No matter how.

Balian's spherical position has stabilized under the blessing of this dark power.

Mizar El has no excuse to escape now.

The Super Galaxy Eyed Space-Time Dragon behind Mizael roared fiercely.

The strong aura collides with the surrounding darkness

【Cno.107 Super Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon】

【Level: 9】


【Attack power: 4500, ~Defense power: 3000】

"I activate the equipment magic card! 【Explosion Penetration】!"Mizael gritted his teeth and revealed the prepared equipment magic card,"Equip this card to Super Galaxy Eyes Spacetime Dragon. The attack power of Super Galaxy Eyes Spacetime Dragon will increase by 400 points! And it will gain penetration-damage. ability!"

【Cno.107 Super Galaxy Eye Time-Sky Dragon】

【Attack power: 45004900! 】

Attack power 4900!

Just looking at this attack power value makes people feel a little numb.

What's more, this monster also has the ability to inflict damage.

Although the cook will not be destroyed by battle, it will not be affected by the effects if there are no other cards on the field.

But the cook's weak defense is its biggest weakness.

Therefore, although it is disgusting to cook food, it is not impossible to solve it.

Bad beast, direct attack, penetrating damage...

There are many ways to sanction cooks.

Mizael had obviously seen the weakness that the cook was afraid of. If Yujo Judai hadn't been prepared, he might have really lost. good.

Of course Yujo Judai knows the shortcomings of cooks.

Therefore, he prepared a large number of cards to prevent these in his deck.

"Fight! [Cno.107 Super Galaxy Eyes Space-time Dragon]! The ultimate space-time spiral bomb!"

The three golden dragon heads of the space-time dragon sprayed out spiral dragon breath and went straight to the cook.

As if he felt the strong pressure, the cook crouched there with his arms crossed and frowned, gritting his teeth to resist this amazing force!

Boom! Rumbling——!

The golden flames were divided into two sections under the support of the cook. The two separated spirals rushed around the surrounding area, causing the entire area covered in darkness to burst out with strong lightning from time to time.

Everyone outside could only see the thunder and lightning in the black mist, and the sudden appearance of golden light.

As for what happened inside, no one knew, and no one could see clearly!

At this time, Kaito finally arrived.

He understood The aircraft transformed from Orbital 7 on his lower body jumped down and landed steadily on the ground.

"Kaito?"Seeing the person coming, Yuma and Lingya called out his name in unison.

"Has the duel begun?"Kaito frowned.

The Galaxy Eyes on his body were roaring excitedly. The strong fighting spirit drove Kaito to join this duel.

But it was obvious that he was too late.

"Judai was already dueling with that person, and it seemed that the duel was about to come to a winner. Yuma said quickly

"Not necessarily, that guy’s no card gives people a very strange feeling......"Ling Ya's view is somewhat different.

I have never seen a card numbered over one hundred before.

Moreover, this no card actually has the ability to evolve into Cno after using Balian's power.......

Before this, the only Cno cards Ling Ya had seen were his own Cno.32 Seabiter Dragon - Sharkdramon White Sha, and Yuma's Cno.39 Hope Emperor Hope.

That is to say.

Do all No cards in the Balian world possess this special power?


Kaito stared at the black mist in the sky in silence.

Obviously I didn't see the specific situation in the black fog.

But for some reason, Kaito had vague thoughts about the outcome of this duel.

"Traveling to the city for ten generations......Already won"


Everyone looked at Kaito.

Already won?

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky was enveloped in darkness and suddenly shattered.

Countless red fragments scattered.

Among them, Mizar fell straight down from the sky and hit the ground heavily. on the ground

【Mizael: LP40000】

【Yujo Judai: WIN】

?! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.


Yucheng Judai, he actually won?

In mid-air, Yujo Judai also slowly floated down and came to Mizael's side.

He put away the duel disk and looked at the [chestnut ball] in his hand that blocked the penetrating damage for him.

Penetrating damage is, after all, combat damage.

As for Li Ziqiu, before he is damaged by the battle, he can change the damage caused to him in that battle to 0.

That attack missed, and the duel with Mizar was completely over.

"Can......Damn it, you bastard, you actually have such a despicable card in your hand......."

Mizael's body has returned to human form, with scars covering his whole body.

After the duel just now, Mizar's power was consumed so much that he could no longer maintain his Balian form in the human world.

He was unwilling to do so.

It's obviously just one last shot away......Things that can be solved with one last attack......

0 Asking for flowers

But why, in the hand of Yujo Judai, there is such an inexplicable [chestnut ball]】?

"This is what a duel is like. What the two sides are competing against is not just the strength of the deck."

"Divine drawing (drawing force) is also an indispensable part."

Yushiro Judai glanced behind him and looked at Yuma and the others who were coming here. Yujojudai looked at Mizael with a smile,"You still have the strength to leave now, right? I deliberately reserved some energy for you."

"you......"Mizael's face darkened, and there was a hint of weirdness in his eyes when he looked at Yujo Judai.

Yes, although he has been beaten back to human form, he still retains a trace of physical strength in his body to escape.

I thought that this little physical strength was left by chance.

Unexpectedly, was this even included in Yucheng Judai's calculations?

This guy wants to let me go on purpose?

"Me and you Balian......Ah no, it should be said that there is actually not that much conflict between us and Balian."

Yushiro Judai shrugged and pointed at Yuma and the others who were coming towards us in the distance behind him,"Whether it's me, them, or you, there is actually only one enemy for everyone from the beginning to the end."

"enemy? what are you saying?"Mizael couldn't understand what Yujo Judai said.

"Well, you will understand later......Just remember and don't be deceived by your own memory."

Yucheng Judai is happy to be the Riddler for once.

Today's Balians still have an almost superstitious worship of thousands of lords.

Even if the matter is explained to them now, they will only think that Yucheng Judai It's just nonsense.

It's better to let them think slowly and let them discover the thousands of lords and his true face.


After hearing Yujo Judai's Riddler-like speech, as expected, Mizar's face showed a thoughtful expression.

He couldn't understand what Yusheng Judai said, but Yusheng Judai's words had been engraved in his mind.

Perhaps one day in the future, after encountering certain things, Mizael will fully understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Yucheng Judai, I remember you......"

He took a deep look at Yujo Judai.

Mizael suddenly turned into a ball of red light and shot straight into the sky.

Yujo Judai smiled and waved his hand in the direction where Mizael left.

He turned around and looked at the panting Yuma and the others.


Next, it’s time to find a reason to prevaricate

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