The smoke and dust generated by the No. 96 black mist explosion gradually dispersed.

I saw no.96 being destroyed by myself.

An excited and excited smile also appeared on Yuma's face

"Ten generations! see it! I succeeded!"

"I knocked down that Black Mist guy in one fell swoop!"

Yuma jumped excitedly, and made a scissor hand gesture that represented victory towards Yujo Judai.

Yujo Judai was also a little surprised by Yuma's sudden cleverness.

This guy's brain sometimes even He's so brilliant.

Could it be that because he changed his deck construction, this guy suddenly became a dueling prodigy?...

"hateful! Don't get too carried away, kid!"

Regarding Yuma's excitement, Kurogiri was particularly angry.

"Open the cover card! 【Excessive resuscitation】!"

"Target a Xyz monster in your graveyard, Special Summon that Xyz monster, and overlay this card underneath as Xyz material!"

Hei Wu said angrily:"Resuscitate! 【no.96 Black Mist】!"

On the field, pieces of black liquid condensed again.

The huge body of No.96 Black Mist appeared in front of Yuma again!

The trap card [Super Resurrection] on the field also turned into a super material, surrounding the black mist.

"Oops, is this guy Kurogiri resurrected?......"Yuma's excitement suddenly disappeared without a trace, and his expression became serious,"Hidden a card and the round ends."

"Hahaha, I will not be solved by your little tricks!"Kurowu sneered,"My turn, draw a card!"

The fingertips passed through the deck, and Black Mist had already pulled out a card from the deck.

"Hehehe, I summon [the death guide from the devil world to the human world]】!"Black Mist said,"When this card is successfully summoned, special summon a demon-type, three-star monster from the deck or hand!"

"Come out! Level 3【Bus from Demon World to Underworld】!"

In another moment, two level 3 monsters appeared on the black mist field!

"Are you going to summon no card again?......"There was a trace of sweat on Yuma's forehead.

"I stacked the level 3 Death Guide and the level 3 Underworld Bus!"

Hei Wu said loudly:"Come out! 【no.75-Fengyan Shadow of Confusion and Chaos】!"

A gust of black wind gathered on the field.

A humanoid monster condensed from shadows, with a ferocious smile on its face, appeared on the field of black mist

【no.75 The Wind of Confusion and Shadow】

【Level: 3】


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 1000, defense power: 2600】

"This no card......It’s a card that Astral and I collected together. Yuma clenched his fists,"Damn it, even these cards were taken away by the black mist?"......"

Black Mist not only got rid of the seal, but even took away the Astral No card for use.

It seems that if there is no way to rescue the astral body, it will be difficult for Yuma alone to completely defeat Kurogiri with so many NO cards.......

Yujo Judai is very aware of the current situation.

Now, I can only let Yuma hold it for now, and wait until I find the astral body!

"Yuma, please hold on to the duel first, I'll go find the astral body!"

"oh! Do not worry!"Yuma nodded, but the movement of swallowing his saliva with difficulty still showed that he was not thinking at this moment.

After all, there are already two no cards on the opponent's field!

Leave the duel to Yuma, Yujo Judai will immediately Rushed into the gear-like spacecraft.

At this moment, the spacecraft was covered with the viscous liquid of the black mist.

Many gears that were supposed to maintain the movement of the spacecraft were also entangled with many black unknown liquids..The entire interior of the spacecraft is like a spider's cave.

"It seems like a little violence is about to happen."

You Cheng Judai's eyes flashed with a golden light,"Come out! 【Elemental Hero-Xinyuxia】!"


Xin Yuxia shouted, jumped out of the card with a somersault, and appeared in front of Yucheng Judai

"Leave it to me, Judai!"

Under Xin Yuxia's sharp knife, the liquid entangled inside the spacecraft and blocking the way began to be quickly cleared.

On the other side, the scene of black mist has been set, and the battle is about to begin!

"Fight! 【no.96 Black Mist】, let him see your power!"

After the words fell, the huge mouth in the belly of No. 96 Black Mist had already condensed a black energy body, and headed straight for the Shulala Knight on the field.

"The effect of the black mist activates!"

"Remove an excess material and halve the attack power of [Swipe Lala Knight]! And the black mist's attack power increases by the halved value!"

After the words fell, the Shulala Knight was instantly wrapped in countless black liquids.

"Swipe Lala Knight!"Yuma suddenly lost his sense of control and could only watch the Shulala Knight struggling in front of the power of the black mist.

【Brushing Lala Knight】

【Attack power: 1600800】

【no.96 black mist】

【Attack power: 100900]

Although the attack power of Black Mist is only 100 points higher than that of the Swipe Lala Knight.

But only those who have truly experienced it know how desperate it is when the attack power of your opponent's monster is 100 points higher than the attack power of the strongest monster on your field, and you have no way to increase this value!

"Swipe and pull!"

The black mist's attack instantly pierced the body of the Shulala Knight.

With an unwilling scream, the Shulala Knight turned into pieces.

The strong impact also made Yuma retreat repeatedly.

【Ninety-nine Yuma: LP40003900】

".Just 100 points of damage......"Gritting his teeth and persisting, Yuma stared at Kurogiri and said,"Besides, Kurogiri doesn't have any super materials anymore, right? Without the super materials, Kurogiri is just a monster with 100 attack points!""

"oh? Yeah?"Kurogiri had already expected what Yuma would say,"It seems you don't know much about the effect of [no.75]."

"What?"Yuma was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, [no.75 The Wind of Confusion and Shadow]! Directly attack Kujiu Yuma!"Heiwu sternly said,"Take these one thousand points of battle damage!"

"Don't even think about it! Activate the effect of [My My My Guardian] in your hand!"Yuma immediately threw out his cards.

"When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand!"

"Come out! 【I myself my guardian】!"

Wearing a black windbreaker and holding a giant shield, the Guardian of Myself descended from the sky and stood in front of Yuma with a roar.

【me me my guardian】

【Star rating: 4

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 1500, defense power: 2000】

"Defense 2000......Hey, let your kid escape?"Seeing the 2000 points of defense, Heiwu frowned and could only stop the attack.

But soon, Heiwu showed a twisted smile again

"However, although I can't continue to cause damage to you, my turn is not over yet."

"Activate the effect of [no.75 Wind Words Shadow of Chaos]!"

"Activate by targeting a no Xyz monster other than this card! This card, and all the Xyz materials on this card, are stacked under that Xyz monster! Become that monster’s super material!"

What? Again!

Yuma was shocked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Doesn't that mean that

No. 96 Black Mist has a brand new super amount of material!

In this case, he Wouldn’t it be possible to break through the black mist from the front for the rest of your life?......

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