"Noa, it's too early for you to be happy!"

With a sneer, Kaiba Seto glanced at Noa and placed his hand on his duel disk.

"As a duelist, I will never give up hope easily, and my Blue-Eyes White Dragon will never let me down!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

His eyes had completely turned into blue dragon eyes, and his whole body was emitting a strong blue-white fighting spirit. Kaiba Seto pulled out a card from the deck!

Like a meteor across the night sky, a card emitting blue-white light was drawn into Kaiba Seto's hand.

After adding this card to his hand, Kaiba Seto pointed to the Creation Dragon Knight beside him.

"Now, I will activate the special effect of Deck Leader Genesis Dragon Knight, which allows me to send a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my Deck to the Graveyard without destroying my opponent's monster!"

"I Normal Summon Dragon Overlord!"

"Next, I will activate the magic card, Dragon Resurrection Rhapsody!"

"The effect of this card is that if you have a Spellcaster-Type monster on your field, you can select up to two Dragon-Type monsters in your Graveyard, including Normal monsters, and Special Summon those monsters."

"I choose to revive two Blue-Eyes White Dragons!"


With a thunderous roar, two Blue-Eyes White Dragons landed on Kaiba Seto's field at the same time.

Looking at the two Blue-Eyes White Dragons, Noa couldn't help but sneered:"The attack power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not as good as that of the Celestial King. It will be useless even if you summon more.""

"And my health points are 3325. What? Do you still think you can kill me in this round?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ignoring Noa's ridicule, Kaiba Seto waved his hand and shouted directly:"This monster does not need to be fused to be special summoned from the extra deck. According to this effect, I will send two Blue-Eyes White Dragons to the graveyard and special summon this monster!" He took out the fusion monster from the extra deck and slammed it on the duel disk.

"Noa, dueling is an art that can create future duelists, and those of you who have given up on humanity are destined to become losers!"

"I will not become a pawn of Kaiba Gosaburo. At the same time, I absolutely do not believe in any arrangement of fate. People's destiny should be decided by their own hands!"

"Open your eyes and watch carefully!"

"This perfectly powerful and beautiful monster!"

"Come on!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon!" (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)

"Haha, what was I thinking? It turned out to be a fusion monster. Not to mention that its attack power is not as good as that of the Celestial King Sinatra! Seto, don't forget that you can't attack during the round when the fusion monster is successfully summoned!"Holding her arms and looking at Kaiba Seto with contempt, Noa laughed out loud.

"Humph, you can laugh all you want, my turn is over!"

"Seto, this turn is your death, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"Noa, I've been waiting for this moment!"

At the moment Noa drew the card, Kaiba Seto waved his hand and directly opened the cover card on the field.

"Trap Cards activated, final battle!"

"The effect of this card is that when your basic points are below 1000 points, it can only be activated during the opponent's turn, and then you can select a monster on your field, and all other monsters on both sides' fields and cards in your hand are sent to the Graveyard!"

"After that, the opponent selects a monster from the deck and Special Summon it in Attack Position and fights. The battle damage incurred during this turn is 0 points. The player who still has a monster on the field at the end of the turn wins the duel."

"Because of the effect of the trap card, Celestial King Sinatra will be sent to the graveyard, and the deck leader will leave the field. No matter how much life you have, you will be judged as a loser. Noa, you lose!"

""Hmph, so that’s how it is. Unfortunately, Seto, you miscalculated!" Suddenly burst into laughter, Noa pointed at her Celestial King Xenart and said,"The Celestial King Xenart’s ultimate ability is activated. In this duel, he can only return to the position of leader of the deck once and cannot be actively summoned. However, due to the effect of your trap card, I can directly choose Celestial King Xenart to appear again!"

(The original anime Noa Kouhu effect roughly means that the Celestial King has one chance to return to the leader position of the deck, and then because of the effect of the final battle, he is summoned again. In fact, the Celestial King does not have this ability at all)

"How about it, Seto, isn't it a good feeling to shoot yourself in the foot?"

"It doesn't matter!" Kaiba Seto interrupted Noa's words with great force and roared,"The effect of the trap card continues, Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon, attack Celestial King Sinatra!"

(In the original anime, Kaiba Seto used this trap card to launch the attack first and destroyed the Ark of Miracles. Then Noa talked nonsense to the president again and summoned the Celestial King to defeat the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.)

"Double Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

"Seto, are you crazy?"

Seeing the blue-eyed monster bursting and attacking her, Noa certainly couldn't just sit there and wait for death.

"The celestial king, Xinate, has fought back. Fight him back!"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation!"



In a violent explosion, the attack of the Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon was directly blocked back. As the controller of the monster, Kaiba Seto screamed and was blown away by the powerful shock wave.

"Haha, Seto, how about this? This is what happens when you challenge me!"

Seeing Naoya laughing crazily, Li Youfeng, who was standing aside and watching the fight, suddenly said coldly:"Noya, stop grinning. Although President Kaiba was hit because of his attack power, you have actually lost the duel!"

"What?"Li Youfeng's words were like a bucket of ice water poured on Naia's head.

As if to confirm Li Youfeng's words, Naia looked at the Heavenly King Sinat who slowly turned into pieces and disappeared on his field, and opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"My Celestial King Shinat obviously has higher attack power, so why was my monster defeated?"

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Seto Kaiba's voice was heard in the thick smoke, and his figure appeared in front of Noa,"The effect of Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon is that it cannot be destroyed by battle, and if it has been attacked by this monster and not destroyed, that monster will be removed from the game when the damage is settled!"

"So, Naia, when your deck leader leaves the field, you lose this duel!"

Since the deck leader was defeated, Naia's health instantly dropped to zero. Hearing the sound of his defeat, Naia knelt on the ground as if his soul had left his body.

"Why, why? I am obviously my father's most outstanding son, why did I lose to Seto?"

(Li Youfeng: Because of my hint, President Kaiba was prepared in advance. If he still loses, then Seto Kaiba is not worthy of being the Lord of the White Dragon.)

Just when Noa was in despair, the clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. The clouds slowly condensed in the puzzled eyes of everyone, and finally formed the face of a man.

"Noa, you are really useless. I didn't expect that even you would lose to Seto."



Yes, the face that appeared in the sky was none other than Noa's biological father and Seto and Keihei's adoptive father, Kaiba Gousaburo

"Father, why are you here too? And since you are here, why don't you meet me?"

As the biological son of Kaiba Gosaburo, Noya still has a certain affection for his father. However, what he didn't expect was that when he was overjoyed to see his father again, he was only met with Kaiba Gosaburo's cold rebuke.

"Noa, I don't want to meet you because you are no longer useful!"

After sneering, Kaiba Gosaburo looked at Kaiba Seto.

"Seto, just as you said, your whole life has been just a chess piece I used. You thought you defeated me, but you didn't know that I uploaded all my memories to the computer network when I was dying. Now I can control all the computer systems of Kaiba Group effortlessly, and your body will become my substitute to rule Kaiba Group again!"

"Gang Saburo, you can't succeed. My life is controlled by myself, and you can't control me!"

"You can say whatever you want, but before that, I have to get rid of the most troublesome person first!"As soon as the voice fell, a ball of light suddenly enveloped Li Youfeng, who was hiding behind the crowd and watching this family drama with great interest.

""Shit, what’s going on? Ah~ No! Ya Mie Die!"

Unable to resist at all, Li Youfeng’s body turned into pieces and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone:"You Feng?!"

"Damn it, Gosaburo, what do you want to do? If you have anything to say, come at me, don't hurt innocent people!"

"Despicable guy, quickly release You Feng!"

Seeing Li You Feng being abducted, An Yugi and Kaiba Seto immediately protested.

"Humph, I don’t want to do anything, I just want to know some little secrets of this boy. As for you, I have locked the systems of the entire facility, and your consciousness will remain here forever!"

"Ha ha……"

Accompanied by bursts of laughter, Kaiba Gosaburo's face gradually disappeared. Unlike the original work, due to the stimulation of defeat and the blow of knowing that he was just a pawn of Kaiba Gosaburo, Noa's mentality has completely collapsed.

Loneliness, betrayal, loneliness, death!

All these negative things were imposed on Noa. Just when Noa was about to give up everything, Kaiba Keipi suddenly came up and hugged him.

"Brother, don't give up, please cheer up!"

"Brother? You call me brother?"

Looking at Kaiba Keipi in disbelief, Naya's face was full of shame.

"But, I did such a terrible thing to you and Seto, I am not worthy of being your brother."

"Don't say that!" Grabbing Noa's shoulders, Kaiba Keipi comforted Noa with encouraging words,"You are just being used by Gosaburo, and I know very well that you don't actually want to hurt me. If you want, we can leave here together and start a new life!"

"Start a new life again?" Two lines of tears flowed from Noa's eyes. Looking at Keipi with a sincere face, Noa stood up with a smile,"Yes, Keipi, you are right, my life is not over yet, and I am also your brother!"

Looking up at Kaiba Seto, Noa said provocatively:"Seto, I admit my defeat in this duel, but don't be complacent. The next duel, the winner will definitely be me. As for now, we have to find a way to leave here first. Don't get me wrong, I did this entirely for Keipi, not to save you!"

Using the same tone as President Kaiba, Noa also said the same tsundere words. After Kaiba Seto snorted with disdain, he said indifferently:"Hmph, it's up to you, but when it comes to a duel, there is no way I can lose to you"


Looking at the two people who have reconciled, Yugi and the others couldn't help but smile. This kind of thing is actually very common in the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, that is, there is no friendship that cannot be established in a game of cards.

Unlike the original plot, just as Noa led everyone to find an exit to leave the game world, chaos also occurred inside the mobile fortress in the real world.


With the sound of the explosion, the three automatic armed robots turned directly into a pile of scrap metal, and appeared���In front of these armed robots were Malik, who had just woken up from a coma, and Isis, who had been taking care of him.

"Sister, you stand back, leave this to me!"

Holding the thousand-year-old tin staff, Malik, who had completely gotten rid of his dark personality, could be said to be completely capable of fighting at this moment. He destroyed the guard robots in the fortress with great momentum all the way. Malik and Isis finally found the central control room that controlled the entire mobile fortress.

Looking at the instruments in the control room, Malik turned around and asked,"Sister, this should be the main control room. Can you understand how to use these instruments?"

"Leave it to me! I think I have some experience with electronic instruments."

After fiddling with it for a while, Isis finally found the control switch to pull Yugi and others' consciousness back to the real world, and successfully communicated with Yugi and others who had just found the hidden door.

After a brief communication, Isis and Naia jointly activated the forced separation system. Just when Yugi and others successfully returned to the real world, Li Youfeng also came to Kaiba Gosaburo's room

"Are you Li Youfeng?" Sitting in the office of Kaiba Group, Kaiba Gosaburo looked up and down at the young man in front of him with an unfriendly look.

After nodding slightly, Li Youfeng asked with some doubt:"Uncle, did you catch the wrong person? I have nothing to do with your Kaiba family. Instead of going to cause trouble for Seto, you caught me. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"Li Youfeng, you can deceive Naiya, but you can't deceive me. You know, when I transferred Naiya's consciousness to the computer world, I accidentally learned some interesting things."

Slowly standing up from the chair, Kaiba Gangzabulang said with a sinister smile:"That is, this electronic virtual world is not so simple. Many years ago, I learned that there are incredible powers in other worlds. After so many years of observation and research, I also learned some information about these mysterious powers."

"For example, the strange little maid with personality and intelligence that suddenly appeared beside you and the black magician, they all have life, right?"

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