"I used my connections to send many people to duel with you."

"But without exception, they all lost to you."

"I don't want to bother with that again this time."

"It's probably useless to find someone else to defeat you!"

"I want to defeat you myself."

Chen Luo said calmly:

"You want to duel with me? Okay, I just want to end this matter."

The King of Zhai waved his hand:

"Chen Luo, do you have the key to the laser satellite?"

"Let's use the key to the laser satellite as a bet to have a duel."

"To decide the fate of this world!"

Chen Luo said instead:

"Just bet on the key to the laser satellite? This bet is too small!"

"King of Zhai, why not Let's increase the stakes. "

Zhai Wang: "How do you want to bet?"

Chen Luo pointed at Zhai Wang:

"It's very simple, let's bet our lives again!"

"If I win, you, or more precisely, the Light of Destruction, will die."

"If you win, then I'll die."

Zhai Wang immediately retorted:

"No! This bet is unfair!"

"Because if I win, I can use the laser satellite to destroy the world! Chen Luo, you are going to die!"

Chen Luo shrugged:

"You think it's unfair, right? Then don't bet."

"It's okay, I'll leave first."

"As for the key to the laser satellite...you'll never get it."

Obviously, Chen Luo was threatening Zhai Wang.

And Zhai Wang had to accept the threat!

He wanted to destroy the world, and the laser satellite was the fastest, simplest, and most successful method!

He said, "Okay! Chen Luo! I agree to your terms!"

"In addition to the key to the laser satellite, our lives are also at stake in this duel!"

Chen Luo snapped his fingers:

"Then it's a deal!"

Zhai Wang said, "Since it's agreed, let's start the duel!"

But Chen Luo waved his hand again:

"Wait, Zhai Wang."

"Although we have agreed on the bet."

"But what if you don't admit it after the duel results?"

"I can't trust you."

Zhai Wang said impatiently, "Then what do you say?"

Chen Luo: "It's very simple. Our duel will be in the form of a dark duel!"

"In this way, we can ensure that you fulfill the bet."

"It just so happens that there is a place in the abandoned school building of the Duel Academy where dark duels can be held."

"Let's go there to duel!"

When Chen Luo and Titan fought, it was a dark duel in the abandoned school building.

Chen Luo remembered that place.

Zhai Wang was not afraid at all:

"Okay! Then as you said, we will use the dark duel to decide the winner!"

"Anyway... I will definitely be the winner!".

Chapter 218 Light Path VS Mystery Power!

A few people walked towards the abandoned school building.

On the way, Chen Luo thought about what kind of deck to use to fight Zhai Wang.

First of all, Zhai Wang's deck is the Mystery Power deck.

This is a clue that Chen Luo already knows.

How to evaluate the Mystery Power deck?

It is indeed not strong.

Even if it is placed in GX, its strength is not first-class.

But! If the person using the Mystery Power deck is Zhai Wang.

The strength of the Mystery Power deck can definitely jump to the top of GX!

The reason is very simple,

The Mystery Power deck is a deck that depends on luck.

Almost all the effects of the cards need to be rotated once before the card is activated.

The rotation results of the card are only positive and reverse positions, that is, whether the card is positive or reverse after rotation.

The positive and reverse positions of the card can also be regarded as the positive side of a coin toss.

The card will only activate its effect after the rotation result is determined.

Generally speaking, if the final result of the card rotation is the positive position.

Then the card can activate the positive effect.

If the result of the rotation is the reverse position, the card will activate the negative effect.

This mechanism is very similar to Tarot cards.

In divination, the divination results represented by the positive and reversed Tarot cards are different.

This leads to the fact that if you want to use the Mystic Power deck well, you must have extremely strong luck.

Make sure that the rotation results of the card are what you want!

And the King of the Dragons now has the ability to slightly interfere with fate.

With this ability, he can manipulate the result of the card rotation at will!

If he wants the result of the card rotation to be the positive position, it can be the positive position!

If he wants it to be the reverse position, it will be the reverse position!

Therefore, the Mystic Power deck will become extremely powerful in the hands of the King of the Dragons!

Not to mention, there is also a very scary card in the King of the Dragons deck at this time

[Light Barrier]!

The effect of this card is somewhat similar to the real card version of [Destiny Hero Blood Demon D], which can prevent non-Arcane Force monsters from activating their effects!

These two factors make the King of Zhai very powerful in duels!

After analyzing the King of Zhai's strength, Chen Luo began to choose the deck to use from the system.

First of all, the Arcane Force deck is not sold in the system.

After all, the Arcane Force deck has not been strengthened in the future.

To put it another way, even if the system sells the Arcane Force deck, Chen Luo will not buy it.

After all, the Arcane Force deck is too dependent on luck!

Although Chen Luo said he was lucky, he didn't say he could control his destiny.

Therefore, Chen Luo has to choose another deck to deal with the Power of Mystery deck.

And because this duel is related to the existence and destruction of the world.

Chen Luo definitely cannot choose some decks with average strength.

The deck chosen this time must be strong enough!

Soon, Chen Luo saw a suitable deck

Light path deck!

The Light Path deck is also considered a relatively early deck.

However, due to the many reinforcement cards in the Light Path deck, the strength of this deck is very good!

Used to deal with the Mystical Power deck, it can be said to be a handful!

However, the Light Path deck is not cheap and requires 3 victory points.

Fortunately, Chen Luo now has a full 25 victory points and is relatively wealthy.

Therefore, I bought the Light Path deck without hesitation.

Take out the deck of cards and look through the composition of the deck one by one.

After Chen Luo finished looking through the deck, several people also came to the abandoned school building.

Standing on the field with strange patterns painted on the ground, both duelists put dueling disks on their arms.

Judai Yujo who was on the side said:

"Chen Luo, you must not lose this duel~~."

"If you lose, the whole world will be over."

Chen Luo said calmly:

"Don't worry, you will win."

King Sai said coldly:

"No, Chen Luo, you will lose!"

"Because even you can't defy fate!"

Chen Luo did not argue with King Sai, but just said:

"Let's use a duel to prove whether you can defy fate."

Chen Luo VS Saio!

The duel begins!

At the moment the duel began, black mist rose around the duel venue.

It means that this duel has turned into a dark duel.

Saio gained the right to attack first.

He said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

"I want to normally summon [Power of Mystery 3·Empress] from my hand first!"

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