"I'm going to open the face-up card!"

"Trap Card [Itakuya's Storm]!"

"The effect of this card is to change the position of all face-up monsters on the opponent's field."

"Chen Luo, now the [Golden Gear], [Silver Gear] and [Start-up Admiral Destroyer Spinner] on your field are all in attack position."

"And under the effect of [Itakuya's Storm]!"

"They will all change to defense position!"

"Storm, rise up!"

A violent gale hits!

The duel field is covered by endless wind!

Under the power of the gale, the three monsters on Chen Luo's field are forced to change to defense position!

Judai Yuki, who was watching the battle, shook his head:

"What a shame."

"If it weren't for this [Itakuya's Storm], Chen Luo would have won."

"Even if Manjome had 4,000 more HP, Chen Luo would have won!"

"But it was this [Itakuya's Storm] that completely disrupted Chen Luo's tactics!"

Manjome laughed:

"Hahaha! Chen Luo!"

"I told you, you can't easily beat me again!"

"Now I am white lightning!"

"With the help of the power of light!"

"I have already greatly increased my strength!"

"You can no longer defeat me!"

"This [Itakuya's Storm] is the proof!"

· ·········Please give me flowers···· ····

"Chen Luo, you still dare to say that you can beat me in this round."

"It's really funny!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"[Itakuya's Storm] is indeed a powerful card that can hinder attacks."

"But... Manjomu!"

"Do you think my turn is over?"

"I said I will beat you in this round."

"I will definitely beat you in this round!"

Manjomu waved his hand:

"Don't joke, Chen Luo!"

"Your monsters are all in defense mode, how can you beat me?!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"Indeed, all the monsters on my field are in defense mode."

...... ... ...

"But why can't I summon new monsters?"

Manjomu took a close look at Chen Luo's field and suddenly saw something.

Wait! Chen Luo should have a face-up card on the field!

That face-up card shouldn't be a powerful card!

The next second, Chen Luo said:


"I want to open the face card!"

"This card is a continuous trap card [Mobile Battery·Powerful Fortress]!"

"Its effect is."

"After this card is activated, it will be summoned to the monster zone as a monster card!"

The black iron robot came to Chen Luo's field.

On the robot's shoulder, there is a huge black machine gun!

[Mobile Battery·Powerful Fortress]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Earth/Mechanical/4 Stars]

[Attack Power: 0]

[Defense Power: 2000]

When Wanzhangmu first saw the card [Mobile Battery·Powerful Fortress], he was stunned!

He didn't expect Chen Luo to be able to summon a monster again!

However, after seeing the attack power of [Mobile Artillery Fortress·Powerful Fortress] clearly, Wanzhangmu burst into laughter:

"Hahaha! Chen Luo!"

"Even if you summon a monster, what does it matter?!"

"The attack power of this [Mobile Artillery Fortress·Powerful Fortress] is 0!"

"How can a monster with 0 attack power defeat me?!" Chuan.

Chapter 216 Destiny Theory

Chen Luo smiled and said:.

"Now, the attack power of [Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] is indeed 0."

"However, I haven't finished talking about the effect of this card yet!"

"After [Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] becomes a monster, it can also select a [Parts] monster from the deck as an equipment card to equip itself."

"Then, the attack power of [Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] increases by twice the attack power of the equipped monster!"

"I will give [Gold Parts] in the deck to [Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] as an equipment card!"

"The attack power of [Gold Parts] is 1700 points, twice is 3400 points!"

"The attack power of [Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] increases by 3400 points!"

[Mobile Fortress·Powerful Fortress] attack power: 0→3400!

Judai Yuki, who was watching the battle, was shocked:

"Chen Luo's set of parts cards is so strong!"

"The frontal combat power is terrifyingly exaggerated!"

Chen Luo continued:

"It's not over yet!"

"Since it is still the battle stage!"

"Therefore, [Mobile Artillery Fortress·Powerful Fortress] can attack!"

After hearing this, Manjyoume collapsed on the ground.

He knew he had lost!

Chen Luo said slowly:

"Manjyoume, since I said I would defeat you in this round."

"Then I will definitely win!"

"Come on! I will use [Mobile Artillery Fortress·Powerful Fortress] to attack you directly on Manjyoume!"

The muzzle on the shoulder of [Mobile Artillery Fortress·Powerful Fortress] was aimed at Manjyoume.

Fired a steel cannonball!

Manjyoume was instantly submerged in the smoke and dust.

Manjyoume's health value: 600→0!

The winner is determined!

Chen Luo defeated Manjangmu and won! !

Manjangmu looked at his life value that had returned to zero and murmured:

"I actually lost, how could this be possible..."

"I obviously have the power of light to help me at this moment, why did I lose!"

"It shouldn't be! The power of light is the power to change the world! I should be invincible with the blessing of the power of light!"

"Could it be that... there is something wrong with the power of light?!"

At this time, on the other side.

A person came to the front of the King of Sai.

This person was wearing a white suit.

Who else could it be if not Ed?

Zhai Wang spread his hands and joked:

"I thought it was someone else."

"Isn't this my good friend Ed?"

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Ed looked at Zhai Wang coldly and said slowly:

"You don't have to act anymore. I know you are not Zhai Wang now."

"Your mind is controlled by the power of destruction!"

"I know."

"The power of destruction comes from this card!"

Ed took out the Ultimate D [Destiny Hero Blood Demon D]!

Zhai Wang looked at [Destiny Hero Blood Demon D] and smiled:

"It seems that you know everything, Ed."

"That's right, my exact name that is now possessed by Zhai Wang is Light of Destruction!"

Ed said angrily:

"Light of Destruction, what is your purpose?!"

"Why do you want to control my friends?!"

Zhai Wang said slowly:

"The purpose is very simple."

"It is to destroy this world!"

Ed's eyes widened:

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