【Servant of Pharaoh】

[Attribute/Race/Star: Dark/Undead/2 Stars]

[Attack power: 900]

[Defense: 0]

"Then, I stamp two more cards."

"Then declare the round over (biee)!"

Yujo Judai and Banzhangmu, who were watching the battle, noticed something was wrong.

Yujo Judai said: "Wanzhangmu, have you noticed that Adobis III is not very strong in duels?"

"Only one normal monster with 0 defense is summoned per turn."

"This scene cannot be said to be amazing."

Wan Zhangmu nodded:

"I think so."

Adobis III heard the conversation between Yujo Judai and Banzhangmu.

He snorted coldly:

"How can a mediocre duelist understand my great tactics!"

"Soon, you will know the horror of my tactics."

At this time, it happened to be Chen Luo's turn.

Chen Luo had just finished drawing the card.

Adobis III said:

"Now, I want to open Gaika!"

"Continuous Trap Card [Coffin of the First]!!"

A trap card with a coffin is revealed.

Adobis III said:

"The effect of [Coffin of the First] is."

"Whenever it's the end of the opponent's turn."

"I can place [Second Coffin] [Third Coffin] from the deck or hand onto the field in order!"

"And once I gather all the [First Coffin], [Second Coffin] and [Third Coffin] on the field."

"You can activate powerful effects!"

Chen Luo smiled and said:

"The effect of [First Coffin] is that only at the end of my turn can [Second Coffin] or [Third Coffin] be placed on the field in order."

"In other words, I have to wait until the end of my next round."

"You can collect the three cards [First Coffin], [Second Coffin] and [Third Coffin] together."

"But do you think the duel will last until then?"

Adobis III said confidently:

"Why not?"

"Chen Luo, do you think you can defeat me in just two rounds?"

"What a joke!"

"I am Adobis III!"

Chen Luo did not quarrel with Adobis III and just said:

"Can I beat you in between rounds."

"Just wait and see."

"It's my turn now."

"I want to normal summon from my hand first."

"[Elemental Hero: Flame Man]!"

A warrior wearing flame armor appeared on Chen Luo's field.

[Elemental Hero·Flameman]

[Attribute/race/star rating: Fire/warrior race/4 stars]

[Attack power: 1200]

[Defense: 1800].

Chapter 90 Elemental Hero Flash!

"The effect of [Elemental Hero Flame Man] is activated!" Chen Luo said:

"When this card is summoned or specially summoned successfully, it allows me to add a [Fusion] from the deck to my hand!"

Chen Luo opened the deck, found [Fusion] and put it into his hand.

Yujo Judai who was watching the battle said:

"Chen Luo is using an elemental hero deck this time."

"But, I basically don't recognize the elemental hero monsters in his deck."

"It's like this [Elemental Hero Flame Man], I've never heard of it."

"But the effect of [Elemental Hero Flame Man] is a bit powerful."

"Able to search [fusion] unconditionally."

"Very crucial for hero decks!"

Chen Luo immediately placed the [Fusion] he had just retrieved on the duel plate:

"I activate the magic card [Fusion]!"

"Take the [Elemental Hero·Flash] in my hand and the [Elemental Hero·Flame] on the field as fusion materials!"

"Warrior of Light, be born from the flames!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man]!!"

Wearing red armor and a blue cloak, a warrior who controls the power of light and fire.

It fell into Chen Luo's field!

Dazzling light emanates from its armor!

[Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man]

[Attribute/race/star rating: light/warrior race/7 stars]

[Attack power: 2500]

[Defense: 2100]

The appearance of [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] caused a psychological shadow on Yucheng Judai.

Back when Yucheng Judai was dueling with Chen Luo.

He was beaten violently by [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man]!

The effect of [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Hero] is extremely tricky!

Yujo Judai can probably guess it.

I'm afraid Adobis III will also be beaten violently!

Chen Luo continued:

"The effect of [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] is activated!"

"When this card is specially summoned successfully, it allows me to add a [Miracle Fusion] from the deck to my hand!"

Chen Luo opened the deck again and got [Miracle Fusion] in his hand!

And immediately placed it in the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate!

"I will activate [Miracle Fusion] directly!"

"The effect of this card is to remove elemental hero monsters from my field or graveyard as fusion materials!"

"Thereby merging!"

"I want to exclude the [Elemental Hero: Flameman] and [Elemental Hero: Flash] in the graveyard as fusion materials!"

"Shining hero!"

"Driving the endless power of light!"

"Defeat the enemy!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Elemental Hero·Flashman]!!"

The hero in white armor came to Chen Luo's field.

Behind this hero.

A large amount of light spread out like a supernova!

The entire duel venue is filled with light!

[Elemental Hero·Flashman]

[Attribute/race/star rating: light/warrior race/8 stars]

[Attack power: 2600]

[Defense: 2100]

Yucheng Judai said in surprise:

"[Elemental Hero·Flashman]? What kind of card is this!"

"Chen Luo must have too many hero cards that I don't know about!"

"His hero deck is too comprehensive."

Compared to Yujo Judai's shock.

Adobis III on the opposite side was shocked and panicked:

"Chen Luo, you can actually summon two high-star fusion monsters in one turn?!"

"Damn it! It seems that I underestimated you before!"

"You have some strength!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"My unfolding is not over yet."

"Next, the effect of [Elemental Hero Flashman] is activated!"

"This card's attack power increases by the number of elemental hero monsters in the exclusion zone x 300 points!"

"Now I have two elemental hero monsters in my exclusion zone."

"Therefore, [Elemental Hero Flash Man]'s attack power increases by 600 points!"

[Elemental Hero·Flashman] Attack power: 2600 → 3200!

Chen Luo continued:

"It's not over yet!"

"Next, the second effect of [Elemental Hero·Sunrise Man] is."

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