The meal was quickly finished. With Kajiki Yuta's grilled fish, everyone was very satisfied with the meal. Of course, for Li Youfeng who knew the inside story, he didn't even eat a bite of Kajiki Yuta's grilled fish.

""Kajiki-kun, thank you for your hospitality. We should leave now."

After eating and drinking, Xiaobiao immediately stood up and expressed his gratitude to Kajiki Yuta.

"No way, the rice you cooked is also very delicious, and it is quite delicious with the sea fish. I am also very satisfied with it!"Waving his hand slightly, Kajiki Yuta glanced towards the cliff calmly, but his action did not escape Li Youfeng's eyes.

"Are you waiting for the tide to rise? Kajiki Yuta may seem rough, but he is actually very careful. However, his opponent this time is a game after all, so it is understandable that he is cautious when facing the Son of the World.

Following the steps of Xiaobiao and others, Li Youfeng quietly hid in the crowd. However, at this moment, a sharp harpoon suddenly pierced in front of Xiaobiao.

""Kajiki-kun, what are you doing?" The surprised cousin turned around and asked

"Hey, you guys, you want to leave after you're full? It's not that easy!" He stood up slowly and grinned without hiding his face,"For a first-class fisherman, how could he let the fish he caught get away? Especially such a big and plump fish, don't you think I'm right, You Fengjun!"

"Kajiki-kun, why are you doing this? Aren’t we friends? Seeing Kajiki Yuta’s attitude change drastically, Xiaobiao couldn’t understand it at this time.

"Friends? Haha, stop kidding, I have never admitted that you are my friends!"

Kajiki Yuta waved his hand, and a duel monster arena on the edge of the cliff slowly rose from the sea.

"I am Kajiki Yuta, the Duelist of the Sea, and you are just prey that has walked into my trap!"

"Li Youfeng, I will completely defeat you today to wash away the shame of the national competition. Come on, come and face me like a real duelist! Hahaha!"

"Wait a minute!" Reaching out to interrupt Kajiki Yuta's laughter, Li Youfeng said woodenly,"I didn't eat your grilled fish. If you want to find an opponent, you shouldn't look for me."

"You Feng, you are wrong!" Kajiki Yuta walked to the duel arena and slowly raised his deck,"After all, fishermen don't just use fishing rods when hunting, they sometimes also cast nets depending on the situation!"

"Ha~ So that's how it is."

Knowing that he couldn't escape anymore, Li Youfeng handed the backpack to Xingzi and jumped onto the duel arena.

"Since you insist on causing trouble for me, I won't be polite. I'll bet on my dignity as a Hell Ryu. Let me use you to test the power of this new deck."

"Really? Although I have never heard of the so-called Hell Style, I feel very honored to be taken seriously by you as the national champion!" With a strong fighting spirit on his face, Kajiki Yuta took off two star pieces from his wrist,"I'll bet the only two star pieces in your hand, this time I will definitely defeat you completely!"

"Ah, the star pieces are fine, but if you think you can beat me, then go ahead and give it a try."


"This is my home court, so I'll take it first!"

Kajiki Yuta smiled excitedly and launched an attack directly.

"It's my turn, draw a card! I Normal Summon this monster in Attack Position!"

Everyone:∑(´△`)What the hell is going on ?

Where's your monster? At least show me your head, right?

"Look, there's a shadow in the water!" Following the direction Jonouchi pointed, everyone saw something.

"Oh no, Kajiki-kun's monster is hiding under the water. If he can't find the target, You Feng-jun's attack will be blocked. This duel is too disadvantageous for You Feng-jun!"

Li You Feng:(⊙_⊙)?

Xiaobiao's words almost made Li Youfeng, who was about to draw a card, fall off the duel stage. So, despite all my calculations, I still couldn't defend against my teammate's backstab? ? ?

"Haha, that's it!" As if because of Xiaobiao's reminder, Kajiki Yuta laughed immediately,"My water area occupies 60% of the total area of the venue, so the attack power of the monsters I summoned has been greatly improved!"

"Next, how will you fight back if you can't find your target? You Fengjun, I'm really looking forward to seeing how you will respond."

Although I knew that this duel would turn out like this, no matter how many times I have watched it, it is still so outrageous!

Looking at the empty field opposite, Li Youfeng was extremely annoyed at this moment. Even if you activated the field magic, you can't just let me look at your face when you attack, right?

This is no longer a foul, but you can't afford to play anymore, right?

Pegasus, your grandma's leg!

Look at what kind of crap is this duel competition you organized?

Is it really the Kingdom of Kouhu?

I really don't have the energy to complain about Kajiki Yuta anymore. Li Youfeng, who had already made a plan, had a plan in an instant!

Isn't it just that I can't attack?

What's the big deal? Do you really think that my title of fraudster is for nothing? Do you really think that those predecessors of my underworld school who have been studying day and night are joking?

We may not be the best at playing cards, but how can we talk about the ability to make things happen?

Haha, it's time for you to experience the fear of being dominated by the underworld people.

(There is a group of people in Yu-Gi-Oh who are not obsessed with winning, but are obsessed with disgusting their opponents and constantly developing their lofty belief in the ability to make people laugh. This group of card players who are dedicated to bringing smiles to their opponents are collectively called the Hell People!)

"It's my turn, draw a card! Activate the special skill Magic Trap Affinity!"

Skill: Magic Trap Affinity is activated, the skill has 2 uses left in this game.

As a green card was drawn into his hand, Li Youfeng's mouth immediately revealed a slightly sinister smile.

"I activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two to discard."

"I summon this monster in defense mode, covering two cards at the same time, and my turn ends."

Knowing that it would not cause any damage, Li Youfeng did not make a tentative attack like the king in the original book.

"You Fengjun!"

"It's bad, the situation is really unfavorable for You Feng. Kajiki Yuta, you are such a despicable guy!"

"Despicable? What do you know?" Hearing Jonouchi's words, Kajiki Yuta immediately shouted,"The sea is so terrifying. Those who don't understand the sea can only be swallowed by the endless waves!"

"During my turn, I summon this monster in Defense Position!"

"Fight! Kill that monster for me!"

""Strangle with tentacles!"

Following Kajiki Yuta's order, several thick tentacles rolled towards Li Youfeng's card. At this moment, Li Youfeng briefly saw the true appearance of this monster.

"It turned out to be a demon squid (attack 1200 defense 1400). After the field's blessing, the monster's attack power should be 1560 points."


With a loud bang, Li Youfeng's cover card was directly blown to pieces.

"Defeat the three-eyed monster! Haha, You Feng, now you know how terrifying the sea is!"

"The special effect of the three-eyed monster is activated!"

Ignoring Kajiki Yuta's silly smile, Li Youfeng continued,"When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can add a monster with an attack of less than 1500 points from the deck to my hand."

"Open the cover card at the same time, fellow traveler!"

"When your monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can choose a monster to destroy!"

"Devil squid, be destroyed together with my three-eyed monster!"

"Impossible, with the protection of the sea, my monster will not be destroyed so easily!"

Seeing that Kajiki Yuta wanted to talk nonsense, Li Youfeng certainly would not indulge him.

"Kajiki-kun, what I just activated was a trap card. As a fisherman, you should understand that no matter how strong a fish is, once it enters a fisherman's trap, it will never escape!"

""Tsk! Damn it! You Feng, it seems that I still underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable."

Kajiki Yuta naturally had no way to refute this explanation that hit the mark. He could only watch his demon squid turn into pieces.

"It’s not over yet, open another continuous trap card, Abacus of Death!"

"The effect of this card is that every time a monster on the field is sent to the Graveyard, the owner of that monster will receive 500 points of damage for each monster he has. Kajiki-kun, lose blood with me!"

(Chain order: Death's Abacus > Fellow Traveler > Three-eyed Monster��)

Kajiki Yuta LP2000>1500.

Li Youfeng LP2000>1500

"Great, nice job!"

""You Fengjun! So awesome!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng, who was supposed to be at a disadvantage, instantly launched a strong counterattack, Jonouchi and Wang Yang, who had transformed again, exclaimed in admiration at the same time.

"Game, You Feng is so awesome, I really didn’t expect that he could fight back in such a bad situation!"

"Ah, Jonouchi-kun, You Feng's strength is beyond doubt!" Frowning slightly, Wang Yang shifted his gaze to Kajiki Yuta's field with some worry,"But Kajiki Yuta is not a mediocre person, this move may only work once."

"Damn it, You Feng, are you trying to drag me into the abyss with you?" Kajiki Yuta, who suddenly understood, was furious,"I won't fall into your trap again. Don't forget, I'm an excellent fisherman, and traps are my forte!"

"Okay, my turn is over, it's your turn next."

"Is that really the case?"Li Youfeng shook his head and smiled slightly.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, I activated the effect of the fallen angel Mary in the graveyard. When this card is in the graveyard, every time we are in the preparation phase, only one turn will restore 200 LP points!"

Li Youfeng's LP1500>1700.

Everyone:"What? ? You can restore 200 LP points every turn?"

Seeing Li Youfeng restore his LP, everyone present was stunned.

You must not underestimate these 200 points of life value. In this environment with only 2000 health points, what does the extra 200 health points every turn mean? For Kajiki Yuta at this time, it is obvious.

"Is this Li Youfeng's strength? He is indeed a man who can summon a monster with an attack power of 10,000 points. He deserves the title of national champion! No, I can never defeat such a man. It seems that I have to give up those unrealistic thoughts as soon as possible. Kong Quewu, who was completely stunned by Li Youfeng's strength, couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

"I put a monster in defense mode. OK, my turn is over!"

"Humph, no backcourt blocking this time? You're smart!"

Glancing at Li Youfeng's backcourt, Kajiki Yuta couldn't help but look at the cyclone in his hand.

"The continuous trap card on You Feng's field has an effect on both of us, but for Li You Feng who cannot attack, the current situation is still more favorable to me!"

"Humph, You Feng, I have to say that you made a fatal mistake. If a third-rate fisherman casts a net rashly, sometimes the net will hurt himself! Since you don't know yourself, I will let you lose to your own trap card today!"

"Haha, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at Li Youfeng's failed look, Kajiki Yuta couldn't help but laugh.

"You Feng, it seems that you also know that I will not be hit by the same trick again, but facing the horror of the sea, you still choose to escape! Well~ Actually, this is understandable! But you will not be so lucky next time!"

"I summon the Sea Dragon God (Attack 1800 Defense 1500) to attack!"

"In addition, due to the venue, the attack power increased by 30%!"

Sea Dragon God 1800 ﹥ 2340

"Attack power 2340? What a terrifying monster!"

"Oh no, facing such a terrifying monster, You Feng can’t resist it!"

"You Fengjun, danger!"

Shocked by the attack power of the Sea Dragon God at this time, Peacock Dance, Jonouchi and Wang Yang exclaimed at the same time.


"Never underestimate the ocean!"

"Come experience for yourself the consequences of angering the ocean!"

"Sea Dragon God, let your enemy feel despair, tear that monster to pieces!"


With a bang, the Sea Dragon God flicked his tail and smashed Li Youfeng's cover card into pieces.

"Haha, You Feng, I haven't forgotten the trap card on your field! A fisherman who has never been out to sea is only a third-rate fisherman! Now, reap what you sow!"

"Humph, is that really the case?"Facing Kajiki Yuta's ridicule, Li Youfeng smiled calmly."Activate the flip effect of the Snowman Devourer!"

"When this card is flipped over, you can select a face-up monster on the field and destroy it. Sea Dragon God, go to the Graveyard with my monster!"

"The effect of Death's Abacus is activated. For each monster card that enters the Graveyard, the card's owner receives 500 points of damage!"


Li Youfeng's LP is 1700 > 1200.

Kajiki Yuta's LP is 1500 > 1000.

Having such a big advantage, but being suppressed by Li Youfeng again and again, coupled with such a frustrating playing style, Kajiki Yuta felt a nameless fire rushing to his forehead.

"Li Youfeng, you bastard, you can only fight in such a cowardly way? Are you still a duelist? Stand up and face me bravely!"

"uh-huh~!"In response to Kajiki Yuta's ridicule, Li Youfeng just shrugged indifferently.

"Damn it, don't be so complacent!" Secretly regretting that he didn't destroy the Death Abacus right away, Kajiki Yuta no longer hesitated and slapped the cyclone in his hand on the electronic table,"I activate the magic card cyclone to destroy the Death Abacus!"

Seeing the bright red trap card enter the graveyard, Kajiki Yuta's anger finally subsided a little.

"You Feng, your despicable tricks end here, the next round will be your death!"

"No, you don’t have the next round!"After declaring victory to Kajiki Yuta, Li Youfeng snapped his fingers pretentiously,"The puzzle pieces of victory have been assembled, and I will kill you in this round!"

"Hahaha! Stop trying to scare me. Look at your empty field! How can you reduce my LP without any offensive means? Come and try if you can. My turn is over!"

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