"The effect of [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] to resurrect monsters from the graveyard is not limited to once per turn!"

"Therefore! The effect of [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] is activated again!"

"When this card is destroyed by battle, you can resurrect a 7-star or lower [Red-Eyes] monster in the graveyard!"

"[True Red-Eyed Flying Dragon], come back again!"

[Red-Eyed Flying Dragon], which had just been sent to the graveyard, immediately returned to the field.

It is also a non-stop cross-jump in the graveyard and on the field.

An Chuixue snorted coldly:

"I also have effects to explain!"

"Since [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] has entered the graveyard, there is one more dragon-type monster in my graveyard, so the attack power of [Red-Eyes Dark Dragon] has increased by 300 points!"

[Red-eyed Dark Dragon] Attack power: 3300 → 3600!

Although An Fubuki tried his best to act calm.

But Yujo Judai and others who were watching the battle could see that Anfuki was pretending to be calm at this time.

The development that Yami Fukiyuki was proud of in this round.

In the end, Chen Luo only lost 700 health points.

He couldn't even kill all the monsters on Chen Luo's field.

I also left a [True Red-Eyed Flying Dragon] for Chen Luo!

Not to mention, Chen Luo also retrieved a fusion magic [True Red Eye Fusion] based on the effect of [Black Steel Dragon], which replenished the resources in his hand!

Therefore, although judging from the situation on the field, Anbuki still has the advantage.

But the real advantage is probably Chen Luo.

After Yami Fukiyuki finished attacking, he announced the end of the round.

Came to Chen Luo's turn.

Chen Luo calmly pulled out a card from the deck.

Actually, he doesn't even need to draw cards to win.

The opportunity he needed to win was already in his hand.

Randomly put the drawn card into your hand.

Chen Luo took out the [True Red Eye Fusion] retrieved in the last round and placed it in the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate:

"I activate the magic card [True Red Eye Fusion]!"

"The effect of this card is to send fusion materials including [Red-Eyes] monsters from your hand, field, and deck to the graveyard to perform a Fusion Summon."

After An Chuixue heard this, her face was full of surprise:

"What?! Can you choose fusion materials from the deck?!"

"This [True Red Eye Fusion] is simply a sham!"

"If you can select fusion materials from your deck, wouldn't you be able to fuse and summon whatever you want?!"

Chen Luo nodded honestly:

"Yes, [True Red Eye Fusion] is so powerful..."

"However, powerful cards always come with risks."

"[True Red Eye Fusion] also has negative effects."

"The round when [Red Eye Fusion] is activated, I cannot perform other summons or special summons."

Hearing this, An Chuixue felt much more balanced.

From this point of view, this [True Red Eye Fusion] is not too invincible.

Chen Luo can only use [Red Eye Fusion] to summon one fusion monster this round.

In addition to the [Red-Eyed Flying Dragon] he originally had on the field, there were only two monsters in total.

And I also have two monsters on the field: [Lance Dragon] and [Red-Eyes Dark Dragon].

If they are both monsters, no one is necessarily stronger!

To put it bluntly, even if Chen Luo summons a powerful monster, it is impossible for him to kill me in one round.

After all, I still have 3,400 health points left.

An Fukiyuki, who thought she understood everything, said with confidence:

"Chen Luo, no matter what you fuse and summon, I won't be afraid!"

Chen Luo:

"Since you said so, you don't have to be polite."

"According to the effect of [Red-Eyes Fusion], I want to use [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] and [Black Magician] in the deck as fusion materials!"

When Chen Luo said this, An Chuixue became a little uneasy:

"Wait! [Dark Magician]?! You actually have [Dark Magician] in your deck?!"

Wan Zhangmu who was watching the battle was also surprised and said:

"Lor Chen has a [Black Magician]?! Isn't that the iconic monster of the Duel King Muto game?!"

"Chen Luo actually has a [Black Magician] too!"

"How many good cards does he have hidden?"

Chen Luo ignored others' surprise and continued:

"I have put two fusion materials into the graveyard."

"And the monster I want to fuse and summon is..."

"The ultimate ace in my deck!!"

"its name"

"[Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!!"

ps: The picture attached to this chapter is [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight].

Chapter 67 What is invincibility!

Chen Luo solemnly took out [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] from the extra deck.

Put it in the monster area of ​​the duel board! .

In an instant, a mysterious magic array appeared on Chen Luo's field.

Magic spells burst out from the magic array!

In the center of the magic circle.

A magician wearing pitch-black dragon armor, with dragon wings on his back, and a sword staff in his hand.


Its momentum is so powerful and terrifying!

It even made the two monsters on the Anbuki snow field keep retreating!

[Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Magician/8 Stars]

[Attack power: 3000]

[Defense: 2500]

An Fukiyuki can also feel the terror of [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!

But after he saw the attack power of [Super Magical Dragon Knight and Red-Eyed Dragon Knight], he felt a little relieved.

18 "Chen Luo, I admit, your [Super Magical Dragon Knight·True Red Eyes Dragon Knight] looks very strong."

"But its attack power is not as good as the [Red-Eyed Dark Dragon] on my field!"

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"[Super Magical Dragon Knight, Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] is not a monster that is good at attacking."

"What's scary about it is the effect."

"Listen up, I activate the second effect of [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!"

"Select a monster on the opponent's field, destroy that monster directly, and inflict damage to the opponent equal to the original attack power of the destroyed monster."

"Of course the one I want to destroy is the [True Red-Eyed Dark Dragon]!"


[Super Magical Dragon Knight·True Red Eyes Dragon Knight] teleported in front of [True Red Eyes Dark Dragon] with a "swish" sound.

The war blade in his hand was swung down heavily!

[Red Eyes Dark Dragon] was destroyed.

An Fukiyuki received 2400 points of damage!

His health dropped from 3400 to 1000!

His face was full of hardship and decadence!

The destruction of [True Red Eyes Dark Dragon] means that his defeat is certain!

Chen Luo continued:

"The effect of [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] that destroys monsters and inflicts damage cannot only be used once per round."

"To be precise, the number of uses is the number of normal monsters in the fusion material of this card."

"The two fusion materials I just used [Black Mage] and [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] are both normal monsters."

"Therefore, the effect of [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] can be activated twice, and you can destroy another one of your monsters!"

An Fukiyuki murmured in complete disbelief:

"How could there be such a powerful monster?"

"It can destroy two monsters in one turn, and it can also damage the opponent with the attack power value of the two monsters."

"No normal deck can beat this [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!"

When An Chuixue was talking to herself gloomily.

The [Super Magical Dragon Knight·Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] on Chen Luo's field has activated its effect again.

This time its effect target is [Lance Dragon]!

[Lance Dragon] was killed by the war blade!

The 1900 points of attack power of [Lance Dragon] will be deducted from An Fukiyuki's health.

An Fukiyuki’s HP: 1000 → 0! !

The winner is determined.

Chen Luo won this duel, this dark duel.

An Fukiyuki had already said before the duel that the soul of the loser in the dark duel would be sealed in a blank card.

Since he is the loser, he will also execute it!

However, the current An Fubuki is Tenjoin Fubuki controlled by a mask.

Therefore, what is sealed in the blank card will naturally only be the mask.

An Fukiyuki fell to the ground after losing the duel.

The mask on his face disappeared and a blank card appeared.

Tenjoin Asuka, who was watching the battle behind Chen Luo, saw the true appearance of An Fukiyuki, and she said in surprise:

"elder brother!!"

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