Bekas said:

"Franz! I finally found you!"

That's right, the man in the white coat is Franz who stole the copy card of [Winged Dragon of the Sun God]!

Franz pushed his glasses:

"I thought it was someone else, isn't it Bekas?"

"I didn't expect you to find my trace so quickly."

At this time, another voice came:

"I seem to have noticed that a powerful monster appeared here just now."

"Is there any powerful duelist here?"

The person who spoke this time was Yuki Judai.

He also came here because he saw the appearance of the Winged Dragon.

He looked at Chen Luo: "Chen Luo, you are here too."

"Isn't the legendary Pegasus next to you? How come he is here!"

"So, who is the duelist who summoned the powerful monster just now?"

Franz pointed at himself:

"It's me!"

"And the name of the monster I summoned just now is..."

"【Winged Dragon of the Sun God】!"

Hearing this, Yuki Judai was surprised:

"Ah?! 【Winged Dragon of the Sun God】?"

"Why do you have this card!"

Pegasus said:

"This 【Winged Dragon of the Sun God】 that Franz has Winged Dragon] is not the real [Winged Dragon of the Sun God], but just a copy card in my company! "

"Franz! Give me [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] immediately!"

"Although that card is just a copy card, it is not something that ordinary duelists can use!"

"Before, there were duelists who wanted to use [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] by force."

"But the end was extremely miserable!"

"Some people were hit by lightning from the sky and even died because of it!"

"That is not a card that can be joked about!"

Franz laughed:

"Hahahaha ! Others are others, I am me!"

"I have found a way to control [Sun God's Winged Dragon]!"

"You just saw it!"

"I successfully summoned [Sun God's Winged Dragon], and it is still intact now!"

"This is the proof that I can successfully control the Winged Dragon!"

Becas frowned: "Franz, you are really stubborn."

"In this case, the only way to get the card back is through a duel!"

At this moment, Chen Luo stepped forward:

"Let me fight this duel with Franz."

"This Franz is a participant of the GX Duel Tournament."

"It just happens that I can complete the task of having to fight a duel every day."

Becas looked at Chen Luo: "Chen Luo, can you win?"

Chen Luo said calmly: "Of course."

Becas let out a long sigh: "Okay, then I believe you!"

"I also want to see with my own eyes how strong the person who defeated Ed is!"

Yu Cheng Judai said on the side:

"This is only the first day of the GX Duel Tournament, and I can see the God Card appear!"

"This tournament is so well organized!"

· ·········Please give me flowers···· ····

Chen Luo took out the duel disk and walked to the opposite side of Franz.

Franz sneered:

"Chen Luo, I have heard of you."

"It is rumored that you have defeated many powerful duelists."

"But today, under the power of [Winged Dragon of the Sun God]!"

"You will definitely lose!"

Chen Luo was too lazy to say anything and began to concentrate on selecting a deck from the system.

He knew that Franz was using a special deck for Pterosaurs.

There were no decks with the same theme for sale in the system.

Chen Luo had to use another deck.

If Chen Luo remembered correctly.

The card Franz used to assist in controlling [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] was the field magic [God Binding Tomb].

...... . ....

[God Binding Tomb] would provide Pterosaurs with strong resistance, making them indestructible by magic, traps, and monster effects!

And Pterosaurs themselves also have immunity to trap cards, and resistance to magic cards that only last for one round.

In view of the above points.

The most direct way to defeat Pterosaurs.

Is to destroy it through battle!

After all, neither [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] itself nor [God Binding Tomb] has battle resistance!

Thinking of this, Chen Luo immediately made a plan!

Use battle to destroy Pterosaurs!

He immediately searched for a deck that could increase attack power in the system.

He soon found a suitable deck.

Its name is the Bone Deck!

The Bone Deck is a deck based on the ancient monster [Bone] and its many derivative cards.

The characteristic of this deck is that it can increase the attack power!

And the method of increasing the attack power is very simple!

You can easily create four or five thousand attack power!

It can be said to be very suitable for dealing with Pterosaurs!

Chen Luo did not hesitate too much, and immediately spent 2 victory points to buy the Bone Deck!

Then he quickly flipped through the cards in the deck.

One thing I have to say is.

The monster card [Bone] can be said to be the weakest card among all duel cards.

But today!

With [Bone] with many derivative cards.

It is time to kill the gods! ! Chuan.

Chapter 176 The seemingly weak Bone Deck

After flipping through the cards in the Bones deck, Chen Luo put the Bones deck into the duel plate.


"Franz, I have completed preparations for the duel."

"The duel can begin."

Franz snorted coldly:

"Okay! Then let the duel begin!"

"This will let you see..."

"The power of God!!"

Chen Luo VS Franz!

The duel begins! !

Chen Luo gained the right to attack first!

He said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I want to normal summon [Bone Nightmare] in defense position first!"

A skeleton monster wearing a suit and tie, holding a coffee cup in his hand, slowly came to Chen Luo's court.

【Bone Nightmare】

[Attribute/race/"917" star rating: dark/undead/1 star]

[Attack power: 300]

[Defense: 200]

Judai Yujo who was watching the battle said incomprehensively:

"Huh? Bones? I remember there is a monster card named [Bone]."

"Is there any connection between Chen Luo's [Nightmare of White Bones] and [White Bones]?"

Chen Luo heard what Yu Cheng Judai said, and he said calmly:

"[Bone Nightmare] is a derivative card of [Bone]."

"Speaking of which, I actually also have [White Bones] in this deck."

Yucheng Judai said with some disbelief:

"What? Chen Luo! You still have [Bone] in your deck?"

"I remember [White Bone] is a 1-star ordinary monster with no effect, very weak combat power, and no linkage."

"Why did you bring it in the deck?"

Chen Luo chuckled:

"Judai, you will understand soon."

"Although [White Bones] is a very weak monster."

"But it has the potential to kill gods!"

"Even the strongest among the three gods [Sun God's Winged Dragon] will be slaughtered!"

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