The Seven Balian Emperors.

The seven of them, except for Vector, who knowingly knew what the Thousand Lords had done, willingly degenerated and became the accomplices of the Thousand Lords.

The remaining six people became what they are now more or less because of thousands of Lords who had their memories rewritten.

However, although memories can be rewritten.

But the character will never change no matter what.

Looking at Alito lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, Yujo Judai couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile.

Alito and Kiragu can be regarded as the top comedians among the Seven Emperors.

I don't know what Droube, the temporary leader of the Seven Emperors, thinks about sending these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks to the human world to collect No cards.

Isn't this a proper way to give experience to the protagonist? but.

Now that Alito has appeared, Mizael, who holds the over 100 no card, is probably coming to this world soon, right?

At that time, the confrontation with the Balian world will officially begin....

And I still have too few no cards in my hand now.


Looking at Yujo Judai with a thoughtful expression, Risu on the side watched with his face raised, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Could this guy actually have such an expression?

After lunch, Yuma and others went back to continue their classes.

Yujo Judai took a camera and wandered around the academy to see if he could find something interesting to take pictures of.

When he walked near the sports warehouse, Yucheng Judai suddenly heard a noise in the warehouse.

"Damn, hate, hate, hate!"

"Why does that guy come out to mess with me every time?"

Yucheng Judai looked into the house from the window of the sports warehouse.

He saw two figures, one large and one small, with their backs to Yucheng Judai, sitting in front of a TV.

These two people......

Kiragu and Alito?

Yujo Judai was a little surprised.

This Xinyuan Academy is really small. I was just walking around and met these two guys.

Sitting in front of the TV, Jiragu was slurping instant noodles while curiously looking at the grumbling Alito next to him.

"Every time I confess to that angel, a nasty guy will come out and interrupt me"

"Kiragu, how on earth can we make that troublesome guy disappear? Kiragu swallowed the instant noodles with a puzzled expression on his face:"You mean, have you met a love rival?""

"Love rival? Maybe this is what it looks like! In short......hateful!"

Alito picked up the drink bottle on the side and took a deep sip.

Yujo Judai:"......"

Forget it, it's better not to disturb these two idiots.

If I remember correctly, Alito will challenge Kujiu Yuma next.......

Yuma and the others' affairs have nothing to do with him. He only needs to collect more no cards while they are entangled with the Balians.

Thinking in his heart, Yucheng Judai took the camera and left here pretending not to see anything. inside the house.

Alito and Kilagu were still angrily discussing that damn guy

"Since they are love rivals, just kill them directly."Kiragu sucked on the instant noodles and turned his eyes to the dueling idol Dieye Pupa who was performing on the TV."Don't you always adhere to the concept that everything will be resolved through dueling?"

"You're right, I'm going to challenge that guy to a duel!"

Alito seemed to be awakened by Kiragu, his eyes burning with rage.

"Speaking of which, I don’t seem to know who that guy is yet."However, just as he was half-blooded, Alito lowered his head helplessly.


Have you become a love rival with a guy you don't know at all?

Speaking of which, you don’t even know the name of the girl you like, right?

"Forget it, I know this school fairly well. What does the guy you mentioned look like?"Kiragu raised his head and poured instant noodle soup into his mouth.

"Well......I can't remember clearly, it seems......It seems a little silly, right?"

"Is there no more obvious characteristic?"Jiragu frowned

"Well......The hairstyle is different from others?"Scratching his face, Alito racked his brains to describe it.


The various hairstyles of the college students came to Kiragu's mind.

"Are you sure that guy is from Xinyuan Academy?"Jiragu asked.

Alito couldn't hold himself any longer:"I, I don't know either! Today is my first day here!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiragu touched his chin, as if he remembered someone.

"Speaking of which, does the guy you mentioned look like this?"Kiragu took out a photo from his pocket and placed it in front of Alito. In the photo, it was Judai Yusei, Yuma Nine-nine, and Ling Jindai who appeared at the door of the hospital at the same time a few days ago. There were three people in the group.

Kiragu was hiding in the dark at that time and happened to take a photo of these three people.

Seeing Kujiu Yuma in the photo, Alito's eyes lit up:"That's right! It’s this guy!"

"I see."Kiragu looked at Yucheng Judai in the photo,"Sure enough, his hairstyle is a little different from the others."

Compared with those colorful and strange hairstyles in Xinyuan Academy, Yucheng Judai's jellyfish head is so normal that it is a little abnormal. 0Please give me flowers 0

This is what Alito said about the hairstyle being different from others, right? ?

"This guy who has always been in your way is Yujo Shidai who has been giving me a headache."

Putting away the photo, Kiragu said seriously,"That guy is a very powerful duel man. Are you sure you want to challenge him?"

Youcheng Judai?

Alito was stunned for a moment.

"I thought Yujo Judai would be a smarter-looking person, but he turns out to look like an idiot."Recalling the face of Ninety-nine Yuma in his mind, Alito nodded repeatedly.


Um? Does Yujo Judai look stupid? never mind.

Since Alito was confident that he could deal with Yujo Judai, he didn't need to worry about him.

Let Alito deal with Yujo Judai, and you can find a way to deal with Kujiu Yuma and the others.

"Just let me teach this Yujo Judai a lesson!"

Clenching his fists, Alito's face showed an extremely fiery fighting spirit.

In the evening


Kujiu Yuma, who came back from swimming class and was about to pack his things and leave school, looked at the letter on his desk with a strange expression. When he opened the envelope and read the words written on it, Yuma showed a strange look on his face. expression

"dig......bean......Shu? Give"

"Ah, it's a duel book for Mr. Judai."Suddenly, Zhenzuki's voice appeared next to Yuma, startling Yuma.

"W-what, Zhenyue, please don’t scare me out of nowhere!"Looking at Zhenyue beside him, Yuma slapped his chest wildly

"Hahaha, I had good intentions, so I wanted to see what Yuma-kun was looking at."Mazuki waved her hands repeatedly, then looked at the envelope in Yuma's hand,"Speaking of which, someone actually gave Mr. Judai a duel book.......It's really rare. Yuma looked unhappy:"It was given to Judai, why should it be placed here with me?""

"Maybe you want Yuma-kun to help pass it on to Mr. Judai?"Zhen Yue guessed

"Are you planning to let me run errands? Really?......"

Yuma muttered with an unhappy face, but still took the envelope and went to find Yujo Judai with Maya.

On the rooftop of the college.

Alito stood under the sunset with his arms folded, looking at the sky very seriously.

This time, whether it is for the Balian world or for myself.

He must win this duel! bring it on! Yujo Judai (Ninety-nine Yuma)!

"I will completely defeat you!".....ten..

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