And if Chen Luo remembers correctly, in the animation [Kill with one hit! Iai Card Draw] will not be invalidated by magic, traps and monster effects!

In other words, once [Kill with one hit! If Iai draws cards, it will definitely take effect! You cannot use cards such as [God's Declaration] to target it!

While thinking about the known clues, Chen Luo looked at the card decks in the system.

First of all, there is no Iai deck in the system.

After all, this deck has no reinforcements and relies too much on luck, so the system will not sell it.

Therefore, Chen Luo had to choose another deck.

To be precise, Chen Luo wants to choose a deck that can restrain the Iihe deck! .

Chapter 188 What is a powerful single card?

If you want to restrain the Iai deck, there are currently two methods.

The first method is to use cards such as [Big Cold Wave] to prevent the opponent from activating magic cards at all!

This will fundamentally curb [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards].

However, this method is not safe and does not have a suitable deck.

The other method is much simpler.

That is destroying the opponent's hand!

【One hit kill! Iai Card Draw] In any case, you have to draw the card into your hand first and then you can activate it.

If Chen Luo directly uses the [One-hit kill] in Tachibana's hand! Iai draws cards] and destroys it, then the opponent will naturally be helpless!

After thinking briefly, Chen Luo immediately chose the second method!

At the same time, look for any cards in the system that destroy the deck.

Don’t tell me, it’s true!

And the price is 2 victory points!

Chen Luo didn't hesitate too much and immediately spent his victory points to buy the destruction deck in his hand.

Flipping through quickly.

Tachibana Ikkaku said impatiently:

"Hey, hey, Chen Luo, you don't get to know the deck until it's close to the duel!"

"Isn't that a little too much?!"

Chen Luo chuckled: "As long as I can win!"

After quickly flipping through the deck, Chen Luo had an idea.

He put the deck on the duel plate and said: "Tachibana Ikkaku, the duel can begin."

Chen Luo VS Orange!

The duel begins!

Chen Luo gained the right to attack first!

He said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the cards in his hand, Chen Luo narrowed his eyes.

It is indeed a hand-destroying deck!

This card is really powerful against Tachibana Ikkaku’s deck!

Especially...many cards that can destroy cards in your hand were still not banned during the GX period!

Don't be too invincible!

Chen Luo took out a card in his hand lightly and said:

"Tachibana Ikkaku, actually I have heard of the legend that you are a Death Duelist~~"

Tachibana Ikkaku said loudly:

"That means I have already made a name for myself in this GX Duel Competition!"

Chen Luo continued:

"I also know that the core card in your deck is [Kill with One Hit! Iai Draw Card]. It is a card that can instantly reverse the situation and win the duel!"

Tachibana Ikkaku said in surprise:

"Huh? You actually know this!"

"Ha! It seems that I have become famous!"

"That's right, the core card of my deck is [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards]!"

"However, even if you know this news, it is useless."

"As long as I activate [One-hit kill! Iai draws cards], then I will definitely win!"

Chen Luo nodded and said:

"Indeed, if you activate [One-hit kill! Iai draws cards], it will indeed be very troublesome."

"But on the other hand, as long as you can't activate [One-hit kill! Iai draws cards], then you are no threat at all!"

Tachibana Ikkaku said disdainfully:

"Hey, Chen Luo, is there any way you can stop me from activating the card?"

"Do not make jokes!"

Chen Luo smiled and said, "I'm not kidding."

"Tachibana Ikkaku, if I'm not wrong."

"Having the power of the God of Death, you should have drawn [One-Hit Kill! Iai Draw Card] in your hand right now!"

"Waiting for OTK next round."

"But unfortunately, your plan cannot succeed!"

"Watch it! I'm going to activate the magic card [Control] from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is that at the cost of paying 1,000 life points, I can look at the opponent's hand and then choose any card from it to discard!"

Tachibana's eyes widened:

"Huh? You want to see my hand? Can you also choose a card to discard?!"

" too much!"

"This [Confidence] is really defeating my deck!"

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"You are right, this [Confidence] is used to restrain your deck!"

"Tachibana Ikkaku, show your hand."

Although Tachibana Ikkaku was very angry, he could only show the cards in his hand.

In his hand, there is [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards] [Eyeball King] [Reincarnation of the Dead] [Lord of Death] and [Killer Tomato] these 5 cards!

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"As expected, you have [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards] in your hand."

"Then, the card I choose for you to discard is naturally [One-Hit Kill! Iai Draws Card]!"

Tachibana Ikkaku was unwilling to use [Kill with one strike! Iai draws cards] and throws it into the graveyard.

Judai Yujo who was watching the battle said:

“.” The effect of Chen Luo’s [Detain] is simply amazing! ”

“It directly hits the upper limit of [Detain]!”

“One card destroyed Ikkaku Tachibana’s tactics!”

“It’s outrageous!”

“Chen Luo is such a good card user!”

“I feel like this [Detain] alone is worth several cards!”

Ikkaku Tachibana was in a bad mood at this time!

His tactics haven’t even started yet, and he’s already suffered a Waterloo!

How could this happen!

Chen Luo, this guy, really can’t be underestimated!

After using [Detain], Chen Luo began to summon monsters:

“I want to Normal Summon [White Thief] from my hand! ”

A thief in a white robe and a white bowler hat came to Chen Luo's field.

[White Thief]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Mage Clan (Nodzhao)/3 stars]

[Attack: 1000]

[Defense: 700]

"Next, I will cover two more cards."

"Then announce the end of the round."

"It's your turn, Ikkaku Tachibana!"

It was Kai's turn!

He looked at Chen Luo and said angrily:

"Chen Luo, I admit that I didn't expect you to use [Detain] to discard [One-shot Kill! Iai Draw] in my hand just now. "

"But what's the use of that? !"

"I have 3 [One-shot Kill! Iai Draw] cards in my deck!"

"I just lost 1 card now."

"I can still draw a new one! "

"Use the power given to me by the god of death!"

The right hand of Ikkaku Tachibana, which was painted with a skull, suddenly burst out with intense dark power!.

Chapter 189 Ikkaku Tachibana was stunned

Ikkaku Tachibana put his hand on the top of the deck and said confidently:

"With the power of the god of death!"

"I will definitely be able to draw the key card I want!"

"Needless to say, you all know that the key card I need at this time.".

"It is the second [One-hit kill! Iai draw card]!"

"God of death! Give me strength!"

Ikkaku Tachibana suddenly pulled a card from the deck!

Sure enough, the card he drew was the second [One-hit kill! Iai draw card]!

Ikkaku Tachibana raised the corner of his mouth and said confidently:


However, at this moment, Chen Luo interrupted:

"Ikkaku Tachibana, it's too early for you to say you won now. "

"Do you really think you can successfully activate [One-hit kill! Iai card draw]?"

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