She thought it was a comeback move.

Who would have thought that it would be countered!

It's simply too much!

Why can Chen Luo's deck have such a strong effect while having a super high summoning speed?

18 How unreasonable!

Tenjoin Asuka, who was watching the battle, breathed a sigh of relief.

When Camula activated the field magic to explode the whole place, Tenjoin Asuka, who was just watching, was extremely anxious!

There are so many monsters on Chen Luo's field. If they are all bombed, Chen Luo will suffer a big loss!

But seeing that Chen Luo successfully countered Camula's card, Tenjoin Asuka instantly became happy again.

Chen Luo, you are so awesome.

Chen Luo continued:

"The effect of [Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] is not over yet."

"After invalidating and destroying the opponent's card, [Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] must return to the extra deck."

Hearing this, Camula felt a little more balanced.

Okay, although [Immortal Kingdom·Herubania] failed to destroy all the monsters in Chen Luo, it at least forced a 3500 attack power [Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] to return to the extra deck. .

I barely deserved it!

However, Chen Luo hasn't finished speaking yet!

He continued:

"[Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] returned to the extra deck because of herself."

"You can special summon a fusion monster [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Butler] from the extra deck to the field!"

"Excellent, intelligent and polite dragon."

"Come with grace!"

A half-dragon girl wearing a black and white maid outfit with eyes on her nose.

Slowly arrived at Chen Luo's field.

This half-dragon girl has perfect etiquette.

The sharp black dragon horns on the forehead also demonstrate its power that cannot be ignored!

[Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper]

[Attribute/Race/Star: Light/Dragon/9 Stars]

[Attack power: 3000]

[Defense: 2000]

As a result, the number of monsters on Chen Luo's field remains at three!

And two of them are high-star monsters.

The combat power is still very strong!

Camula stamped her feet angrily:

"Is there any other way to summon fusion monsters directly from the extra deck without using fusion magic cards?!"

"It's incredible!"

Old God Chen Luo said calmly:

"Camula, don't be too angry yet."

"I have something else to remind you."

"I remember that [The Kingdom of the Immortal, Hrubania] had the effect of blowing up the whole place."

"However, after using this effect, you cannot perform normal summons this turn."

"Even if the positive effect of [Immortal Kingdom of Herubania] is invalidated by me, its negative effect will still take effect."

Camula snorted:

"Tch, you really know a lot."

"He even knows the negative effects of the [Immortal Kingdom of Hrubania]."

"No wonder you are so good at dueling."

"But, Chen Luo, do you think I really have no means to fight back?"

"how can that be possible!"

"I am a noble vampire, and I will not allow myself to lose here!"

Camula's expression became very serious:

"Although the effect of [Immortal Kingdom Hrubania] is negated."

"But the cost required to activate its effect - that is, discarding an undead monster, is still carried out normally."

In the rules of duel, cost (that is, the price that needs to be paid to activate certain cards) cannot be invalidated.

Regardless of whether the card is activated successfully or not, the cost must be carried out normally!

For example, the effect of the familiar card [Premature Burial] is to pay 800 health points to resurrect a monster in the graveyard.

The payment of 800 health points is considered cost.

Regardless of whether [Premature Burial] is activated successfully, 800 health points must be paid.

The same principle applies to discarding undead monsters from the hand in [The Kingdom of the Immortal: Hrubania].

Camula pointed to her grave and said:

"The undead monster I just threw into the cemetery is the [Vampire Lord]!"

"Now, I want the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead]!"

"Resurrect the [Vampire Lord] from the graveyard!"


"Come back from hell! [Vampire Lord]!"

A white-haired vampire wearing a blood-red robe came to Camula's field.

【Vampire Lord】

[Attribute/race/star rating: dark/undead/5 stars]

[Attack power: 2000]

[Defense: 1500]

However, just a [Vampire Lord] is far from Chen Luo's opponent!

If Camula wants to reverse the situation, she must summon a stronger and more terrifying monster!

She took out a card from her hand and said:

"Now, I want to exclude the [Vampire Lord]!"

"Come and special summon the ultimate trump card in my hand!"

"The vampire who symbolizes fear!"

"Use absolute power to destroy everything!"

"Special summons!"

"[Vampire Creator]!!"

A vampire with huge bat wings appears on Camula's field!

A dark mist rose behind the vampire.

It keeps churning like a tsunami!

The vampire flapped its wings, and the dark fog roared instantly!

[Vampire Creator]

[Attribute/Race/Star Rating: Dark/Undead/8 Stars]

[Attack Power: 3000]

[Defense Power: 2100].

Chapter 73 This is the Half-Dragon Maid!

Camilla's face became proud again:

"Chen Luo, I also summoned my ace monster!"

"Although the original attack power of [Vampire Creator] is the same as the monster with the highest attack power on your field [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper]."

"But don't forget, another monster on my field [Little Vampire] can increase the attack power of all the Undead monsters on my field by 200 points!"

[Vampire Creator] Attack Power: 3000→3200! !

Camilla smiled and said:

"In this way, [Vampire Creator] is the monster with the highest attack power on the field!"

"It's time to fight!".

"I declare the battle phase!"


Before Camilla finished speaking, Chen Luo interrupted:

"Stop, stop first."

"Don't rush to attack, I have an effect to activate."

"At the beginning of your battle phase, the effect of [Half Dragon Maid·Washing Dragon Girl] on my field is activated!"

"Return this card to your hand, and then special summon a 7-star monster from your hand or graveyard!"

"I will summon [Half Dragon Maid·Canghe Dragon Girl] from my hand again!"

[Half Dragon Maid·Canghe Dragon Girl] is back on the field!

Camilla said disdainfully:

"Heh, this [Half-Dragon Maid·Canghe Dragon Girl] has an attack power of 2600 points!"

"It's far from being a match for [Vampire Creator]!"

"It's useless even if it appears again."

Chen Luo narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You are wrong, Camilla."

"The real purpose of my operation is to trigger the effect of [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper] on my field!"

"Listen carefully!"

"The effect of [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper] is that when a dragon monster on my field returns to the hand, it can destroy a monster on the opponent's field~~!"

"What I want to destroy is naturally [Vampire Creator]!"

[Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper] shoots a light blade.

Cut [Vampire Creator] in half on the spot!

The ace monster that Camilla summoned with great effort is gone.

There is not even a chance to attack.

Camilla was stunned:


"My ace monster died immediately?"

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