Led by a maid, Li Youfeng followed the Izayoi Hayato couple to the banquet hall of the Izayoi family. After seeing the decoration that was no less than that of a five-star hotel, the financial resources of the Izayoi family undoubtedly made Li Youfeng see what luxury was.

The hall that can accommodate hundreds of people, coupled with a variety of precious decorations, not only shows its wealth, but also highlights the history and status of an old family.

According to the introduction of the maid next to him, Li Youfeng roughly understood that in the Warring States Period, the ancestor of the Izayoi family was once a talented daimyo. If this official position is interpreted according to the Three Kingdoms period of China, it is the treatment of a vassal.

When Western culture invaded the Sakura Kingdom, the Izayoi family seized the opportunity to purchase medical books from the people and reorganized them.

Although the process of collecting medical books is not very glorious, who would care about these things in that era of the law of the jungle?

After a series of measures, the Izayoi family completely controlled the production resources of the entire Sakura Kingdom in terms of medical care.

These medical books have become the heirlooms of the Izayoi family. After the evolution of the times, they have further become the current Izayoi chaebol. As for the members of the Izayoi family, they have to learn medical skills since childhood, so that almost every family member has a qualified medical license.

Perfect medical institutions and self-sufficient herbal medicine supply have laid the foundation for the Izayoi family's important social status in Sakura Country.

In addition, some family members have made outstanding achievements in politics, which makes the Izayoi family have a certain say in national construction and military and political affairs.

In fact, the reason why the Izayoi family held such a big birthday party for Izayoi Kaoru is not only to celebrate his birthday, but also to have another meaning.

Izayoi Hayato has no children. As the only little princess of the current head of the Izayoi family, the adult Izayoi Kaoru naturally has a more special meaning for these politicians and wealthy businessmen in Sakura Country.

Take the guests who came to the ballroom, there are actually only a few consortium bosses and their wives, and more are young elites from major families.

Knowing that this birthday party is the coming-of-age ceremony of Izayoi Kaoru, these young elites flocked to it like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers.

As the best in all walks of life in Sakura Country, these young and promising young elites not only have extraordinary social backgrounds, but also have extremely good social abilities.

With the help of this birthday party, these young elites basically came to participate with the idea of getting to know Izayoi Kaoru.

Of course, in addition to wanting to win the favor of the beauty, their actions more represent the"goodwill" of the family behind them.

And as the best way to express"goodwill", it is undoubtedly marriage.

After bringing Li Youfeng to the ballroom, the little maid bowed slightly to him and went to do her own thing. As for Li Youfeng himself, he came to a corner of the venue on his own.

Picking up a piece of exquisite dessert from the buffet table, Li Youfeng looked around the crowd while eating.

However, by chance, at this time, Li Youfeng accidentally discovered a young man who looked very familiar.

The young man was wearing a light purple suit and looked to be in his twenties.

At this moment, he was chatting with several middle-aged men who seemed to be of high status. However, his long light blue hair and the aura of a superior exuding from his body were extremely inconsistent with the middle-aged men around him. What was even more outrageous was that those middle-aged men seemed to respect him, and even their words and actions were extremely cautious.

As if he noticed that Li Youfeng was secretly looking at him, the young man nodded slightly to the middle-aged men around him, then walked straight towards Li Youfeng with a wine glass in his hand.

"Are you the Duel King Li Youfeng?"

"Yes, that's right, it's me, who are you?"

Seeing that Li Youfeng openly admitted his identity, the young man immediately raised his glass and said with a smile:"I am Atlantis Dazi, the current president of Paradis Company. Duel King Li Youfeng, I have seen your activeness in the Duel City Competition on live TV. Before the competition, I didn't think you would win the title of Duel King. This is really surprising."

"Who? Dazi?!"

Li Youfeng suddenly thought of the old man pretending to be young and who had lived for 10,000 years in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! He felt his hair stand on end.

Looking up at Dazi's heterochromatic eyes, one green and one gold, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart:"Why did Dazi appear at Izayoi Kaoru's birthday party? Does he want to have an old cow eat young grass? That's not right. Xiaoxun and this guy should not have any direct connection. Could it be that because of my appearance, the plot has deviated again?"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Li Youfeng pretended to see Dazi for the first time and replied calmly:"Oh, I didn't expect that you are the current president of Durres Company. Nice to meet you!"

"The products produced by your company are very famous all over the world. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to use them so far! Oh, it's really a pity!"


The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. Even Dazi, who had lived for more than 10,000 years, couldn't help but get a little excited because of Li Youfeng's words.

"Haha, Mr. You Feng is really funny. My company is called Paradis, not Durres. You just heard it wrong."

With a lewd smile that all men understand, Li You Feng said,"Oh, is that so? Haha, I'm so sorry. The two names are so similar. It's easy to imagine! Mr. Dazhi, your company's name is so similar to Durres. Do you have the idea to completely squeeze them out of the market?"

"I'm going to squeeze you out of the market! By the way, how did you come up with the similarity between my company and Durres? They are obviously very different!"

"This damn illiterate is really infuriating!"

Dazi secretly complained about Li Youfeng in his heart, and then asked,"Mr. Youfeng is really funny!""

"That's it!" Li Youfeng smiled a little embarrassedly and asked,"When can I see the products produced by your company?"

Because of Li Youfeng's repeated disruptions, Dazi had completely lost his patience, his face suddenly darkened, and Dazi said coldly:"Li Youfeng, let's end this topic here. To be honest, it's really ridiculous for you to act crazy and stupid like this."

"Same here!"

Seeing the other party's true face, Li Youfeng simply stopped pretending.

"Didn't Mr. Dazhi do the same thing just now? I'm just giving him a taste of his own medicine. I'm a straightforward person and don't like beating around the bush. So if you have anything to say, just say it directly. There's no need to exchange pleasantries with me."

"Humph, you just got the title of Duel King by sheer luck! Li Youfeng, now that we have come to this, I will not beat around the bush."

Putting the wine glass in his hand on the buffet table, Dazi sneered and said,"I am very interested in the three Phantom God Cards in your hand. Name a price and sell them all to me."

"You want the phantom God Card in my hand? Haha, that's exactly what happened!"

In the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh, Dashi ordered his three idiots, the Dorma Three~ Ugh!

It should be the three Dorma musketeers who took the three God Cards from Jijiang.

To be honest, if Jijiang hadn't been so pretentious as to put the three God Cards in the store for exhibition, I'm afraid this wouldn't have happened again.

Jijiang has made an indispensable contribution to the development of the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh!

(Note: He is simply the sixth person who has successfully infiltrated our team!)

Looking up at Dashi, Li Youfeng said with a wry smile:"Okay, but I don't like money. You can only exchange it with what I want."

"Oh? What do you want? Just ask. It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing in this world that I cannot get."

Seeing that Li Youfeng agreed to exchange three God Cards, Dazi immediately showed a proud smile on his face. However, he did not expect that Li Youfeng's next sentence would be...���It made him freeze in place.

"In that case, I'll take the pendant you have around your neck!"


Because he was wearing a suit, from the outside, there was nothing visible on Dazi's neck. He raised his hand and tightly grasped the six-pointed star pendant hidden under the lining. Dazi's face was already filled with undisguised murderous intent.

"Li Youfeng, you are looking for death!"

"Oh no, I'm just looking for death, what? Do you dare to do it here? In one word, do you want to change or not?"

With a smile of wisdom on his face, Li Youfeng knew that Dazi would never exchange the pendant with him for the three God Cards.

It was because the thing stored in the pendant was Dazi's"source of power", and it was also the crystal he got from the pool ten thousand years ago.

The core crystal of Orichalcum!

In the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh, the crystal fragments of Orichalcum were a"gift" from the will of the earth due to volcanic eruptions!

As the so-called representative of the will of the earth, Dazi became the legendary"lucky man" very sadly!

Because he picked up this crystal, Dazi learned about the existence of the God of Orichalcum and the so-called test of the will of the earth.

At the same time, this Orichalcum Hagang's core crystal has also become an important medium that is indispensable for him to connect with the god of Orichalcum.

As a necessary item for activating Orichalcum's barrier, the fragments of Orichalcum are therefore firmly in the hands of the mysterious organization Doma. As everyone knows, in the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh, Orichalcum's barrier cannot be activated out of thin air.

To use this card, the initiator must also carry a fragment of Orichalcum.

The reason why Yu-Gi-Oh fans jokingly call this card a death barrier for whoever uses it, in addition to the fact that the duel user has never won after activating this card, the deeper meaning is actually a satire on the destruction of Atlantis ten thousand years ago.

At that time, the residents of Atlantis After getting these fragments, they thought they were gifts from nature. Who would have thought that these things would actually be the death warrant that led to their complete destruction.

This feeling is like being exposed to nuclear radiation, and it is even mutated!

Not only that, as the king of Atlantis, this six-pointed star crystal pendant is a symbol of the king. The meaning and value behind it are self-evident.

For Dazhi, the importance of this crystal pendant is basically no less than his own life. As a superior and duelist, Dazhi naturally cannot give up his past glory and dignity.

And in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, as long as it involves the dignity of the duelist, it is a very simple four-word sentence: Do not trample on!

So, from the very beginning, Li Youfeng had guessed that Dazi would never agree to his conditions and exchange such a precious thing for the cards of the three phantom gods.

In addition, the reason why Li Youfeng dared to confront Dazi on the spot was that after the incident with An Malik, his outlook on life had changed.

From wanting to stay out of it at the beginning to bravely facing responsibility now, the reason why Li Youfeng was so resolute was because he already had the woman he loved all his life in his heart.

Although it is unknown how Li Youfeng knew about the existence of Olihagang, for Dazi, compared to the nameless Pharaoh, Li Youfeng's existence is undoubtedly more threatening to him now!

""Humph! Damn bastard, you know a lot!"

After glaring at Li Youfeng fiercely, Dazi turned his back and sneered,"Li Youfeng, although I don't know where you suddenly appeared from, your bluffing tricks are just deceiving yourself. My existence is much older than you think!"

"To tell you the truth, with my power, there is nothing I can’t get as long as it’s what I want!"

"Li Youfeng, don't think you are smart just because you know a little bit of trivial things. For an ordinary person, knowing too much is not a good thing. In my eyes, you are just a pathetic clown."

"But it is encouraging that your soul has successfully aroused my interest, so I believe we will meet again in another way soon."

(Dazhi:"Your soul will be a sacrifice to the god of Orichalcum!")

"Tsk~ Playing tricks!"

Looking at Dazi's back as he left, Li Youfeng secretly recalled���The story about Daze in Yu-Gi-Oh!

As the founder of the secret organization Doma, Daze has been trying to guide mankind and secretly promote the progress and development of the world.

According to the original Yu-Gi-Oh, Daze even passed by Yugi, who was the Pharaoh at the time, in ancient Egypt 3,000 years ago.

Unfortunately, the conditions for resurrecting the god Olihagang were not mature enough at that time, so Daze did not have any direct contact with the Pharaoh.

In addition, over the years, the secret organization Doma has promoted many major historical events that promoted the development of human society.

The rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the beginning of the Age of Discovery, the Industrial Revolution, the Renaissance, and the two world wars.

In fact, the shadow of"Doma" exists in these historical events!

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