The glow dragon roared.

As if venting his rage, he tore at the Shadow Mist girl's body crazily.

The Shadow Mist Girl, who only had 1,000 attack points, was obviously no match.

After a few weak resistances, the Shadow Mist girl's body was torn into pieces, and she disappeared from the field with a scream.

【Yusheng Judai: LP40003200]

The air wave of the explosion swept through Yusheng Judai, blowing his forehead and hair.

Although his health points have dropped, Judai's eyes are still extremely resolute.

"Because [Photon Destroyer] is a super material, monsters destroyed by [Glow Dragon - Photon Explosion Dragon] battle will be directly eliminated."

"In this way, your Shadowmist Girl won't be able to activate the effect of being sent to the graveyard, right?"

Kaito has keenly noticed that Shadow Mist Girl's second effect must be sent to the cemetery to activate.

Therefore, once it is eliminated, Judai's idea of ​​using Shadow Mist Girl to retrieve heroes has completely failed. Got it

"As the battle phase ends, the excluded [Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon] and [Elemental Hero - Sunrise Man] will return to the field."

The words fell.

Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon and Sunrise Man returned to the battlefield.

However, because Shadow Mist Girl was destroyed by the battle, the attack power that Sunrise Man can provide was also reduced by 200 points.

Now, Sunrise Man Chu Xia's attack power is already lower than Galaxy Eye's attack power....

"Cover a card and my turn ends."

Putting a cover card on the field, Kaito ended his turn indifferently.

Although he successfully inflicted damage to Judai.

But a mere 800 points of battle damage could not shake the foundation of Yujo Judai.

Moreover, starting from scratch At the end of the day, Yujo Judai had not made even one super summon.

The balance of this duel was not completely tilted!

"Traveling to the city for ten generations......Amagi Kaito, both of them are genius duelists......But compared to Kaito, Yujo Judai's duel, in addition to talent, there is something else that is hard to fathom."

The astral body looked at the two of them and murmured in a low voice.

He knew that both of them were very strong.

But compared to Amagi Kaito's strength, Yujo Judai was bottomless.

Every duel He seems to be very at ease.

This time, it seems to be no exception......

"My turn, draw a card!"

It's Yujo Judai's turn.

Pulling out a card from the deck, Yujo Judai quickly redesigned his tactics.

The initial transformation tactic was seen through by Kaito, so it's his turn to attack next. , it’s time for Kaito to experience the hero’s fighting ability!

"activate magic card【E-emergency call】`"

"This card can add an [Elemental Hero] monster from the deck to your hand."

"The card I chose to add to my hand is [Elemental Hero-Skyman]】!"

Taking out the model worker among the heroes from the deck, Yujo Judai immediately summoned him without hesitation:"Come on! Elemental Hero Skyman!"

A blue tornado rose into the sky.

Model worker Skyman makes his official debut!

【Elemental Hero-Skyman】

【Star rating: 4

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 18002400】

"When Sky Man summons or special summons successfully, retrieve a [Hero] monster from the deck and add it to your hand."

"What I chose is, [Elemental Hero-Liquid Man]】"

Yujo Judai once again took out a hero monster

"Did you choose Liquid Man? I always feel that the tactics used by the Tenth Generation this time around the city are a little different from the previous tactics......."The astral body also noticed the difference in Yujo Judai's duel.

Compared to the previous quick attacks, this duel between Yucheng Judai seemed a little more conservative. just like......It's like setting up some kind of situation.

The astral body is thinking in its mind.

At this moment, Yucheng Judai has continued his development:"Then, I activate the second effect of [Elemental Hero - Flame Man]"

"I sent the [Elemental Hero-Ocean Man] in the deck to the graveyard to make the attributes, attack power, and defense of Flame Man the same as Prism Man!"

"After that, you cannot Special Summon monsters other than Fusion Monsters until the end of the turn."

Youcheng Judai smiled and said:"The attack power of [Elemental Hero-Ocean Man] is 1500 points, plus the 600 attack power increase provided by Sunrise Man, so the attack power of Flame Man is now 2100 points!"

【Elemental Hero - Flameman】

【Attribute: Fire water】

【Attack power: 2100! 】

The flames around Flame Man were immediately covered by the floating water.

The blue water attribute fills the whole body of the Flame Man!

"What? Instead of sending the high-star elemental hero monster with higher attack power to the graveyard, did you choose to send the four-star Ocean Man to the grave instead?"

Astral Body was very puzzled by Yu Cheng Judai's actions.

Although he didn't understand heroes, he also knew that there must be many monsters with high stars and high combat power in the hero deck. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novels Net!)

If Yusheng Judai wanted to deal damage and lower the opponent's LP, he would definitely choose a monster with higher attack power, right?

But why did Yusheng Judai choose such a monster that doesn't seem to have much substance ? Sexually useful monster?

"four stars......"

The astral body seemed to have thought of something.

Speaking of which, Yujo Judai has sent five different four-star, warrior-type monsters to the graveyard, the exclusion zone, and his own hand cards from the very beginning.

Does this have any special meaning?

"Fight! [Elemental Hero - Flame Man], attacks [Glow Dragon - Photon Explosion Dragon]】!"

Judai Yujo clenched his fists and said,"How about it, Kaito, do you want to activate your Gakka!"

"whispering sound......Has it been noticed?"Kaito's expression darkened.

It seems that not only is his observation ability very good, but

Yujo Judai's observation ability is definitely not that simple!

"Open the trap card! 【Photonization】!"Kaito said:"Activate when the opponent's monster declares an attack! The attack of that monster is invalid, and the attack power of a face-up light attribute monster on your field will increase until the end of your next turn. The attack power of that opponent's monster will increase. Attack power value!"

".I invalidate your [Elemental Hero - Flame Man]'s attack! And let the attack power of [Glow Dragon - Photon Explosion Dragon] increase by the value of your Flame Man's attack power!"

【Glow Dragon - Photon Explosion Dragon】

【Attack power: 18003900! 】

Attack power 3900! Because of the effect of Photon Explosion Dragon, monsters with an attack power of more than 2,000 on the battlefield will not become the target of the effect and will not be destroyed by the effect!

In this case, Sunrise Man's effect cannot be used on Photon Explosion Dragon!

Astral clenched his fists nervously.

As expected of Kaito, even in this situation, he maintained a stable and efficient strategy!

"Yeah......So! [Elemental Hero-Sunrise Man] attacks [Glow Dragon-Photon Explosion Dragon]】!"

Youcheng Judai points directly at the photon blast dragon on the field

"What? He actually took the Sunrise Man with lower attack power......."Kaito's expression changed

"For heroes, it can be said that improving attack power is a simple matter!"Youcheng Judai no longer hid it, and immediately threw down the card in his hand:"Activate the effect of the [Elemental Hero-Sincere New Yuxia] in the hand card!"

"Discard this card from your hand and target a hero monster on the field. That monster's attack power will increase by 2500 points until the end of the round!"

"The one I chose was naturally [Elemental Hero-Sunrise Man]】!"

【Elemental Hero-Sunrise Man】

【Attack power: 31005600!!! 】

The words fell.

Sunrise Man leaped high into the sky.

In the dark night, ten meters of light wings suddenly opened behind Sunrise Man.

With overwhelming momentum, Sunrise Man has already cut through the body of the Glow Dragon - Photon Explosion Dragon!

The Sunrise Man with an attack power of 5600 points brings a powerful combat power that the Photon Explosion Dragon cannot resist!

In the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in the body of the Photon Explosion Dragon.

In the roar of the explosion, Kaito's body was thrown high and fell heavily to the ground.

【Amagi Kaito: LP40002300 Gong】

Did he retaliate at once and give his opponent twice the battle damage?

Astral gasped.

Not only laying out the opponent's plans in an orderly manner.

He even had enough energy left to inflict heavy damage on Kaito! really......The strength of this guy Yujo Judai.

It’s really unfathomable!.

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