Chen Luo’s health value: 4000 → 8000!

Kagemaru was stunned.

Not only did his attack not reduce Chen Luo's health, why did it also directly double Chen Luo's health? !

What's going on with Chen Luo's health points getting more and more!

But what Kagemaru couldn't accept the most was.

If he does not destroy [Chaos Warrior·Emissary of Opening] this round.

Then Chen Luo will use [Chaos Warrior·Emissary of the Opening] in the next turn to exclude [Thunder Emperor·Harmon]!

Kagemaru can't stop it yet!

This is [Thunder Lord Harmon] that Kagemaru spent 4 cards to summon!

Resource consumption is huge!

Kagemaru wants to turn the situation around with the help of [Thunder Lord Harmon]!

But who would have imagined that Kagemaru would not only be unable to reverse the situation, but would also suffer huge losses.

Yujo Judai who was watching the battle praised:

"Chen Luo's [Absorption Shield] is really amazing!"

"While restoring a large amount of health points, the most important thing is to preserve the [Chaos Warrior·Emissary of the Opening]!"

"The effect of [Chaos Warrior·Emissary of the Opening] is simply a deck with a single powerful card like Tian Ke Three Phantom Demons!"

"After watching this battle..."

"I don't think the three phantom demons are that powerful."

Chen Luo said at this time:

"Kagemaru, your attack is over."

"Is there anything else you want to do?"

"If not, just declare the round is over as soon as possible."

For Chen Luo, Yingwan really hated it with all his teeth!

I finally got the Three Phantom Demon Cards.

But why was he always at a disadvantage when fighting against Chen Luo?

However, Kagemaru could only be angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"I declare the round over," he said.

"It's your turn, Chen Luo."

Chen Luo said calmly:

"My turn, draw a card."

As soon as Chen Luo finished drawing the card, Kagemaru opposite said:

"Chen Luo, I have predicted your operation."

"You must activate the effect of [Chaos Warrior·Herald of Opening] to eliminate [Thunder Lord Harmon], right?"

"Hurry up and activate the effect!"

Kagemaru believes that his [Thunder Lord Harmon] will definitely be excluded.

In this case, it is better to be excluded later than earlier.

This will also avoid looking uncomfortable.

Therefore, Yingwan urged Chen Luo.

Chen Luo said:

"Don't worry, my turn has just begun."

"I'm not sure how to fight yet."

"I want to normal summon [Jinhua Cat] from my hand first!"

A white cat came to Chen Luo's field.

But the shadow of the white cat is very terrifying and ferocious!

【Jinhua Cat】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Orc/1 Star]

[Attack power: 400]

[Defense: 200].

Chapter 113: The Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbi El!

Chen Luo said:

"The effect of [Jinhua Cat] is activated."

"When this card is summoned or reversed, you can select a 1-star monster from the graveyard and special summon it."

"I choose to special summon the [Mysterious Piper] in the cemetery!"

A monster dressed like a wandering poet and playing the flute came to the field.

【The mysterious flute player】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Mage/1 Star]

[Attack power: 0].

[Defense: 0]

"The effect of [Mysterious Piper] is activated."

"Send this card to the graveyard, and then I can draw a card from the deck."

"If the card I drew is a one-star monster."

"Then I can reveal that monster and draw another card."

Chen Luo drew a card from the deck.

smiled and said:

"I'm very lucky."

"The card I drew this time is a 1-star monster, the second one [Mysterious Piper]!"

"So I can draw another card!"

Looking at the newly drawn card, the smile on Chen Luo's face widened:

"Another good card."

"A new powerful monster is coming!"

"I want to remove [Magic Grocery Merchant] and [Bone Pig Throw] from the graveyard for special summons!"

"A powerful wizard who controls the power of light and darkness!"

"Use ultimate magic to crush your enemies!"

"Special summons!"

"[Chaos Wizard]!"

A wizard wearing a black mage robe came to the field.

The wizard's left and right hands control the power of light and the power of darkness respectively!

The two forces were swimming around him like fish.

【Chaos Wizard】

[Attribute/race/star rating: dark/magician/6 stars]

[Attack power: 2300]

[Defense: 2000]

At this point, Kagemaru already understood something.

He said: "Chen Luo, your deck is really weird~~."

"It actually relies on expelling monsters from the graveyard to summon higher-level monsters."

Chen Luo said: "The weirder the deck, the faster you will win."

"Don't you know such a simple thing?"

"Now, I'm done summoning."

"Monster effects can be activated."

"But what I want to activate is not the effect of [Chaos Warrior·Herald of Opening]."

"It's the effect of [Chaos Wizard]!"

"The effect of [Chaos Wizard] is almost exactly the same as that of [Chaos Warrior·Emissary of the Opening]!"

"At the cost of this card not being able to attack this turn."

"You can banish one of your opponent's monsters!"

"I'll banish [Thunder King·Hammon] for you!"

[Chaos Wizard] mixed the light and dark power in his hands into the power of chaos.

He attacked [Thunder King·Hammon].

[Thunder King·Hammon] disappeared directly after being hit.

He flew to the banishment zone!

Chen Luo said:

"Kingmaru, this way, there will be no monsters on your field."

"I declare the battle phase!"

"Use [Chaos Warrior·Envoy of Opening] to attack you directly!"

[Chaos Warrior·Envoy of Opening] held a long sword in his hand, passed through the Chaos Gate and came to Yingmaru in an instant!

The long sword chopped down on his head!

Yingmaru's health: 4000→1000!

One attack, Yingmaru was seriously injured!

Yingwan looked at his remaining 1,000 HP, and then looked at Chen Luo's 8,000 HP.

I really felt the gap between people!

I used a three-magic deck, why was I beaten by Chen Luo? !

Shouldn't I be the one who beat Chen Luo? !

Why am I at such a disadvantage!

Yingwan has completely lost the confidence that he would win at the beginning.

At this time, Chen Luo announced the end of the round.

It was Yingwan's turn again.

Yingwan now only had one card in his hand.

This time, drawing a card is very critical for him!

If you can't draw a good card, you will lose!

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