Heart Garden Tower.

In front of the computer screen, Orbital 7 was typing on the keyboard quickly, his mechanical eyes flashing in the dim room.

Kaito stood in the hall with his arms folded, his expression heavy.

Ever since that day, after meeting Mizar El, Kaito's heart has been unable to remain calm.

The Galaxy Eye in the deck has been roaring, as if there is endless anger that wants to be vented.

Another person in the world who uses Galaxy Eyes?

Kaito's heart felt extremely hot at this moment.

In the past two days, he had also been looking for traces of the man named Mizhael.

But it is a pity that Mizhael seemed to be missing, disappearing into the vast sea of ​​people.

But Kaito knew.

One day, sooner or later, there will be a battle between me and Mizael......

Buzz-buzz-buzz- while Kaito was deep in thought.

A series of sirens suddenly broke Kaito's thoughts.

"Lord Kaito, someone has invaded the Heart Tower! Orbital 7 quickly turned to look at Kaito.


Kaito's expression changed:"Who is it?" where!"

"Kaito-sama, the direction the alarm came from is Master Haruto's room 10!"


Hearing the report from Track 7, Kaito was heartbroken.

For Kaito, his younger brother Yangdou is almost the most important person in his life.

What if something goes wrong with Yangdou?......

"Track 7! Block all exits! follow me!"Grabbing the windbreaker and putting it on his body, Kaito quickly ran downstairs.

He came to Haruto's room downstairs.

Pushing open the door, Kaito saw Jae Dou sitting on the chair, his face filled with emotion. He felt fear.

And in front of the window, a young man's figure was facing away from him, as if he had been waiting for Kaito's arrival.

"elder brother!"

Seeing Kaito, Yoto hurriedly ran behind Kaito

"Oh, you came very quickly, Amagi Kaito."

The young man slowly turned his head, with a rather cold smile on his face.

"Yakumo Koji?!"Seeing the man's face, Kaito gritted his teeth and immediately showed his duel disk,"You guy......"

Since I defeated Yakumo Kyouji last time, I thought Yakumo Kyouji would calm down for a while.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually dared to come to me!

"Don't be like this, I'm not here to duel you. Seeing Amagi Kaito being so excited, Yakumo Kyouji quickly interrupted Kaito,"I'm here this time, but for you.""

Kaito still maintained his hostility and stared at Yakumo Kyouji without saying a word.

Last time he allowed Yakumo Kyouji to escape, but this time, that was not necessarily the case.

Yakumo Kyouji walked away slowly He went to the desk on the side, picked up the photo of Yoto and Kaito from it, and played with it with a sneer:"You should be very clear about your brother Yoto's current physical condition."

"What did you say?"Kaito's face darkened.

"elder brother......"Haruto tightened his grip on Kaito's robe.

"Ah, it seems that you haven't noticed that your baby brother has been in a state of overdraft due to the long-term experiments. Yakumo Koji smiled and said,"Don't you know that Dr. Fika has been using Yoto's body for experiments before?""

Once upon a time, in order to destroy the Astral Realm, under the control of Balian Seventh Emperor Vector, Dr. Fika established a [Sphere Stand] to collect No Cards, and a [Sphere Force Field Cannon] capable of destroying the entire Astral Realm.

And if you want to activate these devices, ordinary humans alone will never be able to do this.

And Dr. Fika’s youngest son, Amagi Kaito’s younger brother, Amagi Yoto.

As a natural superpower, Amagi Yoto has the ability to guide his own power to control these devices!

But the power required to control these devices is huge.

Dr. Fika kept squeezing Yoto's power in his constant experiments. Yoto also let Yoto The already fragile body was even more unbearable.

Although, with the efforts of Yuma, Lingya, and Kaito, all plans were destroyed.

Dr. Fika also got rid of Vector's control and changed his mind.

But previously Those experiments caused irreversible damage to Yoto's body!

Kaito knew these things very well.

Yakumo Keiji's words were tantamount to opening up the scars deep in Kaito's heart.

"Hahaha, it seems you know this very well."Seeing Kaito's expression, Yakumo Keiji laughed again.

"You should also know very well that if you want to completely cure Yang Dou, the power of No Card is indispensable, right?

Kaito's face darkened:"You still want me to collect no cards for you?""

"No, no, no, I know that you are definitely not the same as me, so I never thought about letting you join my camp."

Yakumo Keiji shook his head.

After saying that, he opened his hand, and a shining whiteboard card appeared in Yakumo Keiji's hand. As soon as he waved his hand, the card went straight towards Kaito. Flying in.

Kaito caught it steadily and looked at the blank card in his hand. Kaito showed a puzzled look. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A blank card arrived, not even the card face. card......

Yakumo Koji, what does this mean?

"That card is the No card that has not yet fully transformed."

Yakumo Xingji opened his mouth and explained,"No cards are extremely malleable. They will change into various forms according to the deepest desires of human beings. Do you know that?"

Is this the No card?

Kaito was shocked.

"What is the purpose of giving me this card?"Kaito didn't believe that Yakumo Keiji would be so kind and willing to hand over the No card in his hand to him.

"Purpose? There is no purpose, hahahaha!"Yakumo Kyouji covered his face and looked up to the sky laughing. After laughing, Yakumo Kyouji looked at Kaito with a trace of teasing in his eyes,"I just want to see how heavy the darkness in your heart is. That’s all......" inner......dark?

Looking at the card in his hand, a cold sweat dropped from Kaito's forehead.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that this blank card is wrapped in a layer of darkness that is difficult to detect with the naked eye.

In Kaito's ears, Galaxy Eyes roared arrogantly.

That intense 590 anger seems to be constantly deepening the darkness on the card!

"elder brother......"Haruto seemed to feel the fluctuations in Kaito's heart.

He tightly grasped Kaito's sleeves and called in a low voice, causing Kaito to come back to his senses immediately.

"Yang Dou......"Looking at his brother beside him, Kaito's eyes gradually became firm.

He gritted his teeth and threw the card in his hand towards Yakumo Koji

"Sorry, I won't ask for your card"


Yakumo Koji turned his head slightly, letting the card fly past his face and nailed it to the wall.

"Really stubborn......However, if you want to cure your brother, the power of no card is absolutely impossible to lack."

"Amagi Kaito."

Yakumo Keiji smiled and did not choose to take the no card back.

He knew that the darkness in Kaito's heart had already penetrated into the no card.

That card already belonged to Amagi Kaito. Got it

"Hahahaha, I look forward to what choices you will make next, Kaito!"

Yakumo Xingji laughed, and his body instantly turned into a black mist and disappeared into the room.

Only the blank card nailed to the wall was left.

At this moment, the blank card was burning with black arrogance.

The number 95, shining with blue light, appeared in the center of the card.............

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