"If you want to ensure victory as much as possible, let one of them play."

Teacher Chronos still couldn't accept it:

"There is no precedent for letting poor students represent the academy."

At this time, everyone looked at Principal Samejima, waiting for Principal Samejima to make a decision.

Principal Samejima pondered seriously.

As long as the Duel Academy can win the competition, then Principal Samejima, as the principal of the Duel Academy, can get Aunt Tami's kiss, so he attaches great importance to the competition!

And in order to win the competition, the strongest duelist must be selected as the academy representative!

As for what color the duelist belongs to.

Principal Samejima said I don't care!

After thinking about the interests, Principal Samejima said:

"I agree with Caesar Liang's point of view, choose one from Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai to represent the Duel Academy!"

Principal Samejima's words were the final word!

Teacher Chronos had to agree.

The next question is whether Chen Luo or Yucheng Judai should represent the academy.

Principal Samejima continued to ask Caesar Liang:

"Kaesar Liang, do you think Chen Luo or Yucheng Judai is the academy representative?"

Caesar Liang thought for a few seconds and replied:

"I don't know about this question."

"Because I don't know which of them is stronger in dueling."

Principal Samejima said:

"Then why don't we arrange a match for them?".

Chapter 49 Hero VS Hero!

Caesar Liang agreed:

"I think so too."

"Arranging a duel match for Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai is the fastest way to tell who is the stronger duelist.".

Principal Samejima nodded:

"In that case, let's decide."

"Go and discuss it with them."

Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai, who were in class, received the notice.

There will be a duel between the Duel Academy and the Northern Academy soon, and the academy needs a representative to play in this match.

Chen Luo and Yu Cheng Judai were considered qualified to be representatives.

If they also agreed to be representatives, they would first have a duel to decide who was the stronger duelist.

The winning party would represent the Duel Academy and compete against the Northern Academy.

Yu Cheng Judai was a duel enthusiast.

He naturally nodded in agreement!

Chen Luo thought this was a good opportunity to earn victory points, so he agreed.

The match between the two was scheduled for tomorrow.

After dinner, Chen Luo began to study the deck to be used tomorrow.

Yu Cheng Judai was now undoubtedly using the Elemental Hero deck!

Chen Luo looked at the Elemental Hero deck in the system.

Then, he was shocked!

The price of the Elemental Hero deck in the system was

6 victory points!

Chen Luo now only had 7 victory points in total!

If he took out 6 victory points at once, he would basically have no victory points left.

He didn't want to take such a risk.

But when Chen Luo clicked on the Elemental Hero deck in the system, he finally understood why the Elemental Hero deck was priced at 6 victory points.

The Elemental Hero deck sold in the system includes four parts in total.

They are the Elemental Hero part, the New Yuxia part, the Phantom Hero part and the Masked Hero part.

And these four parts have their own prices.

The Elemental Hero part includes all the Elemental Hero cards except the New Yuxia part.

The price is 3 victory points.

The remaining New Yuxia part, the Phantom Hero part and the Masked Hero part are each priced at 1 victory point.

3+1+1+1, a total of 6 victory points.

But fortunately, these four parts can be purchased separately.

Chen Luo thought about it and decided to buy only the Elemental Hero part for the time being.

This is also the main part.

With this part alone, the deck already has a pretty good combat capability!

After spending 3 purchase points to buy the Elemental Hero part of the deck.

Chen Luo took out the deck and carefully flipped through the cards in the deck.

His opponent tomorrow is Yuujo Judai.

There is no doubt that Yuujo Judai is a strong opponent.

Chen Luo doesn't want to lose the duel because of carelessness!

The next day.

In the morning, Chen Luo and Yuujo Judai met in the classroom.

Yucheng Judai said carelessly:

"Chen Luo, we will have a duel at noon today."

"I have adjusted my deck in advance!"

"After all, you are a powerful guy. If I don't adjust the deck well, it will be really difficult to beat you."

Chen Luo smiled: "I have also prepared a powerful deck to deal with today's duel."

Yucheng Judai said cheerfully:

"Chen Luo, no matter what deck you prepare, I will do my best to win today's game!"

"For today's duel, I ate a lot of food in the morning!"

"Now I am full!"

Chen Luo complained: "Good guy, can your full state give you any buff?"

Yucheng Judai laughed:

"Hahaha, only when you are full can you have the strength to draw good cards and come up with perfect duel tactics!"

"Food is the source of duel power!"

The two briefly talked for a few words and then went back to their seats.


Many spectators have gathered in the stands around the big duel field.

They all came to watch the duel between Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai today.

Even Kaisar Ryo came to watch!

Teacher Chronos, who was sitting in the front row of the stands, was in a bad mood. He kept hammering the table:

"Damn it! How can Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai, two poor students, have the opportunity to become the representatives of the academy!"

"Is there any way to make them both lose?"

"It seems... there really is no way!"

On the other side, Chen Luo and Yucheng Judai have already prepared their respective decks and duel disks.

Came to the two ends of the duel venue.

Yucheng Judai looked at the deck he had carefully adjusted on the duel board, and said to Chen Luo confidently:

"Chen Luo, I see that many of the decks you have used are fusion decks."

"Then today, I will let you know."

"Hero decks are the pinnacle of fusion decks!"

Chen Luo said with a smile:

"Yucheng Judai, I actually think that the hero deck will win in today's duel."

Yucheng Judai looked at Chen Luo in surprise:

"Ah? You said the hero deck will win?"

"Are you saying that I am the winner?"

"Chen Luo, what do you mean? You think you can't beat me before the fight even starts?"

Chen Luo said slowly: "I never said I can't beat you."

"Judai, stop talking nonsense."

"Let the duel start quickly."

Yucheng Judai's fighting spirit ignited:

"Okay! Let the duel begin!"

The duel began, and Yucheng Judai got the first attack!

He said:

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Hahaha, what a perfect hand."

"I'm going to Normal Summon [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man] from my hand first!"

The warrior wearing blue armor and a blue cape, with a water cannon on his arm, came to the Judai field.

[Elemental Hero·Bubble Man]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Water/Warrior/4 Star]

[Attack Power: 800]

[Defense Power: 1200]

"Activate the effect of [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man]!" Yucheng Judai said loudly:

"When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, if there are no other cards on my field."

"Then I can draw two cards!"

"Shua shua" sounded twice, and Yucheng Judai drew two more cards from the deck.

In the later generations, if [Elemental Hero·Bubble Man] wants to activate the effect of drawing a card, there must be no other cards on the field or in the hand!

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