then a master named Yujo Judai came up. Each one is really more troublesome than the other!"

"Yucheng Judai? Who is this?"This is the first time Alito has heard of this name.

In his impression, the only powerful people around Nine-Nine Yuma are the Kamdai Ryouga and Amagi Kaito?

"I don’t know where that guy came from, but he is a very powerful character......."

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Jiragu picked up the oden in a bowl and stuffed it into his mouth

"I'm so worried about these guys now. Let alone collecting no cards, I'm afraid these people will come to my door at any time."

"Traveling to the city for ten generations......"Alito touched his chin,"Interesting. Someone who can make people like you pay attention must be very interesting."

Kiragu glanced at Alito and immediately knew what was thinking in his mind:"I said, you too Don’t be too careless, we can’t exert our full strength in this world, it’s better to try to avoid direct contact with those people." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Moreover, Yujo Judai is not from this academy, and you generally can’t run into that guy."


Alito became thoughtful.

From what Kiragu said, he really wanted to meet that guy named Yujo Judai for a while.

However, if you don’t have a chance to encounter it, then you should aim to collect no cards.

"Speaking of which, this is my first time here and I want to walk around."

Seeing that Kiragu still looked like he was eating oden and staring at the TV screen endlessly, Alito shrugged, turned and walked towards the outside of the sports warehouse.

".Well, don't act rashly......"

He reminded him without raising his head, and Kiragu was once again immersed in the cute dueling idol on TV.

With a slight snort, Alito pushed open the warehouse door and entered the academy corridor.

All in all, if you want to collect no cards, you must first understand what kind of person Kujiu Yuma is.

Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen what Kujiu Yuma looks like.

How can I find clues or something like that?

Just thinking about it.

The classroom door ahead suddenly opened.

A green-haired girl rushed out of the door and almost bumped into Alito.

"Hello! Be careful!"

Alito slipped and fell to the ground.

He roared angrily and looked up at the rash girl in front of him.

However, it was better not to look at it.

After seeing the cute face of the girl in front of him, Alito's pupils shrank and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Are you OK?"

Xiaoniao didn't expect that there would be people passing by outside the door. She hurriedly stretched out her hand and looked at Alito sitting on the ground with an apologetic look.

However, in Alito's world, there is no way to enter. There was no sound left.

He looked at the girl in front of him blankly, and his beating heart seemed to be stabbed by an arrow with love.



The other side.

The entrance of Xinyuan Academy.

Yujo Judai hung a camera around his neck, holding a bento in his left hand, and raised his right hand in front of his forehead to block the sun. He squinted his eyes and stared at the four characters"心园学园" at the gate.


"Is Yuma usually so reckless that he forgets to bring his lunch box to school?......"

"Moreover, Akari, this guy, asked me to collect some news materials while delivering lunch......."

"I was surprised. What kind of materials could be collected from an ordinary college?"......

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