"Yuma, just let me do this duel myself."

As if seeing Yuma's dilemma, Astral said,"But please, I need to borrow your deck."

"It's okay to borrow, but, but......"

Yuma was filled with anxiety.

These two people are his friends. If they really fight, it will be difficult for both parties.

"Don't worry, leave this duel to me."

Yushiro Judai blinked at Yuma.

"Oh well......"Seeing this, Yuma had no choice but to believe that Judai Yujo could solve this problem.

The three of them came to a nearby open space. Yuma handed the duel plate and deck to Astral, and he sat aside and watched nervously.

It was late at night, and the surroundings were so quiet that one could hear Yuma's nervous heartbeat.

"Then, the duel begins!"

The astral body put on the duel disk and said loudly


Yucheng Judai nodded and also equipped the dueling facilities.

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: LP4000】

【Astral: LP4000】


"The first attack is mine, draw the card!"

10 Astral immediately took the initiative and drew a card from the deck.

"I summon [Goblin Lindbergh]】!"

"Furthermore, when [Goblin Berg] is successfully summoned, you can special summon a monster of one level from your hand."

"My special summons! 【Rumble Stone Man】!"

A red propeller plane flew across the night sky.

The goblin piloting the plane roared loudly, circled in the sky, and immediately pulled down the cargo valve.

A huge iron box fell from the sky. As the iron box broke, a heavy stone man emerged from it.

"He summoned two four-star monsters in one breath. Is this Astral guy serious?"Yuma swallowed hard and watched the situation in front of him nervously.

"There are two level 4 monsters, do you want to summon the Emperor of Hope?"Youcheng Judai smiled and said

"Yes, I will stack two level 4 monsters on the field!"

The astral body raised his right hand high, and golden light condensed in his hand.

"Two level 4 monsters form a stacked network! Super Summon!!!"

On the field, the two monsters suddenly turned into two groups of golden light, pouring into the vortex rising in front of the astral body. The huge golden Emperor's Key slowly rose from the vortex, and the scarlet number 39, before the monster Emerging on the shoulder armor

"Come out! 【no.39 Hope Emperor-Hope】!"

【no.39 Hope Emperor-Hope】

【Level: 4


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 2500, defense power: 2000】

"Cover two cards and the round ends."

Putting the two cards in his hand on the field, Astral ended his turn calmly.

"They summoned their aces right out of the gate and strengthened their backcourt."Yushiro Judai smiled and said,"Compared with Yuma's tactics, Astral's tactics are indeed more stable and excellent."

Yuma:"......I always feel like you are calling me stupid."

Faced with Yu Cheng Judai's praise, Xingguang remained expressionless.

"Judai, my turn is over, it's your turn"

"Show your strongest side!"

Clenching his fists, the astral body said loudly

"No need for you to tell me, I will definitely do my best."Yusheng Judai drew a card from the deck,"My turn, draw a card!"

"I activate the effect of [Lyric Songbird-Turquoise Warbler] in the card in my hand!"

"When there are no monsters on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand!"

"Furthermore, if this card is successfully Special Summoned, a [Lyric Songbird] monster will be Special Summoned from your hand or graveyard!"

Yushidai Judai quickly placed two cards on the duel plate.

"Come out! 【Lyric Songbird - Lazuli Wagtail】!"

Are you using a Lyrical Songbird monster?

Astral's expression darkened, and various countermeasures immediately began to emerge in his mind.

Lyrical Songbird is a deck that uses the effect of the super monster itself to make a frontal attack on the opponent's monster and then reflect the damage to the opponent.

In other words, as long as you use Hope's effect to resist Judai's attack, you can perfectly avoid the reflected damage from the Lyrical Songbird super monster.

Calculating it this way, the effect of Lyrical Birds is obviously restrained by Hope.

But why would Judai use this deck in his duel?...

The astral body is filled with doubts.

But soon, he found out why Yujo Judai did this.

"【Lyrical Songbird - Lazuli Wagtail] When the special summon is successful, you can add a Lyrical Songbird magic or trap card from the deck to your hand."

"Then, I stack two level 1 monsters on the field!"

After Yucheng Judai took out a card, he launched the super summon without hesitation.

"Has this started the over-summoning! Not constantly special summoning monsters like before?"The astral body was secretly shocked.

"Two level 1 monsters build a stacking network and super summon!"


The two lyrical singing robin girls suddenly turned into two groups of light, spiraling into the sky.

In the colorful vortex, a green number 78 flashed past.

The next moment, a huge circular library appeared , quickly rose around Astral, Yuma, and Yujo Judai.

"This, this is......"

Looking at the giant bookshelves spiraling around, the astral body was shocked.

"N......no card?! Yuma was also startled and couldn't help but exclaim,"And it's a completely different no card from the one during the day!""217

"Come out! 【no.78-Number Department Archives】!"

【no.78-Number Department Archives】

【Level: 1】


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 0, defense power: 0】

"Attack power......0?"The expression of the astral body was a little dazed.

The moment this no card appeared, the memory fragments in my mind seemed to be touched a bit.

It seems that this no card is very important to me! (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the key card to connect all your memory fragments!

"Yes, although the attack power is 0, No.78 has the ability to mobilize all No cards!"Yucheng Judai said, waved his hand, and a piece of super material with a golden residual light had been taken down by Yucheng Judai.

"Activate the effect of No.78-Numbering Archives!"

"Remove an excess material and let your opponent randomly select a card from their extra deck!"

"If that card is one of [no.1] to [no.99], let that card overlap on no.78 and perform a super summon!!!"


Astral and Yuma were shocked.

This...... real or fake?

Can all cards numbered 1 to 99 be mobilized with just one card?

This is too outrageous!......

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