
As the magic card cyclone was activated, Li Youfeng's last cover card exploded on the spot and turned into a cloud of smoke.

"Haha, Li Youfeng, you miscalculated this time!"

""Apep's incarnation, attack directly!"

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Xilide immediately issued an attack order again. However, to his surprise, Apep's incarnation did not move after receiving the order, but stood there in a daze.

"Why? What's going on?"

Hilde looked at Li Youfeng with a puzzled look on his face, and Li Youfeng also sneered at this time.

"Hehehe~! You really dare to destroy my cover card, sorry, I lied just now!"

"Magic card effect activated, Fuma Shuriken!" (I already hinted at the Dragon Ninja in the previous chapter, how many people guessed it correctly?)

"When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can activate it and inflict 700 points of damage to your opponent!"


Hilde opened his eyes wide with horror when he found out that he had been tricked. In a cloud of white smoke, three shurikens shot out like lightning and hit Hilde straight on his body.

(Two shots for the body and one shot for the head, even Hua Tuo would shake his head! )


""No! Li Youfeng! You despicable guy! Ah!"

With a scream, Xilide was knocked to the ground by three shurikens, his health value was reduced to zero, and Xilide, who was repeatedly hit hard, pointed at Li Youfeng with extreme reluctance, and finally fainted due to exhaustion.

"Haha, it's not against the rules to mislead you in a duel. Besides, a duel is a psychological game. How can I give you a blow if I don't lie?"

Since duelists are allowed to talk in the real card competition of Duel King, Li Youfeng also fully demonstrated his sinister and cunning character.

Especially in the duels in this world, it is not limited to questions like"What's wrong, aren't you going to attack?""Hey, you're not scared, my front court is empty.", so Li Youfeng would give full play to the skills of his previous life.

The real purpose of Li Youfeng reminding Xilide that he still had two cover cards was to induce Xilide to pay attention to and destroy his cover cards. At the same time, Li Youfeng had already calculated that Xilide would never believe him so easily. As expected

, Xilide suffered a great loss after the tentative attack. With only 600 health points left, he naturally did not dare to step on the trap blindly. However, what he did not expect was that the real trap was waiting for him at this time.

Language misleading and chain traps are exactly what Li Youfeng is good at. You must know that in his previous life, Li Youfeng has always been called a trickster by other duelists because of his true and false skills.

As the duel was decided, the white palace created by the fighter's soul also dissipated.


Although the duel was over, the damage caused by the fighter's soul would not disappear so easily. In order to activate the effect of hand-to-hand combat, Li Youfeng chose to take the knife of Apep's incarnation. Until this moment, he could still feel the pain from the wound.

"It's just a minor injury that can cause such tremendous pain. If it were a severe injury, it would have directly resulted in death!"

"I'm at a loss now. If I had known it would hurt so much, I should have used the kite robot. Damn it, I must not be so impulsive next time."

Since the damage caused in a duel directly affects the souls of the duelists, it is impossible to tell from the appearance alone. Glancing at the seriously injured Shirid, who was lying dead, Li Youfeng endured the severe pain in his body, covered the burning wound, and limped to the side of Shizayoi Kaoru.

"Hello! Is this Leping General Hospital? Yes, I have injured people here, in the abandoned factory in the old city in the south, two people, yes, I'll wait here, you guys send a car over quickly."

After sitting down next to Izayoi Kaoru and taking out his mobile phone to call the emergency number, Li Youfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru who was leaning against the wall and in a coma, and thinking that it was because of him that Izayoi Kaoru was injured, a sense of guilt slowly emerged from Li Youfeng's heart.

As a Chinese, the idea of returning to one's roots is flowing in Li Youfeng's blood.

Although he likes this world where duels are respected very much, Li Youfeng is still a rootless duckweed in this world, because the China in this world does not have his original home after all. However, just when he was confused, Izayoi Kaoru appeared. It was she who reached out to him and gave him a home that could shelter him from the wind and rain..

In Li Youfeng's opinion, Izayoi Kaoru is actually a possessive, extremely insecure and somewhat unconfident girl.

For the sake of the boy she likes, the girl gave up her airs as the daughter of a large consortium and personally washed clothes and cooked for her lover.

Sensing Li Youfeng's reluctance, the girl secretly customized the clothes she wore in her previous life for him and quietly placed them in his closet.

In order to get her lover's attention, the girl would always find ways to act like a demon.

However, when the boy looked at her affectionately, the girl was shy and happy, but she began to worry whether her previous actions would make the boy in her heart angry.

She thought the boy she liked didn't notice her little actions and was complacent about it, but what she didn't know was that what the girl did was really...���Everything was seen by the boy.

Because of the fear of losing, the girl has never dared to confess to her beloved boy.

Therefore, every time Li Youfeng looks at this naive girl with contradictory personality, he always feels a little bit amused.

In fact, for Li Youfeng, ordinary companionship is the real happiness. I don't ask for a thousand flowers to dazzle my eyes, I only love that one flower, a pair of people for a lifetime, this is the best partner in Li Youfeng's heart.

Fortunately, the character of Shizaiya Xun is really the kind of stubborn character that will never abandon a person after he has identified him, and will accompany him forever. After living together for such a long time, Li Youfeng has actually noticed Shizaiya Xun's feelings for him, but he is not ready now, so he will continue to maintain his usual attitude.

Because he is not sure whether he has the ability to bring happiness to the girl he likes, so now he just wants to see this innocent and lovely girl smile happily every day, that's enough.

He gently hugged Izayoi Kaoru and leaned her body against his own. Li Youfeng's eyes became more and more determined. Thinking of the scene when he saw Izayoi Kaoru being beaten, Li Youfeng felt that his heart seemed to stop suddenly at that moment.

"Malik, you want to play, right? Okay, brother will play with you today!"

Li Youfeng's face gradually showed a hideous smile as he slowly recalled the plot of the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel City. However, when he was secretly thinking about how to retaliate against Malik, he didn't notice that Izayoi Kaoru, who was leaning on his shoulder, had a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

The ambulance arrived soon. In addition to Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng also sent Shilide up, just because he knew that although Shilide was playing the underworld card, his character was indeed there.

In the original work, after seeing Malik suffering from the grave-keeping trial, Shilide chose the same path without hesitation. Although he accepted Malik's orders, the sense of honor of being a grave-keeper made him extremely out of place when he was in the game city.

As Li Youfeng said before , he was very glad that the person who attacked Izayoi Kaoru was Shilide, simply because Shilide would never kill anyone other than the target. This was the main reason why Li Youfeng used the Fighter's Soul to save Shilide even at the risk of exposing his special ability.

The ambulance soon arrived at the Leping General Hospital. Knowing that it was the family's little princess Izayoi Kaoru who was injured, the director and experts of the general hospital were so scared that they immediately went out to diagnose her.

After a series of examinations and treatments, the hospital finally concluded that the fainting was caused by excessive fatigue, and made a recommendation that he needed to rest well during this period of time.

As for Shilide, his condition was more serious. Even though he received effective treatment from the experts and was out of danger, his injuries might not last until the end of the Duel City Tournament.���

After learning the doctor's diagnosis, Li Youfeng was completely relieved. Looking at Izayoi Kaoru lying quietly on the sickbed, she was so lovable at this moment.

After gently stroking the red bangs on her forehead, Li Youfeng turned and walked towards the door of the ward.

"You Feng."

However, what Li You Feng did not expect was that just when he walked to the door of the ward, Shizayoi Xun opened his eyes and called him softly.

"You must win, I want to see you become a true duel king!"


Knowing that the girl he was worried about had woken up safely, Li Youfeng immediately showed a happy smile on his face. At the same time, a strong fighting spirit surged from his heart!

Without turning his head, he raised his right thumb to Shizayoi Kaoru, and said with a ruffian smile:"Don't worry, boss, as long as you give me a raise, let alone the Duel King, even the World Duel King, I will definitely let you see it!"

"Well, when you come back victorious, I'll reward you with my best seafood chowder."

"Ah, don't worry, I'll eat this seafood stew."

Seeing Li Youfeng walk out of the ward, Izayoi Xun, who was lying on the bed, slowly closed her eyes. A blush quietly floated on her delicate face, making her cover her face with the quilt a little embarrassed.

"Hate it, you stinky You Feng, it's so embarrassing, doesn't this mean I confessed first? Idiot, idiot, ah~ I'm a weak little girl~, it's so frustrating!"

Walking on the streets of Tongshiye, Li You Feng looked at the four puzzle cards he got from Izayoi Kaoru and Li Sid (there was another one in the game store that he didn't bring with him), while thinking about his next opponent.

"Humph, Malik, you want to start a war with me, right? Well, in that case, don't blame me for attacking your people first!"

Suddenly recalling Malik's few men, Li Youfeng immediately locked his target, and his target was the user of the black magician who attacked the game in the original book, Pandora!

"But where should I go to find this Pandora? Although I have seen the anime, I have no idea where that place is. The only thing I remember is the circus-like tent, which seems to be in a park."

Not interested in attacking other duelists, Li Youfeng quickened his pace and searched the nearby parks directly. However, during the time he was looking for Malik, the trajectory of fate was put back on track again.

Although the timing was a bit wrong, Gurus's rare card hunter still found Jonouchi. Due to a moment of carelessness and the opponent's use of Exodia's fake card, Jonouchi still lost his most precious rare card. The only difference is that the rare card that was taken away was changed from Red-Eyes Black Dragon to Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!

In order to avenge Jonouchi, the angry dark���Yugi took action, and after spending a lot of effort with Jonouchi, the two finally found the rare card hunter who took away the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, so Yugi decisively challenged him to a duel!

After successfully defeating the rare card hunter of Gurus, the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon also fell into Yugi's hands.

Since he refused to accept Yugi's kindness, Jonouchi gave up on getting the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon back, and the two separated, each starting to target the puzzle card, looking for a duelist who could duel with them.

During this time, Li Youfeng was lucky enough to find a tent similar to a circus next to an open space in a park. Looking at the strange shape and the location of the tent, the corners of Li Youfeng's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

"Humph, I wasted so much time and finally found you. A magician deck, right? Black magician, I will accept it without hesitation!"

Since receiving the cards sent by Pegasus, Li Youfeng inadvertently realized that some non-banned cards had been collected in his previous life, but after coming to this world, these cards could not be used. Just like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, only after you get it and log it into the deck will it become available and unlock related cards, but due to the restrictions of the world's laws, you can only use the only one.

However, as if to compensate Li Youfeng, the unusable Blue-Eyes White Dragon was eventually transformed into a derivative deck"The Dragon Maid is waiting for your dispatch." Since the Urban Duel chapter is quite unfriendly to fusion monsters, this deck has always been kept in the void deck by Li Youfeng and has never been used.

With a try-it attitude, Li Youfeng took the Wang Family Temple from Shilide's deck when he was in the hospital. As expected, this When this card was logged into the Void Deck, it not only retained the original anime effects, but what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that he also unlocked the"Pharaoh's Gravekeeper" deck.

Such a change undoubtedly made Li Youfeng discover a new world. It was for this reason that Li Youfeng set his sights on Pandora, because he really wanted to see what kind of changes the Void Deck would have after he got the Black Magician and was forced to compensate by the laws of the world.

It seemed that Li Youfeng, who appeared at the door of the circus, was discovered, and a figure dressed as a circus clown walked out of the tent. Looking at this clown, Li Youfeng immediately realized that he had found the right place!

Under the guidance of this clown, Li Youfeng came to a closed room through the magic box. Just as he was looking for Pandora's figure, he saw the figure of the Black Magician suddenly projected on the computer screen in front of him.

"Humph, Li Youfeng, right? My master Pandora has been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect that a fool like you would come to my door on your own. This saves me a lot of effort."


With a somewhat disappointed sigh, Li Youfeng looked towards the room���The dark place said lightly:"Now I finally understand why no one watches your performance. It would be strange if there is an audience with your performance level."

"Bastard, what are you talking about!"

Li Youfeng hit the nail on the head. Pandora was so angry that she walked out of the shadows.

"It means literally, Malik's rare card hunter, Mr. Pandora!"

Looking at Pandora in front of him, Li Youfeng felt disgusted for no reason. Although Pandora in the original anime lost her beloved partner in her early years like Pegasus, the only difference between the two is that Pandora killed the one she loved with her own hands!

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