Looking at Izayoi Kaori who was talking and laughing with Kawai Shizuka with an embarrassed look on her face, Li Youfeng said!

He is really wronged now.


Who wouldn't feel upset if he was punched for no reason?

Covering an eye that was hit black by Izayoi Kaori, Li Youfeng's face was full of contempt. It was thanks to Shizuka that she cleared up the misunderstanding in time, otherwise, Li Youfeng even felt that he might be injured more seriously.

As for why he was injured, this matter has to start from three minutes ago.

"Sister Shizuka, why don't you eat vegetables? How can you always eat rice?"

Looking at the still very reserved Kawai Shizuka, Li Youfeng felt speechless at this time. He didn't have any thoughts about you. Besides, it was just a favor between friends. You blushed and ate rice dryly. If people get out, they will think I am bullying you!

Due to cultural differences, Li Youfeng didn't notice it at all. At this time, Kawai Shizuka had already started to think wildly nervously, such as Brother Youfeng is really handsome, is he interested in me, and he actually invited me to eat a meal he made by himself when we met for the first time, if he wants to date me, should I agree directly or be reserved before agreeing, etc. In short, in one word, she misunderstood Li Youfeng's actions.

"Hey, why don't you listen? Come, try this fried tomato and egg, it's delicious when mixed with rice!"

Not noticing Shizuka's abnormality at all, Li Youfeng picked up the spoon and began to scoop vegetables into her bowl.

"Let's try this piece of braised pork with fermented bean curd, hey, this is my specialty!"


"Hello! You Feng, I'm back. How are you? Are you surprised? You probably haven't eaten yet. I'll go cook for you now!"

Just when Li Youfeng had just put the braised pork into Shizuka's bowl, the door of the dining room was suddenly opened. The excited Izayoi Kaoru could not have imagined that she had just returned to her ancestral home to learn medical skills for half a day, and now someone dared to steal her home while she was away!

Two lines of tears fell unconsciously from her forehead. Izayoi Kaoru was stunned immediately, and two bags of fresh ingredients fell from her hands. Izayoi Kaoru's whole body was so angry that she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although Li Youfeng had asked Izayoi Kaoru to help treat Shizuka's eyes, at that time Izayoi Kaoru only greeted the hospital opened by her family. As the little princess of the Izayoi Group, which monopolized all medical institutions in the Sakura Country, Izayoi Kaoru naturally didn't need to arrange it for Shizuka in person. At best, I just looked at Shizuka's case. In addition,

Shizuka had been bedridden at that time, and she didn't dress up at all, and she was still blindfolded with gauze, so in a moment of urgency, Izayoi Kaoru didn't find out who this girl was.

"Hey? Boss? Why are you crying?"

As a Chinese man, Li Youfeng has the same problem as most Chinese men, that is, he can't stand seeing girls cry, especially pretty girls crying (LSP, you know!). Confused,

Li Youfeng thought something had happened, and quickly got up and walked to Izayoi Kaoru's side.

"Boss, don't cry, what's wrong with you? You can tell me if you have anything to say. There's nothing to be upset about. Be good and stop crying!"

Hearing Li Youfeng's gentle consolation, Izayoi Kaoru felt a little better. She pointed at Kawai Shizuka, pouted her lips and asked with dissatisfaction:"Who is she, and why are you picking up food for her?"


Seeing Izayoi Kaoru pointing at Shizuka, Li Youfeng understood something instantly. However, there is an old Chinese saying that goes, if a bitch has been a bitch for too long, she will be like a dog that can't change its nature of eating shit!

Li Youfeng suddenly understood and looked at Izayoi Kaoru's expression. His brain twitched, and he immediately said with a mischievous smile,"She! My sister, I just recognized her. Do you want to know who she is? Why don't you guess?""

"A new sister? And you want me to guess?" Hearing this, Izayoi Kaoru's face darkened instantly.

"Hey, you can't guess it, I'll tell you, she is actually~!"

"Li Youfeng! I will kill you!!!"



Before he could finish his sentence, Shizaiya Xun punched Li Youfeng in the left eye.

"You're cheating at home and you want me to guess. Okay, I'll let you guess today. Do I guess or not?"

"Sister, you misunderstood. Brother Youfeng and I are not what you think!" Seeing that I was about to teach Li Youfeng a lesson, Shizuka would certainly not sit there stupidly.

"Brother You Feng?!" Hearing this, the tears in Shijiya Xun's eyes could not stop flowing out,"Li You Feng, you have guts~! Okay, I'm leaving!"

"Xiaoxun! Listen to my explanation!"

Seeing that Shizaiya Xun was really angry, Li Youfeng didn't dare to act mean anymore and quickly stopped her.

"Xiaoxun is dead!"

Turning back suddenly and pointing at Li Youfeng's nose, Shizaiya Xun roared with tears in her eyes:"You picked the national champion! I'm telling you, I'm going to take care of this stinky woman. Even Jesus can't stop her, I said!"

"It’s not Xiaoxun, listen to me!"

"I am Shizuka Kawai, the younger sister of Jonouchi. Today I am here to thank Brother Youfeng. Sister Izayoi, don’t you recognize me? You helped me with the transfer to another hospital!"


After hearing what Shizuka said, Izayoi Kaoru was stunned. There was even an extremely awkward atmosphere in the air.

It was quite embarrassing.

"Are you the Shizuka Kawai who just had eye surgery?"

"Yes, that’s me!��

"Uh~ this~ oh~ it turns out to be Shizuka's sister, sorry, sorry, I really didn't recognize her at first. To be honest, you and Jonouchi really don't look alike at all. He looks so ugly, and you look so cute. It's hard to imagine that you two are siblings!"

(Jonouchi: Is my smile ugly? Is that polite?)

It should be said that she is worthy of being an active idol. The speed of her change of attitude is really amazing. Based on the principle that if I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed, Izayoi Kaoru quickly pulled Shizuka to the chair

"Sister Shizuka, please sit down first. I bought some fruit. I'll cut it for you."

"No need, Sister Izayoi, I'm almost full, I really don't need it."

"Hey, you haven't even eaten yet, how can you say you're full? You Feng is so annoying, he can't even make a joke, he makes me angry all day long, it's so annoying."


At this time

, Li Youfeng said that he was really numb! Covering his injured eyes and sitting back in the chair with a resentful look on his face, Li Youfeng directly became a dry eater based on the principle of turning grief into appetite. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely control his mouth in the future. After all, the punch on the eye was a bit unfair.

After this incident, Kawai Shizuka went to the Lavender Game Store more frequently, and as Jonouchi's sister, Shizuka was indeed a gentle and lovely girl. Every time the store was busy, she would always come forward to help, which made Li Youfeng very embarrassed.

Although he tactfully rejected Shizuka's kindness, This girl is actually very stubborn.

After many unsuccessful persuasions, Li Youfeng naturally accepted it.

However, every time Shizuka came to help watch the store, Li Youfeng always felt as if someone was secretly watching him.

Unfortunately, he had no evidence.

As the biggest victim of this incident, Izayoi Kaoru also paid an extremely embarrassing price for her impulse.

Although she had guessed that Li Youfeng should know her feelings, she still chose not to confess to Li Youfeng.

Although it is not clear whether Li Youfeng is willing to accept her, for Izayoi Kaoru herself, she has become extremely unconfident and began to doubt herself.

With her current personality, is she worthy of Li Youfeng?

(Li Youfeng: Love is like this at a young age, especially the first person to fall in love is often extremely humble. Of course, shameless people like me are an exception!)


"Ah, it's a sunny day today!"

It was Monday morning in a blink of an eye. Li Youfeng, who had just opened the shop, saw many students heading to school. Although Izayoi Kaoru had asked Li Youfeng if he wanted to go to school, Li Youfeng just smiled and glossed over the question. Although he was a otaku in his previous life, Li Youfeng was a person with higher education after all. Besides, in addition to cultural courses, schools in this world teach more about playing cards, which Li Youfeng thought was somewhat misleading.

"It's strange, why hasn't Kaiba announced the start of Duel City yet? It's been almost half a month. Could it be that the plot has changed again because of me?"

Although he knows the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, Li Youfeng doesn't know the specific time when these events took place. After all, there is no description in the original book. It's quite good for him, a time traveler, to remember the occurrence of these major events.

Since there are usually few customers in the morning, this is also a very rare time for Li Youfeng to be lazy. He just finished the loving breakfast left by Izayoi Kaoru. Li Youfeng was lying on the counter with a comfortable look on his face, sorting his cards. Suddenly, Jonouchi, Honda and Kyoko ran into the store together.

"You Feng, are you there? Oh no, something went wrong with the game?"

"What did you say?"

Looking at the three sweating people, Li Youfeng was immediately confused. The Duel City game hasn't even started yet. What could have happened?

Being attacked by Pandora?

That doesn't make sense. How could it have happened in this time period? What the hell?

Am I a pessimist?

Has the plot really changed again?

"You Feng, this is what happened!"

Seeing the obvious puzzlement on Li You Feng's face, Xingzi hurriedly stepped forward and said,"This morning when I was going to school with You Yu, a fortune teller suddenly said that he knew the secret of the Millennium Blocks on You Yu. As a result, when You Yu handed the Millennium Blocks to him, the fortune teller took the Millennium Blocks and ran away. I couldn't catch up with him, so I had to come back to ask you for help?"

"What the hell? A fortune teller again?"

Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar profession, Li Youfeng couldn't help but think of a certain fortune teller who was pretending to be cool. However, if we calculate the time now, this guy should still be at sea. After all, that fishing boat has to go back and forth to Antarctica.

After ruling out this impossible situation, Li Youfeng asked with some doubts:"Xingzi, don't be anxious. Tell me first, how tall is the fortune teller? Is he a stupid boy with rabbit ears? Also, where did you meet this person?"

"Rabbit ears? No, I think the fortune teller was about 1.85 meters tall. After grabbing the game's thousand-year building blocks, he ran directly towards the old city."

"The direction of the old city?"

Trying hard to recall the original story of Yu-Gi-Oh, Li Youfeng suddenly remembered something.

"Damn, it turned out to be this loser! I really forgot this part of the story!"

Yes, at this moment, Li Youfeng finally remembered that before Duel City, Yugi's Millennium Block had been taken away by someone, and that person was the thief Keith.

Thinking of Yugi Muto who was almost burned to death because of the broken Millennium Block, Li Youfeng shuddered suddenly.

You know, in the original work, it was Jonouchi and Honda who arrived in time to save Yugi. If Yugi was alone, he would never be able to escape from the iron nailed to the game table.���Pull out the thousand-year-old building blocks

"Come on, follow me!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Li Youfeng immediately took off his apron. However, just after running out of the game store, Li Youfeng suddenly remembered something.

"No, wait a minute, I forgot to take something!"

Li Youfeng hurriedly returned to the game store and directly took out a well-maintained steel bar from the warehouse. As for why this thing was hidden in the game store, Li Youfeng discovered it by accident.

At that time, placed together with the steel bar was a white windbreaker with the words"Night dew is bitter, meteor is the fastest" written on it. When Li Youfeng found it, he was quite interested and took it out to gesture, but because the windbreaker was a little too fit for him, he folded it again and put it back exactly as it was.

"Oh my god, You Feng, what are you doing?"

"We are going to look for someone, not to fight!"

Seeing Li Youfeng running out of the game store with a steel bar in his hand, Jonouchi and Honda were immediately confused.

"Oh? You mean this!"Li Youfeng said calmly, inserting the steel bar into his back,"I am a waiter in a game store. It is reasonable to carry a steel bar on my body. You don't have to make such a fuss. Come with me quickly. It's more important to find games."

Hearing what Li Youfeng said, Jonouchi and Honda immediately stopped insisting. After asking Xingzi to help look after the game store, Li Youfeng took the two and ran quickly towards the direction of the old city.

In fact, just as Li Youfeng guessed, due to the timely action, when they found the warehouse where the watch game was located, the duel happened to be in a state where Keith was out of control.

In the original anime, because Malik's control was incomplete, he was fiercely resisted by the thief Keith. When Li Youfeng used an extremely handsome flying kick to kick open the door of the rotten warehouse, he saw at a glance that Keith, who was out of control, was rushing towards the thousand-year-old building blocks under the watch game duel platform!

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