Yucheng Judai asked in confusion: "But, Chen Luo."

"Your monsters have already attacked, how can you defeat me in this round?"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"So far in this duel, I have used elemental heroes and phantom heroes."

"But there is still one kind of hero that I haven't used."

Yucheng Judai was shocked:

"Could it be that you can still summon masked hero monsters?!!"

Chen Luo smiled:

"Correct answer!"

"Watch out, 900 I'm going to activate the quick attack magic card [Masked Transformation] from my hand !"

"The effect of this card is to send the hero monster on my field to the graveyard, and then special summon a masked hero monster with the same attribute from the extra exaggeration!"

"I send the [Phantom Hero·Trione] on my field to the graveyard!"

"The attribute of this card is dark!"

"Therefore, I can special summon a masked hero with dark attribute!"

"O obstructing evil spirit!"

"Tear up the enemy with your claws!"

"Special Summon!"

"[Masked Hero·Dark Claw]! !"

The hero in black armor came to Chen Luo's field!

This hero is very flamboyant.

The momentum is full!

[Masked Hero·Dark Claw]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Warrior/6 Star]

[Attack: 2400]

[Defense: 1800]

At this point, Yuki Judai knew that he had really lost!

He never thought that Chen Luo should be able to use the three types of hero series cards so skillfully!

The coordination between the cards is so perfect!

It's simply outrageous!

At this time, Chen Luo said:

"The battle phase continues!"

"I will use [Masked Hero·Dark Claw] to attack Judai directly!".

Chapter 158 Xiaolan's Meteorite Form

[Masked Hero·Dark Claw] rushed over and slapped Judai with one claw!

Yucheng Judai's health: 100→0!

The winner is decided! .

Chen Luo defeated Yucheng Judai and won!

Yucheng Judai sighed and sat down on the ground:

"I failed to beat you again, Chen Luo."

"Although I expected it before the duel started."

"But when I really lost, I was still very sad."

"However, thanks to this duel, I vaguely know how to evolve my elemental hero deck."

Chen Luo put away his duel disk and deck and said:

"Since the duel is over, I will go to eat first."

After speaking, he waved his hand and left the big duel field and came to the cafeteria of Obelisk Blue.

After dinner, Chen Luo returned to the castle.

He just sat on the chair and was about to drink a few sips of water.

Xiaolan applied to run out of the card.

After releasing Xiaolan.

Xiaolan leaned on Chen Luo's shoulder like a pool of slime.

Chen Luo said:

"Xiaolan, don't lean on me all the time, you are a bit heavy."

Xiaolan muttered:

"Master, don't be stingy, let me lean on you for a while, what's wrong with that."

"Besides, I lean on you for a purpose!"

Chen Luo: "What's the purpose?"

Xiaolan: "Just to make you smell all over me!"

"In this way, those vixens who have bad intentions towards you will be deterred!"

As he spoke, Xiaolan squatted down and then jumped up vigorously.

Although Xiaolan is not tall, he jumps high!

After she jumped into the air, she hugged Chen Luo's head like a facehugger:

"Hehehe, Master is completely under my control now!"

Chen Luo pulled Xiao Lan: "Xiao Lan, get off my face quickly."

Xiao Lan said dissatisfiedly:

"I am letting the Master take advantage of me, Master, are you dissatisfied with anything~~?"

Chen Luo: "Very dissatisfied!"

"You are too flat! It hurts my face!"

Xiao Lan: "I'll make you die of pain!"

No matter how Chen Luo said, Xiao Lan just wouldn't get off Chen Luo's face.

And Chen Luo was sitting on a chair.

After being disturbed by Xiao Lan, he fell to the ground with the chair.

Xiao Lan took advantage of the situation and pressed Chen Luo down.

Chen Luo complained:

"Xiao Lan, are you going to kill me?"

"Have you evolved into a meteorite form?"

Xiao Lan was confused: "Meteorite form, what is that? I don't have that form."

Chen Luo didn't explain too much, just pushed Xiao Lan:

"Get off me quickly."

"You maid don't do any housework all day, just play around."

Xiao Lan: "Then I'll do the housework now?"

Chen Luo: "You should continue to play around."

Xiao Lan smiled and leaned her head on Chen Luo's chest: "I know the master is the best!"

The next day, Chen Luo went to class again.

Continue his student life.

On the other side.

In the fortune-telling room of the King of the King.

He fiddled with the tarot cards on the table and muttered to himself:

"It was unexpected that Ed lost to Chen Luo."

"In this case, the plan to control Chen Luo and dominate the Duel Academy becomes impossible."

"It seems that I have to find a new helper in the Duel Academy."

"The best candidate for helper is..."

Zhai Wang turned over the tarot cards in front of him and thought about the divination result:

"The helper's deck will have both dragon monsters and machine monsters."

"Who could it be?"

"It should be someone who is famous in the Duel Academy."

"A little research should confirm it."

After a simple review of the information, Zhai Wang quickly determined the candidate for the helper!

The deck includes both dragons and machine monsters.

That can only be Manjomu!

Zhai Wang laughed:

"Manjomu is accurate, the youngest son of the Manjomu family."

"Your fate has been determined!"

Zhai Wang immediately booked a plane and prepared to go to the Duel Academy!

By the way, he applied to visit the Duel Academy on the grounds of learning and exchange.

After all, he is Ed's agent and a person of certain status in the professional duel league. It is not difficult for him to come to the Duel Academy.

Chen Luo, who usually watches the news when he is free, naturally knew the news that Zhai Wang was coming.

Chen Luo, who knew the plot, warned others during the break that it was best not to contact Zhai Wang.

That Zhai Wang is very weird.

Almost everyone heard it, except Manjangmu.

Manjangmu said arrogantly:

"Heh, Chen Luo, you are actually careful about a manager!"

"." What virtue and ability does he have!

"You are too cautious!"

Chen Luo rolled his eyes and was too lazy to say anything.

It's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words.

If Manjangmu wants to die, let him do it.

Anyway, even if Manjangmu is controlled by the power of the light of destruction.

To remove the control, you probably just need to beat him up.

After school that day, Manjangmu walked around in the forest bored.

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