Blue ice crystals condensed on the boxing ring.

A violent dragon covered in ice crystals, with a deafening dragon roar coming from its mouth

【Ice Sword Dragon-Fantasy Ice Dragon】

【Star rating: 8】

【Fantasy Dragon Clan/Fusion】

【Attack power: 3000]

The fusion material of Ice Sword Dragon-Illusion Ice Dragon is any fusion, synchro, super, or link monster including [Albus's Fallen].

In other words, the monsters summoned by most of the current mainstream summoning methods (except the pendulum) can be counted as fusion materials for the Ice Sword Dragon!

Coupled with the existence of [Albus' Luoyin], a small super fusion, as long as the effect passes, it can be said that a powerful monster on the opponent's field can be eliminated for sure!

Everyone pulled out their D-viewers and watched the description of the monster emerge.

After seeing the fusion materials needed to fuse this monster, Yuma couldn't help but be surprised.

"Unexpectedly, it can actually fuse with the super monsters on the opponent's field?"

"This, is this true or false?"

Even the monsters on the opponent's field can be fused. If Judai's opponent is himself, wouldn't he not have even the slightest ability to resist? The expression of the astral body is also extremely solemn.


Yujo Judai is the best at it. Summoning method.

Unexpectedly, today's Yucheng Judai is not only proficient in various fusion methods, but can even use the monsters on the 447 square field as fusion materials anytime and anywhere.

Such an opponent is a bit too scary....

If Yujo Judai is really an enemy......

The astral body didn't even dare to think about it anymore.

And the most inconspicuous Zhen Yue Ling, who had been standing at the back, looked so serious at this moment that he was completely different from his usual self.

He stared at Yucheng Judai, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

On the rooftop of another teaching building.

Kamishiro Risu leaned in front of the guardrail, holding his face with one hand and looking at the giant dragon that appeared in Yujo Shidai Field at this moment.

"He even used the monsters on the opponent's field as fusion materials for fusion......."

"Can this obviously old summoning method exert such terrifying power in the hands of Judai Yujo?......"

Isn't this guy a bit too scary?

Li Xu was filled with emotions.

It's a pity that Ling Ya has already gone back.

Otherwise, he would definitely be shocked if he saw this scene, right?

Compared to these bystanders.

The one who was truly aggrieved and in pain at this moment was naturally Alito, who had been melted into a monster.

Alito's expression at this moment was as if he was constipated.

The strongest monster he could use in his current form was actually defeated like this.......

Moreover, it was just when he was about to make a killing blow......

Victory was in sight one second, but suddenly fell into an abyss the next.

This sense of gap caused Alito's originally fiery enthusiasm for dueling to be poured with a basin of cold water.


Alito's heart nearly broke.

He could only be forced to end the combat phase and carry out the final remedy.

But he knew very well that in this case, no matter how he tried to remedy it, it would be difficult to reverse the inevitable decline.

"I activate the magic card [Handbook Obliteration], and the players who have cards in their hands discard all the cards in their hands, and then each draws the discarded number of cards from the deck."

With a livid face, Alito sent the two cards in his hand that were originally intended to completely kill Yujo Judai to the graveyard, and then took out two more cards from the deck.

"I activate the effect of the magic card [Burning Boxer Soul] in my hand, send the top card of the deck to the graveyard, and then special summon a [Burning Boxer] monster in the graveyard."

Alito still wants to make a final struggle.

Even if he is given another chance,......

"Special call! Come out! [Burning Boxer-Restrained Barbarian Jab Boxer】!"

The jab fighter resurfaced on Alito's court, crouching down in a defensive stance

"Then, cover a card and the turn ends."

Putting the cards in his hands on the field, Alito gritted his teeth and announced the end of the round.

However ,

"Activate the effect of [Ice Sword Dragon-Illusion Ice Dragon]!"

Yushiro Judai said loudly:"On one of your own and your opponent's turns, send a fusion monster with [Albus' Luo Yin] as the fusion material from the extra deck to the graveyard to activate!"

"Select one monster on the field to exclude!"

What? (bacj)!

Alito was shocked.

Yujo Judai took out a card from the extra deck and sent it to the graveyard.

The next moment, the Ice Sword Dragon on the field began to go berserk.

The roar of the dragon shook the surroundings. The ice crystals began to fall one after another.

Under the violent bombardment of the ice crystals, the jab boxer who had just been resurrected from the cemetery disappeared into the rain of ice crystals in the next second. At this time, Alito was afraid that he would be resurrected. He couldn't be resurrected.

Before Alito could recover from his sluggishness,

Yujo Judai took the final step.

"Open the cover card! Quick attack magic card [Target found! Treasure-protecting gun monster!】"

"This card can be activated by removing up to three super materials from your field."

"I chose to remove one of the super materials of [Giant Jet Champion-Ojukugo] and add [Treasure Protector Cannon Demon Captain-Ojukugo] from the deck to my hand!"

"After that, according to the number of excess materials removed, the [Treasure Cannon Demon] monsters in the hand and graveyard are specially summoned!"

The reason why the last round was not fully unfolded was because it was to be unfolded in the opposite round?!

Seeing Yusheng Judai's operations, the astral body immediately understood Yusheng Judai's inner thoughts.

On the field, a super material It sank into the chest of the giant jet champion.

The next moment, another huge golden-armored mechanical giant appeared on the Yucheng Judai field!

【The treasure-protecting cannon demon captain-Ojukugo!】

【Star rating: 8】

【Mechanical family】

【Attack power: 1500, defense power: 2800】

"It's so awesome, I summoned an eight-star monster in one go!"Yuma couldn't help but exclaimed.

The astral body crossed his arms and looked at Yujo Judai in silence.

Compared with the appearance of this monster, the astral body was more concerned about what Yujo Judai had just said. I mean, remove at most three excess materials.......

That is to say

【Find the target! Treasure-protecting gun monster! 】This card can remove up to three super materials, add a [Treasure Protector Cannon Monster] to the hand card, and at the same time special summon up to three monsters from the hand card and the graveyard at one time! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The super material that was removed can also be used as a resource for the special summons of this card in the graveyard!

You can imagine how terrifying the resource gap caused by recruiting three monsters at once would be.

If this characteristic is used to perform super summoning, the astral body cannot even imagine what terrible things will happen.

"My purpose of activating this effect is not simply to summon monsters, but to activate the effect of [Giant Jet Champion-Ojuku]."

Youcheng Judai smiled and said

"When the super material on the field is removed, the giant jet champion - Ojuku can be activated by targeting a card on the field!"

"That card is destroyed or returned to the owner's hand!"


This effect was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Alito took two steps back and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the last Gaika on his field also disappeared in the explosion.

Now, Alito There is not even a single card left in his hand or on the field.............

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