Haima Group Headquarters Building

"You Feng! How much strength have you hidden? Did you not take it seriously when you dueled with me?"

Watching the video of Li You Feng killing the insect feather moth in seconds over and over again, Kaiba Seto's anger was simply imaginable, especially the strong sense of powerlessness mixed in this anger. Such pain almost tore his proud self-esteem to pieces.

"The Skeleton King with 10,000 attack points is far more powerful than the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Traps and magic cards cannot stop it. You Feng, how much are you hiding? How strong are you?"

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Why do you like to compare with me? Bully the honest dragon?)

Thinking of Li You Feng's relaxed attitude when he dueled with him, Kaiba Seto became more and more certain of his previous guess.

"Bro, can I come in?"

"Keihei? Come in."

After getting the permission from Kaiba Seto, Kaiba Keihei came in with some documents.

"Brother, I have contacted our subsidiary in China, and these are the information they sent over."

"Wow~ Is there news so soon? Hurry up and let me see it."

Reaching out to take the information brought by Keipi, Kaiba Seto's eyes flashed with excitement. If Li Youfeng saw these documents, he would definitely be unable to complain, because the information on these documents is all about his personal information.

"China doesn't have any information about Li Youfeng, and he has never participated in any activities related to Duel Monsters? How is this possible?"

"Brother, that's the truth." Kaima Keiping's face was also quite solemn."In order to confirm the authenticity of the information, I also used some special connections, but the result is that China has never recorded any personal household registration information about Li Youfeng. If I hadn't actually seen him, I would have every reason to suspect that this person appeared out of thin air in Tong Shiye."

"Did it appear out of thin air?"

Slowly placing the document on the desk, Kaiba Seto stared at the Skeleton King with an attack power of 10,000 points on the wall screen.

"Whether he came from China or appeared out of nowhere, the only thing that is certain is that he is a powerful duelist and an opponent that I must defeat!"

"Guiping, I have to leave for a while recently. I will ask you to supervise the development department to develop new cards. The new cards are my hope to defeat You Feng. I will ask you to do all this."

"Don't worry, brother. Leave everything to me. I will contact you as soon as the development department has new results."

The next evening.

Lavender Card Shop.

The afterglow of the setting sun softly sprinkled on the streets of Tongshiye. As the street lights came on, the number of pedestrians on the road gradually decreased. After a busy day, Li Youfeng took back the billboards in front of the store one by one, and turned the sign marked"open" on the door frame to"close". However, what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that just when he was about to return to the store, two familiar figures appeared in front of him panting.

"Yugi, Jonouchi? Why are you two here?"

"Oh no, You Fengjun, something happened to grandpa!"

"What?"After hearing what Muto Yugi said, Li Youfeng was a little confused.

"You Feng, You Xi and I are here to ask you for help, please help us! Please!"

"Don't panic, both of you. Come in and talk slowly."

Li Youfeng suddenly realized that the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh seemed to be developing in a direction he didn't know, so he quickly invited Yugi Muto and Jonouchi into the card shop.

"It's like this, You Feng."

Seeing that Muto Yugi seemed a little embarrassed to speak, Jonouchi hurriedly said:"Pegasus attacked us last night, and Yugi's grandfather was kidnapped by that bastard. Ah! Damn, I may not have said it clearly. Although this is hard to believe, what I want to express is that Jijiang's soul was kidnapped by Pegasus. Do you understand what I mean?"

For fear that Li Youfeng would not believe Jonouchi's words, the cousin immediately explained:"You Feng, what Jonouchi said is true. Pegasus sent me a videotape last night. After we opened it, Pegasus directly started the dark game with me. It was all my fault that Jijiang's soul was kidnapped by Pegasus."

"What? Grandpa Shuangliu's soul was abducted by Pegasus?" Izayoi Kaoru, who had just finished making dinner in the kitchen, happened to hear what Xiao Cousin said. She hurried over and asked nervously,"How is Grandpa Shuangliu now?"

"Jijiang has been sent to the hospital, but he still can't wake up. The doctor can't find out the cause, and now he can only rely on basic medical means to maintain his life."After saying these words, a painful expression appeared on the cousin's face.

After hearing these words, Izayoi Kaoru looked at Li Youfeng with concern, and said hesitantly:"Youfeng, Grandpa Shuangliu……"

"Boss, you don't have to say anything, I understand everything.

" Li Youfeng smiled gently at Izayoi Kaoru, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

Li Youfeng, who slightly changed the plot, thought that Pegasus would change his target, but he didn't expect that he would still attack Muto Yugi.

Looking at the Millennium Brick hanging on Xiaobiao's chest, Li Youfeng suddenly realized that Pegasus and Muto Yugi were both owners of the Millennium Artifact, and there didn't seem to be much room for reconciliation between them.

As a symbol of the dark game, it can be said that the entanglement between the two will erupt sooner or later. In addition, Pegasus gave him an invitation card and duel gloves, which means that he is now invincible.���There is no way to escape. After getting rid of Yugi Muto, the next target will definitely be me.

Publicly, Pegasus will not let me go. Privately, the reason why I can open the hidden function of the card pendant is because of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon collected by Jijiang. So publicly and privately, Li Youfeng can no longer stay out of it with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Li Youfeng was rarely angry.

I acted low-key, so you think I'm a soft persimmon, right?

Pegasus, right? Peeping cards, right?

I'm hiding from you not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. If my concession gives you the courage to bully me, then I can only make you pay the price for your arrogance.

Thinking of this, Li Youfeng's mind moved, and he directly opened the attribute frame that only he could see. Because he won the national championship, his attribute frame also changed a little.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: Level 2

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (Note: Limited to 3 per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start

Bond: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Unlock: Some general Magic Trap and Bond Monsters of the same race Core Monster Cards.

After checking his existing inventory, Li Youfeng gradually gained confidence. Looking back at Muto Yugi, Li Youfeng asked,"Yugi, what are you going to do now?"

"That's it!" Xiaobiao took out the duel gloves and two star pieces,"Tonight there will be a cruise ship heading to the Duel Kingdom, and the soul of Jijiang is imprisoned there by Pegasus."

"Duel Kingdom is actually ahead of schedule? Is it because of my appearance?"

Upon hearing this news, Li Youfeng was also slightly stunned.


"Ah? Yes!"

Hearing Li Youfeng calling her so intimately, Shizaiya Xun's face instantly flushed with shame.

"I'm going to rescue Grandpa with Yugi and the others. We'll leave our card shop to you during this time."

"You Feng."Xia Ye Xun lowered his head slightly,"Grandpa Shuang Liu has been kind to me, I want to go with you"

"No way!"

Not to mention that he was not sure of beating the Card Peeping King, with Izayoi Kaoru's card playing skills, wouldn't it be a sure kill if he really went there?

Thinking of a lame excuse, Li Youfeng smiled and said,"Our card shop has just got on track. If you stop business now, all your previous efforts will be in vain, and Grandpa Sugoroku also needs someone to take care of him. I remember you once told me that your Izayoi Group runs a medical institution. If you stay, we can go to rescue Jijiang with peace of mind."

"Well, okay then." Looking at the serious Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru slowly revealed a reluctant smile,"Youfeng, you must pay attention to safety when you go to rescue Grandpa Shuangliu this time. This card shop cannot be without you, I will always wait for you!"

"Ah, don't worry, I will be careful."

Farewell to Izayoi���, Li Youfeng, Muto Yugi, and Jonouchi rushed to the dock of Domino without hesitation, and Izayoi Kaoru said that she would place Muto Sugoroku in the nursing home of her own group and take care of him together with Kyoko and Honda.

What has changed from the original is that when Li Youfeng opened the gift box given by Pegasus, he found that there were two duel gloves and 4 star pieces in it.

However, it was also because of this that Jonouchi was not kicked off the cruise ship like in the original.

Li Youfeng, who was still a little confused, suddenly remembered that Pegasus at this time seemed to have also made a move on Kaiba Entertainment Group. He immediately realized that this glove and two star pieces were probably prepared for Izayoi Kaoru, and its purpose was simply obvious.

""Pegasus, your dark personality is really a bit too crazy. You actually dare to touch the people around me! Just wait, I will give you a big surprise at the risk of your smile for the rest of your life."

After boarding the cruise ship, the duelists who came to participate in the Duel Kingdom competition were so scared that they immediately gave way when they saw the trio headed by Li Youfeng.

There was no other way. The Skeleton King with an attack power of 10,000 points was too terrifying. Not only did it slap the insect feather moth into a sand dollar with one slap, but it also broke the courage of these minor duelists into pieces.

"Hello, Mr. You Feng." Just as Li You Feng and the other two stepped onto the deck, a black-clad bodyguard on the ship came over and said,"Mr. Pegasus has specially arranged a special suite for you who won the national championship. Please follow me.""

"Oh wow! I didn't expect the national champion to receive such treatment, You Feng, we are really benefiting from you now." When he heard that he didn't have to sleep on the deck, Jonouchi immediately became happy.

"Well, we can take this opportunity to adjust the deck in the room."It should be said that he is a gentle cousin indeed. In order to save Jonouchi's face, he wanted to send cards in the name of adjusting the deck.

"Please lead the way."

Thinking of this classic part in the original book, Li Youfeng was of course happy to see it happen. He glanced at the insect feather moth that was hiding in the corner and never dared to look at him, and immediately sneered in his heart.

"It seems that the slap in the face has left a huge psychological trauma on this poor kid. It will probably take at least ten days or half a month for him to recover."


"Wow, it's worthy of being a first-class cabin. This sofa is so comfortable to sit on!" Sitting on the sofa, Jonouchi picked up an apple and started to eat it."Well, this fruit is also very delicious, You Feng, thank you so much this time."

"Jonouchi-kun, don't just focus on eating, we have to hurry up and organize the deck."

Putting down his backpack, Yugi Muto pulled out a rare card with a special effect from the deck. Li Youfeng took the opportunity to take a look. As expected, the card Yugi Muto gave was really the Magician of Time.

"Jonouchi-kun, this time magician has a very special���I believe you will need it in the future."

Looking at the harmless expression on the cousin's face, Li Youfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

People who have read the original novel basically understand that it is because of this card that the gambling card deck of Jonouchi was completely opened. The Runfa brother in the gaming world, the legendary gambling god, started because of this small card.

It has to be said that the card sent by the cousin seems to be awesome, but in fact it is called thick-faced and black-hearted. If you don't believe it, look at how Jonouchi lost the duel with Wang Yang later?

"I activated the magician of time, oh yeah, it worked!"

"Sorry, Jonouchi, because a thousand years have passed, my Black Magician has evolved into the Great Sage in Black!"

Let me ask you, who among the audience who saw this scene didn't kneel on the ground and make a 666 with their toes!

(My mother asked me why I was kneeling on the ground watching Yu-Gi-Oh. I answered that Xiaobiao was too insidious. He had already dug a trap for Jonouchi 20 episodes in advance!

He dug a trap without distinguishing between friend and foe!

He dug traps all over the three realms. Who dares to mess with me?

This is the power of Xiaobiao!

Seeing Xiaobiao using words of friendship and bond to trick Jonouchi into adding this card to his deck out of gratitude, Li Youfeng couldn't help but frown.

"No, if I hadn't seen it, it would be fine, but now that I have encountered it, I can't just watch Jonouchi go down a road of no return!"

Thinking of the card that Jonouchi was about to get in the plot, Li Youfeng immediately thought of a rare card that was extremely suitable for Jonouchi at this stage.

This card, combined with the game rules of the Duel Kingdom, can be said to be able to easily solve a considerable number of opponents once it is in hand. Its strength can even compete with Wang Xiang, who currently has no decent magic cards.

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