A bolt of lightning struck Swain!

Spain's HP: 2900→1000!

Chen Luo: "It's not over yet!"

"I will use [Spiritual Beast User Layla] to attack you directly again!"

[Spiritual Beast User Layla] waved her staff and fired magic arrows.

Spain's HP: 1000→400! !

In one round of attacks, Chen Luo knocked Spain's health from full to near death!

This was even after Spain used [Hermit's Powerful Poison]! Sichuan.

Chapter 196 Holy Spirit Beast Rider! Earth Fire Lion!

Sibain was very happy at this time.

He barely lost the duel.

He said:

"Chen Luo, you have finished attacking now."

"Is it time to declare the round over?!"

Chen Luo smiled and said, "Is the round over?"

"Not in a hurry."

"I still have Main Stage 2!"

"And in main phase 2, I want to summon the ace monster of my deck."

Spain said doubtfully:

"Huh? Summon the ace monster in main stage 2?"

"How do you want to summon it?"

"And if you can summon the ace monster, why not summon it earlier?"

Chen Luo did not explain clearly, but just said:

"You'll understand soon!"

"Watch it!"

"Now, I want to remove the three monsters on my field [Elf "917" Beast·Fire Lion], [Spirit Beast User·Leila] and [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Thunder Eagle] as fusion materials! "

"Perform the strongest fusion summons!"

"The lion driving the ultimate flame!"

"Come down with the help of the power of the earth!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion]!!"

A huge lion covered in fire fell from the sky!

Suddenly landed on Chen Luo's field!

The lion's footsteps trampled on the ground, leaving dark footprints.

Next to the lion's ribs, there are transparent wings of light.

And on the back of the lion stood a princess-like magician holding a staff.

The combination of magician and lion!

It is the ultimate trump card of the spirit beast deck! !

[Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Psychic Race/10 Stars]

[Attack power: 3200]

[Defense: 2100]

Spain said in surprise:

"A monster with 3200 attack power?!"

"Is this your trump card? Chen Luo!"

"Damn it, you still have some strength!"

On the other side, Judai Yujo who was watching the battle suddenly realized:

"I understand why Chen Luo had to fuse and summon this [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion] in the main stage 2!"

"[Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion] is a 10-star monster, but its attack power is 3200 points."

"But its attack power is not as high as the combined attack power of [Elf Beast Fire Lion], [Spirit Beast User Layla] and [Holy Spirit Beast Rider Thunder Eagle] that are the fusion materials!"

"Not to mention that [Elven Beast·Fire Lion] also has the effect of increasing attack power!"

"It is precisely for this reason that Chen Luo attacks first, and then fuses and summons [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion]! This will cause more damage!"

"Chen Luo is still as methodical in his tactical planning as ever."

“It’s hard not to be impressed.”

What Yujo Judai said does make sense.

However, the purpose of Chen Luo summoning [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion] in the main stage 2 was not just to deal more damage, but also because of the effect of [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion]!

[Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion] is not only the monster with the highest attack power in the spirit beast deck, but also the most powerful monster in the spirit beast deck!

After summoning [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion],

Chen Luo said that his round was over.

It's Spain's turn again.

During the card drawing stage, Chen Luo said:

"Sbain, based on the effect of your permanent trap card [Card Drawing Paradox]."

"You can't draw cards during your draw phase!"

"On the contrary, I can draw a card!"

Chen Luo pulled out a card from the deck and replenished his hand.

Swain said calmly:

"Chen Luo, although you replenished your hand with cards."

"But... this round, I'm going to summon my ace monster!"

"First of all, during my preparation phase, due to the effect of [Wormhole]."

"[Demon Arithmetician Laplace] will return to my field!"

"And this way!"

"The preparations for my strongest monster to appear are basically completed!"

"Only the final activation card is left!"

Spain slapped a card in his hand on the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate:

"I want to activate the magic card [Duel Settlement] from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is to send one of each of the permanent magic, permanent traps and monsters on my field to the graveyard!"

"Then you can special summon the ultimate trump card of my deck from your hand or deck!"

"[Big-headed dragon-brain·dragon]!"

"I want to remove the permanent magic [Schrödinger's Mischievous Cat], the permanent trap [Card Drawing Paradox] and the monster card [Demon Arithmetician Laplace] on my field to activate the effect of [Duel Settlement] !”

Maeda Hayato, who was watching the battle, said:

"Ah? Summoning an ace at the cost of banishing three cards?!"

"The summoned ace must be very powerful!"

Yucheng Judai added:

"Not only that!"

"Don't forget, [Magic Arithmetician·Laplace] will cause a certain amount of effect damage to Chen Luo when it leaves the field!"

"Spine's tactics are simply killing two birds with one stone!"

"This Dr. Spine is really not easy to deal with!"

However, at this critical moment, Chen Luo laughed:

"Dr. Spine, you want to summon an ace, did I allow it?"

"Listen carefully!"

"I want to activate the effect of [Holy Spirit Beast Rider·Earth Fire Lion]!"

"When the opponent activates magic, traps or monster effects!"

"At the cost of banishing a [Spirit Beast] card from the hand..."

"Then you can invalidate and destroy the effect activated by the opponent!"

"According to this effect!"

"I want to invalidate and destroy your [Duel Constant]!"

The magic card [Duel Constant] turned gray.

This means it has expired!

Naturally, Spiene could not summon his trump card monster [Big Head Dragon-Brain·Dragon]!

His face instantly turned ugly!

His tactics for this round were centered on [Big Head Dragon-Brain·Dragon]!

And if he could not summon [Big Head Dragon-Brain·Dragon]!

That meant he had no room to maneuver!

In addition, his situation was very bad at the moment, and he could not compare to Chen Luo's situation at all!

Spiene was in a desperate situation! .

Chapter 197 Easy to get rich

At this time, Spiene had no room to operate.

He did not have a suitable cover card.

There was only one [Demon Arithmetician·Laplace] in defense mode on the field.

Now, the only thing Spiene could do was to announce the end of the round.

Then pray that Chen Luo would not summon a new monster!

In this way, he might still have a chance to turn the tables!

However, once the duelist pinned his hopes of victory on the opponent's poor hand.

Then he would not be far from failure.

Especially for a theoretical duelist like Spiering.

He now has to rely on luck!

He sighed:

"I declare the round over."

"It's your turn, Chen Luo."

It was Chen Luo's turn again.

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