Mercy, yes, mercy!

"No, it's impossible, all of this is not true!"

Looking at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on his field, the Death Mimic began to tremble all over. He thought those rumors were just exaggerations, but after fighting with Li Youfeng, he personally experienced the latter's horror.

"My Blue-Eyes White Dragon now has 3300 attack points, while the highest attack point of the monsters on his field is only 3000 points. Even if I don't have the two trap cards, Explosive Armor and Attack Neutralization, I can't beat him with the attack power of the five monsters on his field! That's right! He can't kill me instantly!"

The people watching the game under the ring saw Li Youfeng fill his field with monsters in an instant, and they were all stunned by his dreamlike operation!

"Hey, Yugi, no matter how many times you watch it, You Feng’s duels are always so shocking!"

"You are right, Jonouchi-kun!"

Yugi Muto, who had already transformed into a king, also stood there in a daze. He nodded and said in agreement,"I have long known that Yu Feng-kun is a true duelist, but I did not expect that he could exert the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to such an extent. It was not until now that I finally understood why Jijiang lent him the only fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the world."

"No! This is impossible!"Affected by his brother, Kaiba Keipi, who also used a dragon monster, knelt on the ground with his eyes blank, watching everything that happened on the duel arena. His heart was like a stormy sea."All this is not true. Only my brother is the strongest dragon user. I don't admit it. I will never admit it!"

On the duel arena.

As if noticing the slightly relaxed expression of the other party, Li Youfeng snorted coldly, and then said:"Do you think 3300 attack power is the limit of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Humph, then you are totally wrong! Now, I will let you experience for yourself how powerful the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that I control can be!"

"I activate the power of unity! Equip it to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"The effect of this card is that the equipped monster's attack and defense are increased by the number of monsters on our field multiplied by 800. There are a total of 5 monsters on our field, so the attack of Blue-Eyes White Dragon is 7000 UP!"

Everyone:"Attack power 7000! ?"

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"The Death Mimic, who could no longer hold back, was so frightened that he turned back into his original ugly appearance!

It was not until this moment that he deeply realized how insignificant he was, and secretly regretted why he tried to provoke Li Youfeng.

"Fight! Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack!"

Seeing the white light waves gathering in the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mouth, the Death Mimic was so scared that he immediately held his head and shouted,"Ah! No!"

"At this moment, I activated the special effect of the pig bone throw in the graveyard!"

"Banish this card in the Graveyard to negate one attack by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"


Everyone present, including Kaiba Seto and Pegasus who were watching all this in the dark, exclaimed in disbelief at Li Youfeng's mysterious operation!

"You Feng! What are you doing? Why did you stop your attack?"

"Calm down, Jonouchi!"

He quickly reached out to stop Jonouchi. Wang Yang had cold sweat on his face and said solemnly,"I can feel that You Fengjun's attack is not over yet. The next attack will definitely be beyond our imagination. Just watch it patiently!"

"Stop~it stopped? Haha, you idiot actually made it stop!"

The ups and downs like this are just like riding a roller coaster. It's too exciting. The mentality of the Death Imitation Master has been completely defeated by Li Youfeng at this moment. The joy of escaping death fills his heart, making the Death Imitation Master laugh wildly!

"Haha~ Li Youfeng! Because of your arrogance and conceit, you missed this chance to defeat me! Do you think I will be grateful to you? Don't dream, your pedantry will only lead to your death without a burial place! I will never let you go!"

""Who told you that my attack is over?"

An emotionless voice interrupted the laughter of the Death Mimic. Everyone looked up and saw Li Youfeng slowly raising the last card in his hand.

"I cast a quick-attack spell from my hand, doubling my chances!"

"When a monster on your side of the field has its attack negated, you can activate this effect by targeting that monster. During this battle phase, that monster can attack once more. This effect doubles the attack power of that monster during the damage step."

"According to this effect, the attack power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on our field is doubled!"

(Hope King Hope: Friendly reminder, this trick can have a good benefit when combined with my effect. If you play it well, you can even kill the opponent in seconds!)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack power 7000>14000


"Fourteen thousand attack points?!"


Surpassing the Skeleton King's 10,000 attack points, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's power soared to 14,000 points!

Absolute power filled the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's white body, and its blue dragon eyes flashed with a dazzling light that was impossible to look directly at! Yugi and others who felt this power up close were shocked by it and could hardly breathe. The strong air pressure turned into substance, forcing them to retreat again and again. At this moment

, not only was the Death Mimic dumbfounded, but even Pegasus, who always had a smile on his face in front of the monitor, couldn't help but feel a trace of regret at this moment. On his face, a very rare solemn expression appeared.���

As for Kaiba Seto, he was extremely excited in the secret room and shouted out the three words: strong! Invincible! The strongest! Especially when he saw Li Youfeng give the attack order, Kaiba Seto in front of the monitor even shouted out the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's iconic attack move with pride!

"Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!" x2


It seems that because Li Youfeng's Blue-Eyes White Dragon card contained the power of the elves, it deeply felt that its master was angry and sad because of the enemy in front of him.

The anger of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon seemed to become real.

This extremely violent force not only smashed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in front of the Death Mimic, but also hit him solidly!

The huge impact force blasted the Death Mimic directly out of the duel arena.

He screamed in mid-air and fell into a coma after falling heavily to the ground.

Death Mimic LP2000>0.

In a secret base in the Duel Kingdom, Kaiba Seto, who hacked into Pegasus's surveillance system and witnessed all this, now had bloodshot eyes!

"Fourteen thousand points! There are actually fourteen thousand points of attack power! Surpassing the ten thousand points of attack power of the Skeleton King, this is the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, is this the true strength of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?"

For Kaiba Seto, who has a very high self-esteem and has long regarded the Blue-Eyes White Dragon as his lifelong forbidden delicacy, the appearance of any White Dragon Master is undoubtedly a provocation to his dignity!

However, what made him feel powerless was that he could never have imagined that Li Youfeng, who he regarded as only playing tricks in secret, could exert his power to such a powerful level with just one Blue-Eyes White Dragon after using the White Dragon deck!

Such strength is not something that he can do now anyway!

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, I was right! You Feng, I didn't lose to you, but to the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

This is a provocation, a joy, and at the same time a sorrow!

Angry because Li You Feng took away the White Marriage that belonged to him! Joyful because Kaiba Seto saw the infinite potential that the Blue-Eyes White Dragon could bring out!

Sad because the person who could bring the power of the White Marriage to its limit was not himself!

"You↗Feng↘! As expected, you are my nemesis, an enemy that I must defeat with my own hands! I swear, no matter how long it takes, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will definitely defeat you with my own hands! The strongest White Dragon User can only be me, and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon can only belong to me, hahahaha!"

Kaiba Seto, who was laughing excitedly because he saw the tip of the iceberg of the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, was so involved that he completely forgot where he was. It was not until he was hit hard on the forehead that he realized in a daze that someone seemed to have broken into the room. However, when he found out something was wrong, he no longer had the ability to resist.

The scene in the original book that was comparable to a Hollywood action blockbuster did not appear, and President Kaiba was taken to the castle of Pegasus. Fortunately, the five giants of Kaiba Company gave the condition that only by defeating Li Youfeng could they obtain 50% of the company's shares.

So this is equivalent to Li Youfeng indirectly saving Kaiba Seto again, but this time Being caught was so embarrassing that it became one of the few black histories of President Kaiba, and he was often teased.

Li Youfeng, who had just won the game, never thought that it was because of his little butterfly's momentary unhappiness that President Kaiba was caught. Of course, even if this was the case, he would never admit it. After all, who can you blame for your own confusion? It is not uncommon for people to be struck by lightning when they pretend to be cool. President Kaiba is certainly not the first one, and he will certainly not be the last one.

Li Youfeng walked down from the duel arena without saying a word, and his face was even a little gloomy. Seeing Kaiba Keipi coming to beg him again, Li Youfeng directly gave the most pertinent advice.

"Guiping, this island is full of surveillance cameras, you can't escape at all, so I advise you to give up this idea. And you are not a duelist, so instead of following us, you might as well follow these two bodyguards back to the castle of Pegasus. We will definitely go to the castle to find you in one day at most. After all, there will be a battle between us and Pegasus!"

In the end, Kaiba Guiping listened to Li Youfeng's advice and followed the two bodyguards back to the castle. Li Youfeng was alone looking at the sky in the distance. At this moment, there was only deep sadness in his eyes.

That night, after dinner, Li Youfeng lay alone on the grass on a small hill, staring blankly at the stars in the night sky.

Seeing Li Youfeng so lonely, a thin figure slowly walked towards him.

"You Fengjun, these are the four star pieces you got when you defeated the impostor. I got them for you. As for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in his hand, it's also here. I think it must have been dropped by Kaiba-kun. I got it here as well. You can return it to him when the time comes."

"Ah, it's Yugi, thank you."

With a gentle look on his face, he took out four star pieces and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card, handed them to Li Youfeng, and then Yugi Muto sat next to him.

""You Fengjun, I see that you don't look very well. Are you homesick?"

It should be said that Xiaobiao's talent for understanding is really full. As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew why Li Youfeng was so disappointed.

"Yes, I miss home."With a slight wry smile, Li Youfeng replied calmly.

"In that case, after we rescue Jijiang, we can go to your hometown with you. I am also very interested in China and have been looking for a chance to go there for a long time."

Shaking his head gently, Li Youfeng said a little sadly:"Games are not like that. How should I put it? I am afraid I can never go back in this life."

"The reason why I lost my composure during the duel this afternoon was because I suddenly remembered my parents."

"I don’t know how they are doing, and I don’t know if they will be sad because of my leaving. But the good thing is that my younger brother should have graduated. With him taking care of our parents, I don’t need to worry about him anymore."

"Anyway, in their eyes, I am just a nerd who plays games every day, so they shouldn't miss me too much."

At this point, Li Youfeng was already crying. At this moment, he finally had someone to confide in.

"You Fengjun, I understand everything you said."It should be said that my cousin is really gentle by nature, and he always gives people a sense of closeness."I have lived with my grandfather since I was a child, and I have never seen my parents."

"But I believe that there is no parent who doesn't love his or her child. You Fengjun, no matter where you came from, from the moment we met, you are our best friend. Our friendship is eternal and will never change because of time."

"Is that so?"Li Youfeng, whose mood gradually improved, suddenly looked at Yugi and asked seriously,"If I shake hands with you, will you agree?"

As if he had heard another layer of meaning in Li Youfeng's words, Muto Yugi stretched out his right hand without hesitation.

"You Fengjun, even if we have a duel, I will still choose to shake hands with you without hesitation. It has nothing to do with the outcome of the duel, just because you are my best friend!"

"Ah! You too, Yugi!"Looking at the bright starry sky, a brilliant smile slowly appeared on Li Youfeng's face,"You are my best friend!"

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