"【Battery Man·Single Type 3】!"

A robot monster with a round battery as its body and four limbs came to Chen Luo's field.

On the neck of this robot, there is also a lightning like a white scarf.

[Battery Man·Single-Three Type]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Thunder Tribe/3 Stars]

[Attack Power: 0]

[Defense Power: 0]

Yuujo Judai was surprised:

"Battery Man deck? It's another deck I've never heard of."

"Chen Luo, you have so many decks."

"However, why is the attack power of your [Battery Man·Single-Three Type] 0?"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"The effect of [Battery Man·Single-Three Type] is activated."

"When all the [Battery Man·Single-Three Type] on my field are in attack position, the attack power of this card increases by the number of [Battery Man·Single-Three Type] × 1000 points."

"Now, I only have one [Battery Man·Single-Three Type] in attack position on my field, so its attack power increases by 1000 points."

[Battery Man·Single-Three Type] Attack Power: 0→1000

ps: The attached picture in this chapter is [Battery Man·Single-Three Type].

Chapter 41 Lord of OZ!

Maeda Hayato looked at the [Battery Man·Single Type 3] on Chen Luo's field and murmured:

"A monster that can continuously increase its attack power according to its own number..."

"If Chen Luo can summon many [Battery Man·Single Type 3], I will find it difficult to deal with it."

"But if there is only one [Battery Man·Single Type 3], it is far from being a match for the [Giant Koala] on my field!"

Chen Luo nodded:.

"That's right."

"But my summoning is not over yet."

"I haven't performed a normal summon this round!"

"Now, I will use [Battery Man·Single Type 3] as a sacrifice for a higher summon!"

"Steel dinosaur."

"Carrying the power of thunder and lightning, come to the world!"

"Higher summon!"

"[Super Electromagnetic Activation Voltron]!!"

The dinosaur made of black and white steel came to Chen Luo's field.

The power of thunder and lightning flows in its body.

The roar continued to resound through the earth.

[Super Electromagnetic Voltron]

[Attributes/Race/Star Level: Light/Thunder Tribe/5 Stars]

[Attack Power: 2400]

[Defense Power: 1000]

Maeda Hayato began to feel a sense of crisis, but was still shocked overall:

“A 5-star high-level monster [Super Electromagnetic Voltron]…”

“But this monster is not as powerful as [Giant Koala] in terms of star level or attack power!”

Chen Luo smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, [Super Electromagnetic Voltron] has not yet activated its effect.”

“Listen carefully!”

“When [Super Electromagnetic Voltron] is summoned using [Battery Man·Single Type 3] as a sacrifice.”

“Its attack power increases by 1000 points!”

[Super Electromagnetic Voltron] Attack Power: 2400→3400!!

Maeda Hayato was really shocked:

"Ah? 3400 attack power?"

"That's too high! It's higher than the attack power of [Giant Koala]!"

Yuki Judai, who was watching the battle, also said:

"Chen Luo is as strong as ever."

"He can summon a monster with 3400 attack power in just the first round."

"It's really amazing."

Chen Luo himself said slowly:

"One of the key reasons why I can summon the 3400 attack [Super Electromagnetic Voltron] is that you, Maeda Hayato, activated [Handbook Slash] to help me pile up the grave."

"Using the opponent's card effects is a compulsory course in a duel."

"Now, I declare the battle phase!"

"Use [Super Electromagnetic Voltron] to attack [Giant Koala]!"

[Super Electromagnetic Voltron] erupted with violent yellow thunder.

It attacked [Giant Koala] like a quake.

The Giant Koala was electrocuted and sent to the graveyard.

Maeda Hayato also suffered 700 points of HP damage from this attack.

The total HP dropped from 4000 to 3300.

It was a minor injury.

After that, Chen Luo covered a card and announced the end of his turn.

It was Maeda Hayato's turn again.

At this time, Maeda Hayato's situation was very critical.

There were no cards on his field.

There was a powerful monster with 3400 attack on the field opposite Chen Luo, staring at him.

It can be said that although Maeda Hayato's HP was still abundant.

But in fact, he was already standing on the edge of a cliff.

He would lose the duel if he was not careful.

He looked at his deck and was a little afraid to draw cards.

What he could draw in this round would directly determine his victory or defeat!

Yuki Judai said:

"Hayato, stop hesitating!"

"A true duelist must believe in his deck!"

"Believe that the deck will respond to you!"

"Believe that you can draw a card that will turn the situation around in the next draw!"

"This is the momentum a duelist should have!"

Maeda Hayato let out a sigh of relief:

"Judai, you are right."

"I have to believe in my deck!"

Chen Luo on the opposite side complained:

"You guys are so excited about drawing a card, I'm like a villain."

"I'm here to help with the training."

Yujo Judai scratched his head embarrassedly:

"Sorry, Chen Luo, you're too strong, I subconsciously regarded you as the villain in the RPG game."

Maeda Hayato said:

"Chen Luo, I'm very grateful for your help in training me."

"To show my respect for you, I have to use all my strength!"

"I have drawn a perfect hand! This is really my final deployment!"

"I'm going to activate the magic card [Silent Dead] from my hand!"

"According to its effect, I can revive a normal monster in the graveyard in defense mode!"

"I'm going to revive, of course, [Giant Koala]!"

The [Giant Koala] that was just defeated returned to the field.

"Next, I activate the magic card [Fusion] from my hand!"

"Use the [Giant Koala] on my field and the [Death Kangaroo] in my hand as fusion materials!"

"The overlord of nature!"

"Sweep the enemy as a koala!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Lord of OZ]!!"

A huge koala wearing boxing gloves fell from the sky.

It landed on Maeda Hayato's field like a meteor.

It clapped its hands.

It roared and punched in the air.

There was a sound of breaking wind!

[Lord of OZ]

[Attributes/Race/Star Level: Earth/Orcs/9 Stars]

[Attack Power: 4200]

[Defense Power: 3700]

Yuki Judai exclaimed:

"Here it comes! Hayato finally summoned his trump card!"

"Lord of OZ with 4200 attack power, this is really amazing!"

"Even Chen Luo would have a headache facing a monster with such high attack power."

"Hayato, you might really be able to beat Chen Luo!"

Maeda Hayato said honestly:

"I don't know if I can win."

"But this is really my last summon!"

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