Akers added:

"Chen Luo, since you are here, you should know that I am here to fight with you."

"Take out your duel plate and deck!"

Chen Luo first calmly took out the duel plate, put it on his arm, and then began to select a deck from the system!

As expected, there are also decks in the system that destroy decks.

Sold for 2 victory points.

Chen Luo bought it without hesitation.

Then he flipped through the cards in the deck.

Since we are still in the GX era, the decks sold by the system do not include cards such as Synchro Hyper.

Therefore, the deck in Chen Luo's hands destroyed the deck, and the tactic he used was a three-piece insect set!

Namely [Warm Worm], [Needle Worm] and [Shield Worm]!

These three insects all have the effect of destroying the opponent's deck!

Except for these three bugs, the other cards in the deck are used to cooperate with the effects of these three bug cards, or to interfere with the opponent's deck.

After flipping through the deck, Chen Luo placed the deck on the duel plate.

"Okay, Ax."

"I'm ready to start the duel."

Ax smiled sinisterly:

"Then let the duel begin!"

"This duel will become your nightmare!"

The duel officially begins!

Akers gained the right to attack first!

He said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I want to activate the magic card [Memory Obliteration] from my hand first!"

"The effect of this card is that both of us send all the cards in our hands to the graveyard."

"Then draw a number of cards from the deck equal to the number of cards sent to the graveyard!"

Akers threw 5 cards from his hand into the graveyard.

Then I drew 5 cards from the deck!

Chen Luo also lost 5 and drew 5!

Akers began to silently count the remaining cards in Chen Luo's deck.

There are 30 left!

On the other side, Chen Luo was also counting the remaining cards in Akers deck.

At this time, Akers has 29 cards left in his deck!

Akers continued his turn:

"One of the cards I just sent to the graveyard is a trap card [Moth Lure Lamp LV4]!"

"The effect of this card is"

"When this card is sent to the graveyard due to the card's effect, it allows me to special summon a 4-star monster from the deck!"

"And that's what I'm going to summon!"

"[Trap Disruptor]!"

The steel monster, like a mechanical spider, slowly came to Akers' field.

【Trap Jammer】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Mechanical/4 Stars]

[Attack power: 800]

[Defense: 1300]

Maeda Hayato, who was watching the battle, said:

"Obviously based on the effect of [Moth Lure LV4], Ax can randomly select 4-star monsters from the deck to summon."

"But in the end he only summoned a monster with an attack power of 800."

"This is too weak."

"Does it mean that his deck is full of weak monsters?"

"That shouldn't be the case. This Akers is also a professional duelist after all."

On the other side, Misawa Daichi, who had been silent since just now, suddenly said:

"Ah! I remembered!"

"I've heard of this Ax before!"

"Legend has it that Ax is the villain of the professional dueling world."

"No professional duelist in the entire professional duelist world is willing to fight Ax!"

"It seems that the duelists who were defeated by Ax have lost their enthusiasm for dueling."

"He is a guy who hates people and hates dogs!"

Yucheng Judai said in surprise:

"Huh? Is this Akers so weird?!"

"Why do I feel that professional duelists are all weirdos?"

Akers also heard the discussion by Yujo Judai and others.

He said:

"Hehehe, what you just said is right."

"I am the nightmare of the professional dueling world!"

"And soon..." Akers looked at Chen Luo: "Chen Luo, you will be defeated miserably at my hands!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"How dare you say that, Akers."

"The loser is not necessarily the one who loses."

Akers smiled and said:

"You must be the loser."

"You'll find out soon enough!"

"I'll cover three more cards next!"

"Then declare the round over!"

"It's your turn, Chen Luo!"

The three cards Akers covered are very particular.

One of the cards is the core card of his destruction deck.

Can continuously reduce the opponent's deck!

The other two cards are for attacking the Xuanyuan Pit!

Used to prevent the opponent's attacks!

Generally speaking, the ability of the deck to destroy the frontal combat of the deck is very weak.

You have to join the attack on the propaganda pit.

Otherwise, before the opponent's deck is completely destroyed, you will be killed by the opponent first!

Now, it’s Chen Luo’s turn!

Chen Luo said:

"My turn, draw a card."

"I want to activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead] from my hand first.".

Chapter 168 The whirlwind shows off its power!

Chen Luo said:

"Ax, I have to thank you for the magic card [Manuscript Obliteration] you activated last round to help me build a tomb!"

"If it weren't for that [Notes of Obliteration], my expansion wouldn't have been so simple!".

"According to the effect of [Resurrection of the Dead]!"

"I want to resurrect the monster [Warm Insect] in the cemetery!"

A bug with a flame exoskeleton on its forehead and a dark red color as a whole came to Chen Luo's field.

【Warm Insect】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Fire/Insect/3 Star]

[Attack power: 600]

[Defense: 1400]

Seeing Chen Luo summoning the monster, Akers laughed and said:

"Hahaha, Chen Luo!"

"What I've been waiting for is the moment you summon the monster!"

"Watch it! I'm going to open the cover card on my field!"

"Continuous Trap Card [Monster Counter]!"

"Activating this card requires me to pay 1,000 life points!"

"The effect is that whenever both parties summon or special summon a monster, the duelist who summoned the monster must send a card from the deck equal to the star level of the summoned monster to the graveyard!"

"Chen Luo, the [Warm Insect] you specially summoned has a star rating of 3!"

"Therefore, you must send 3 cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard!"

Maeda Hayato, who was watching the battle, said doubtfully:

"Huh? What does this [Monster Counter] mean?"

"Not to mention paying life points when activating it, it doesn't help the scene."

"On the contrary, they will help each other build their graves."

"This card is too weak."

Judai Yujo who was on the side had been fighting a lot of duels, and he had already noticed Ax's tactics at this time:

"I see!"

"The deck used by Akers is not an ordinary deck that wins through battle!"

"It is a deck that destroys the opponent's deck so that the opponent cannot draw cards and thus wins the duel~~!"

"Referred to as the deck destroys the deck!"

"I've heard of the existence of this kind of deck before."

“I didn’t expect to actually see it today!”

"No wonder no one in the professional dueling world duels with Ax."

"A normal duelist would definitely not want to encounter a deck and destroy the deck!"

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