"【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】!"

The attack and defense of 【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】 are similar to those of 【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】.

However, in terms of costume, 【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】 has some more fin-like costumes.

"It's not over yet!"

"Next, I'm going to activate the equipment magic 【Bubble Launcher】!"

"Equip it to 【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】!"

"Increase its attack power by 800 points!"

【Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man】 attack power: 800→1600!

Yuki Judai also started telling stories!

He still has room to expand:

"Chen Luo, don't think you're the only one with [Miracle Fusion]!"

"I have it too!"

"I'm going to activate the magic card [Miracle Fusion]!"

"Use [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man] and [Elemental Hero·Explosion Girl] in my graveyard as fusion materials!"

"Merciful and kind hero!"

"Lend me your power!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Elemental Hero·Steam Healer]!!"

A purple-red robot came to Yuki Judai's field.

The robot has a steam pipe as a power device on its back.

· ········Please give me flowers···· ····

The palms of both hands are equipped with medical nozzles.

Manjomu, who was watching the battle, said:

"Judai's deployment looks quite fancy and complicated."

"But it seems useless."

"He has been operating for a long time, and the attack power of the strongest monster on the field is only 1800 points."

"How can he fight like this?"

"The attack power of Chen Luo's monster with the lowest attack power is 1600!"

However, Yucheng Judai is confident:

"The preliminary preparations have been completed!"

"Now, it's time to show your power!"

"Come on! I declare the start of the battle phase!"

"Use [Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man] to attack Chen Luo's [Elemental Hero·Sky Man] on your field!"

...... 0 0

Maeda Hayato was surprised:

"Is Judai crazy?!"

"[Element Hero·Skyman] has an attack power of 2200 points!"

"It's 600 points higher than [Element Hero·New Bubbleman]!"

Misawa Daichi, who knew more about cards, said:

"No, Judai is not crazy!"

"[Element Hero·New Bubbleman] is a monster with a powerful effect!"

[Element Hero·New Bubbleman] used the [Bubble Launcher] on its shoulder to shoot a huge bubble at [Element Hero·Skyman]!

[Element Hero·Skyman] used the wind to fight back!

The bubble hit [Element Hero·Skyman] and destroyed it directly!

The wind also hit [Element Hero·New Bubbleman], but only destroyed the [Bubble Launcher] on its shoulder!

Yuujo Judai explained:

"The effect of [Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man] is that the opponent's monster fighting with this card will be directly destroyed!"

"Therefore, [Elemental Hero·Sky Man] will be destroyed!"

"Originally, [Elemental Hero·Sky Man]'s counterattack will destroy [Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man]!"

"But the effect of the equipped magic [Bubble Launcher] is."

"This card can replace the destruction!"

"Therefore, [Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man] can be preserved!" Chuan.

Chapter 156 Yuujo Judai's desperate struggle!

Yujo Judai continued:

"This card [Bubble Launcher] can not only replace the destruction of monsters."

"It can also reduce battle damage to zero!"

"Therefore, my life points will not be reduced in this battle!"

In the audience, Manjomu was puzzled:


"Since [Elemental Hero New Bubble Man] has such a strong effect."

"Then why didn't Judai use [Elemental Hero New Bubble Man] to attack and destroy Chen Luo's [Elemental Hero Sunrise Man]?!"

"The danger level of [Elemental Hero Sunrise Man] is much higher than that of [Elemental Hero Sky Man]!"

Yujo Judai heard Manjomu's words.

He said proudly:

"My tactics are not something that people like you who are weak in dueling, Manjome, can understand."

Manjome was instantly furious:

"Judai, who did you say was weak in dueling "Nine Zero Zero"!"

"Try to say that again!"

"Be careful or I'll beat you up!"

Yuki Judai said: "Whether it's a fight or a duel, I'm not afraid of you."

"Manjome, just watch carefully!"

"This is my real tactic!"

"Next, I'm going to activate the Quick Play Magic Card [Bubble Chaos]!"

"This card can only be activated when there is [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man] on my field."

"[Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man] can be regarded as [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man]."

"Therefore, the activation conditions are met!"

"The effect of [Bubble Chaos] is."

"First, change an attack position monster on the opponent's field to defense position."

"Then, I can sacrifice [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man] on my field to special summon other elemental hero monsters from my hand!"

"According to the effect of [Bubble Disruption], Chen Luo, I will change the [Elemental Hero Sunrise Man] on your field to defense position!"

"Then, I will offer [Elemental Hero·New Bubble Man] as a sacrifice!"

"Special Summon from hand!"

"[Elemental Hero·Golden Blade Man]!!"

[Elemental Hero·Golden Blade] is back on the field!

Yucheng Judai said loudly:

"This is still the battle stage!"

"So my attack continues!"

"I'm going to use [Elemental Hero·Steam Healer] to attack Chen Luo's [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] on your field!"

[Elemental Hero·Steam Healer] fired a beam of light from his hand, destroying [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] whose defense power was only 1200 points!

Yucheng Judai continued:

"The effect of [Elemental Hero·Steam Healer] is activated!"

"When this card destroys the opponent's monster in battle, I can restore the HP of the destroyed monster's original attack power!"

"The attack power of [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] is 2500 points!"

"I will also restore 2,500 health points!"

The life value of the tenth generation of Youcheng: 3200 → 5700! !

The crowd in the audience understands!

Yusheng Judai deliberately kept [Elemental Hero Sunrise Man] just now in order to restore more health points now.

"I still have one last attack!" Yucheng Judai said:

"I will use [Elemental Hero·Golden Blademan] to attack [Phantom Hero·Bionic Man] again!"

[Elemental Hero·Golden Blademan] rushes towards [Phantom Hero·Bionic Man]!

Use the blades on your arms to destroy them!

Chen Luo's health points decreased by 1,600 points, from 4,000 to 2,400!

But Chen Luo said calmly:

"The effect of [Phantom Hero·Incrementer] in the cemetery is activated!"

"When I take damage from battle or effect, this card can be returned to my magic trap zone from the graveyard!"

[Phantom Hero·Incrementer] popped up from the graveyard and was placed on the duel plate by Chen Luo.

Yujo Judai took a deep breath and said slowly:

"In the end, I couldn't clear you out, Chen Luo."

"Your deck is really tough."

"However, I have already established an advantage!"

I have to say that this round of Yujo Judai unfolded very excitingly!

He consumed all the cards in his hand and even overdrawn the card draw for the next turn.

Chen Luo's monsters were wiped out abruptly!

And he himself retained two monsters with good combat power, [Elemental Hero·Golden Blademan] and [Elemental Hero·Steam Healer], as well as a large amount of health!

At the same time, this is really the final wave of Yujo Judai unfolds!

He has no resources to make new developments!

He said slowly:

"My turn is over."

"I'll take you with me, Chen Luo!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

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