"It's a pity that when you only have the Cooker card on the field, the Cooker is not affected by the effect!"

The words fell.

The cook's body was immediately wrapped in a ball of hot flames, isolating the influence of the Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon.


Not affected by the effect?

​​After hearing Yujo Judai's words, Mizael and Risu showed a completely different expression.

He was not affected by the effect, would not be destroyed by the battle, and was even in defense mode!

This......Isn't this equivalent to being invincible?

"What a joke! What kind of duel is this?"Mizael couldn't hold himself any longer.

Now, if you push the monster over there, I won't be able to fight it alive or dead?

What the hell are you doing?

This is too outrageous!

"No wonder Mr. Judai activated a [Countdown to the End] at the beginning. Was he already prepared?"

Risu looked at the scene in front of him excitedly. The final countdown, as long as he can persist for 20 rounds, he can directly win the duel! There are cooks who will not be destroyed by the battle and will not be affected by the effects.

Regardless of Miza No matter how Al operates, there is no way he can break through this nearly invincible line of defense within twenty rounds!

"It turns out that Mr. Judai borrowed Lingya’s card and wanted to use it like this?......"

This is such a bummer, this style of play!

"hateful......The round is over."

Although Mizael is full of anger, he also knows very well that he can't break through this line of defense now.

There is no other way but to let Yujo Judai drag him down....

【The final countdown: 1918】

"My turn, draw a card!"

The dark clouds hanging over Yucheng Judai's head began to grow thicker.

The second flame burned, symbolizing that Mizael was one step closer to failure!

"That's it, round is over!"

After drawing the card, Yujo Judai did nothing and ended his turn like this.

"Hey, are you so arrogant? Do you really think that if there is a monster like this lying across the field, it will be invincible?"

Mizael pressed his finger on the top of the deck,"Let you know that a duel is definitely not that simple."

"My turn, draw a card!"

【The final countdown: 1817].

Another countdown sound sounded in Mizael's ears.

He frowned and his expression became more and more unhappy.

"I activate the equipment magic card! 【Meteor Bow-Yeyan】..!"

"This card can reduce the equipped monster's attack power by 1000 points and directly attack the opponent's player."Mizael threw the card into the duel disk.

In the hands of the Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon, a silver long bow immediately condensed.

【no.107 Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon】

【Attack power: 30002000】

"Oops! Although the attack power has been reduced by 1000 points, the Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon can now attack directly!"Li Xu was shocked and quickly looked at Yu Cheng Judai,"Mr. Judai only has 2000 LP points now. If this direct attack is successful,......No, even if it fails this time, once the opponent masters this method of direct attack, Mr. Judai will be hit by the attack sooner or later no matter what!"

That's right.

A cook who is immune to battle damage and is not affected by effects can indeed be called an invincible existence.

Monsters may be invincible, but duelists will still be harmed!

If you can't defeat the monster, then Solve the duelist's thoughts.

No matter how powerful the cook is, there is no way he can block this attack for Mr. Judai!

"Hahaha, it's over"

"Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon! Direct attack!"Mizael once again showed an excited expression.

Even if the attack this time fails.

With the power of the Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon, Mizael will still have a chance to directly attack!

No matter how Yujo Judai struggles, It’s of no use anymore!

I won this round by myself!


Facing the menacing Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon in front of me,

Yujo Judai showed a card in his hand unhurriedly.

"Since you like equipment cards so much, I’ll lend you this card to equip it too!"

"Activate the effect of [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in the card in your hand!"

"When the opponent's monster declares an attack, target that attacking monster and equip that monster with this card in your hand as an equipment card!"

"Furthermore, the monster equipped with this card cannot attack!"

Kuri Kuri!

The colorful spiral rainbow light rushed out from the card. At this critical moment, it quickly wrapped around the body of the Galaxy Eyes Space-Time Dragon that was ready to attack, tightly binding the limbs of the Space-Time Dragon. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Galaxy-Eyed Space-time Dragon let out an unwilling cry, and the dragon breath condensed in its mouth also missed the target, passing by the side of Yusheng Judai and piercing the ball of Balian. The position disappeared into the blue sky

"good......so close!"

Li Xu breathed a long sigh of relief.

If this blow hits, then Yucheng Judai may really want to......


Seeing the tightly bound Galaxy Eye Space-Time Dragon, Mizar's eyelids twitched wildly and his fists clenched.

Galaxy Eye's attack was limited. Now even if the Galaxy Eye's time and space retrieval effect is activated, it will still be affected by the [Rainbow] Chestnut Ball] was unable to continue attacking!

He was angry.

Mizar El was really angry!

But while he was angry, he was unable to solve the situation in front of him at all.

The cook will not be destroyed by the battle, nor will it be affected by the effect. Impact.

The Galaxy-Eyes Space-Time Dragon on the field is still bound by the Rainbow Chestnut Ball, unable to move.

Now I can only watch the countdown to the end passing by little by little!

What kind of bad deck is this?.This is a birth deck! A pure birth deck!

"......My turn is over."Full of anger, Mizael could only speak unwillingly.

Even if he uses the power of Balian now to upgrade the Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon.

Although this can get rid of the Rainbow Chestnut Ball, there is no more [Meteor Bow-Ye Yan] ], he couldn't get past the cook standing in front of him.

He was desperate.

Facing the monster in front of him with a mere 200 points of defense,

Mizael actually felt a sense of despair in his heart.

【The countdown to the end: 1716】

Time is moving bit by bit.

With every beat of the final countdown, Mizhael's pain increased sharply.




【The final countdown: 32】

".My turn, draw a card."

Repeatedly draw cards again to end the round.

Yujo Judai sent the extra cards in his hand to the cemetery and looked at the earth-colored man in front of him with a smile.

"it's your turn"

"it is my turn......"Looking at the six cards in his hand, Mizael couldn't laugh or cry.

What's the point of this duel?

Is there anything else I can do now besides waiting to die?

"My turn, draw a card......"

【The final countdown: 21]

This is the (well done) last round!

Risu swallowed softly and watched the scene in front of her nervously.

At this time, there was a roar of engines.

Ling Ya is riding a motorcycle and has arrived with Yuma.


Seeing Li Xu with his hands tied behind his back, Ling Ya hurriedly got out of the car and rushed over, almost throwing Yuma out of the car.

"Hello! I'm still in the car!"

Getting out of the car while covering his head that hit the roof of the car, Yuma bared his teeth and gasped, and looked at the Balian sphere in the sky with the astral body next to him.

"Are they people from the Balian world?"Seeing Mizael, Yuma showed a surprised expression,"And what's going on with that guy's no card? no.107? Astral, didn’t you say there are only 100 NO cards?"

"I, I don't know......Moreover, the monster on Yujo Judai’s field......"

The astral body looked equally confused.

He looked at [no.59] on the field of Yucheng Judai, his expression even more solidified.

No card?

In the hands of Yujo Judai......Are there any cards with no card too?.

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