"It's a long night and I can't fall asleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn't fall asleep. It turns out that you two, the fortune-teller and the face artist, can't fall asleep either. I wonder if you two are interested in playing cards with me?"

"Oh shit!"

""Who is it?"

Hearing this voice, the hairs all over Baliang's body almost stood up, and even the hair that looked like rabbit ears suddenly stood up because of excessive tension.

As for Malik, who had never dueled with Li Youfeng, he was caught off guard by the sudden voice of the other party.


Li Youfeng walked out slowly from the dark corner, playing with the deck in his hand, while looking at the two losers who wanted to attack the city at night, he said with a sinister smile:"Why are you still asking who I am? Didn't I tell you before in the Sky Arena? My name is Tyrael, my profession is an archangel, and my hobby is to administer justice! So, are you two little thieves ready to be punished by justice?"

"Fuck the justice! If you were an archangel, hell would be paradise! Li Youfeng, you are targeting me on purpose, right? What did I do to offend you? You really don't have the guts to hold on to me, right?"

"Humph, Baliang, why are you reacting so strongly? Are you afraid of Li Youfeng? How ridiculous! He is just a mere mortal. Is he worth being so nervous about?

Seeing Baliang's sudden reaction to Li Youfeng's appearance, Malik immediately seized the opportunity to mock him mercilessly.

"You haven't been fucked by him before, so you can talk without any pain, right?"

Recalling the fear when he was dominated by Li Youfeng, Ba Liang was already sweating profusely. To be honest, if he didn't want to lose face in front of Malik, Ba Liang would have turned around and ran away decisively.

"Humph, look at your shameful appearance!"

With a sneer of disdain towards Mo Liang, Malik pointed the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand at Li Youfeng.

"I don't care if you are Li Youfeng or an archangel. If you dare to stop me, I promise that I will let you experience what real pain is."

"Is that so? That's perfect. I've been wanting to settle the score with you for a long time!"

Recalling the scene where Ishiya Kaoru was beaten up in the abandoned old factory, a ferocious smile gradually appeared on Li Youfeng's face.

"Malik, I once said that I would let you see what real cruelty is. I think it is better to choose the right time. Tonight is a good night."

"Also, I advise you that I am not in a good mood right now, so don't think about rejecting me."

Saying these words, Li Youfeng walked past Malik and Baliang and went straight to the elevator leading to the Sky Arena.

"Haha, do you want me to see what real cruelty is? Interesting, Baliang, what do you say?"

"Humph, what a joke! If you are not afraid, how could I be afraid? And now I also want to know whether Li Youfeng really has the ability to fight two at once!"

A great evil god and a dark personality reached a consensus again under the pressure of Li Youfeng.

Following behind Li Youfeng, Tapir and Malik walked into the elevator leading to the upper deck of the airship with gloomy smiles on their faces.

In the sky arena, Li Youfeng, who had already stood opposite Malik and Tapir, took the initiative to show his duel disk. After shuffling and cutting the newly formed deck in his hand several times, Li Youfeng directly inserted it into the duel disk.

The cold wind in the middle of the night blew across his face like a knife. At this time, the duel airship was already above a sea area. Although the current temperature was a little lower than the previous duel, for Li Youfeng, who was already in a rage, the anger in his heart was far greater than the cold wind.

"Malik, tonight, let's settle all the new and old grudges together!"

"Li Youfeng, should I say you are overconfident? Or should I say you are a fool? You actually want to challenge two of us alone. It seems that you really want to die here."

Seeing Li Youfeng unfold his duel disk, Malik, who had once again transformed into a facial expression boy, laughed with his arms folded across his chest. If you didn't know him, you would think he had won.

"Hey, Malik, I advise you not to underestimate You Feng. Although I also think there is no reason for him to lose, there is an old saying that goes,"It is better to be safe than sorry.""

"Baliang, although I don't know what happened between you and Li Youfeng, your current behavior really disappoints me. If you are afraid, you can just quit. After all, I am enough to deal with this kind of bastard."

"Malik, you bastard! I just don't want to drag me down because of your arrogance!"

Seeing that Malik was still arrogant, Mo Liang cursed in his heart and stopped talking. After all, he had personally experienced Li Youfeng's strength. Under the current circumstances, how to defeat Li Youfeng and win the duel is the most important thing.

"Hehehe~! It seems that both of you are ready too."

With a cruel smile on his face, Li Youfeng said with a sinister smile:"Then let's start the execution!"

"The duel adopts team rules. Since you are in a group of two, my health value is 8000 points!"


Raising his hand to interrupt Li Youfeng's words, Mo Liangyin said with a smile:"Youfeng, you seem to have made a mistake. This guy and I are not companions, so it is safer to adopt the rules of a melee. Don't you think so, Malik!"

"That's right!" Malik immediately understood what Tapir Liang meant, so he nodded immediately,"Tarik Liang is right. After all, if you hadn't suddenly appeared, tonight would have been a duel between Tapir Liang and me, so I agree with Tapir Liang's words."

"Haha, no problem, I’ll do as you say. The duel will adopt the melee rules and all players will not be able to attack in the first round!"

"But I have to take the first attack!"

(The first attack allows you to draw cards, and no one can attack in the first round, this advantage is extraordinary.)

Looking at Malik and Bulara's expressions with a look of success, how could Li Youfeng not know what these two people were planning in private.

"Haha, sure!"

"I have no objection either."

They all knew that this duel would be a life-and-death battle, so Li Youfeng, Malik and Ba Liang all looked murderous.


Li Youfeng LP4000

Malik LP4000

Tapir LP4000 put his hands on the deck of cards on the duel disk, and Li Youfeng decisively activated his unique skill.

Magic Trap Affinity activated, and there are 2 remaining duels in this duel

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate Angel's Gift from my hand, draw three cards from my deck and discard two!"

"I sent the half-dragon maid, the laundry dragon lady, and the half-dragon maid, the baby-raising dragon lady, to the cemetery."

"Next, I will activate Pot of Greed and draw two more cards from the deck!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there is 1 remaining duel in this game

"Magic card activated, bitter choice!"

"This card allows you to select five cards from your deck and show them to your opponent. Your opponent then selects one of these cards and adds the card they selected to their hand. The rest of the cards are discarded to the graveyard."

"The cards I chose are Witchcraft Alley, Witchcraft Collaboration, Witchcraft Demo, Leaf Fairy, Magic City Endymion"

"Okay, Malik, now it's your turn to pick one!"

"Hey, Li Youfeng, why don't you let me choose? Do you look down on me?"

When he heard that Li Youfeng actually asked Malik to choose a card for him, Mo Liang immediately expressed some displeasure.

"You?" Glancing at Mo Liang, Li Youfeng shook his head in confusion,"You don't need to do that, because when you draw a card, you lose."

"Bastard! What did you say?"


Li Youfeng's words were an absolute humiliation to him!

"Hey, Malik! You know what to choose, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Of course I have my own plans!"

After scolding Mo Liang, Malik looked at the five cards in Li Youfeng's hand and fell into deep thought.

"Witch Craft is a series of cards so it is excluded first. I don’t know what monster effect Leaf Fairy has so it is also excluded. The only card left is that meaningless card!"

"Hey, Malik, can you do it? If not, I'll do it!"

However, just when Baku Liang couldn't help but want to attack, Malik spoke

"I choose the magic city of Endymion. Okay, throw your other cards into the ground!"

""Huh, Malik, luckily you were smart for once!"

Seeing that the card Malik chose was the same as his own, Baliang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He threw the four cards into the graveyard of the duel disk, and Li Youfeng raised his hand and slapped out a magic card.

"Magic card activated, the hospitality of the half-dragon maid!"

"The effect of this card is that you can Special Summon a Half-Dragon Maid Monster from your hand or Graveyard in Defense Position, and then you can send a Half-Dragon Maid Monster with the same Attributes as the summoned monster but a different Level to the Graveyard."

"I Special Summon Half-Dragon Maid Nursery Dragon Maiden in Defense Position!" (Attack 500 Defense 1600)

"And send the Half Dragon Maid Di Ci Long Nu from the deck to the graveyard"

"The special effect of the half-dragon maid raising a dragon girl is activated!"

"If this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 Level 4 or lower Half-Dragon Maid monster in your Graveyard other than Half-Dragon Maid Nursery Dragon Maiden, and Special Summon that monster."

"I choose to special summon the half-dragon maid, the laundry dragon lady, in defense position!"(Attack 500, Defense 1600)"

A blue light flashed by, and a little girl dressed in a maid costume appeared on Li Youfeng's field. The little girl had dragon horns on her head, and looked like a half-dragon and half-human. At first glance, she looked quite cute. However, the only sense of disobedience was that the expression of the laundry dragon lady was not as lively as on the card. On the contrary, her expressionless face made people feel a little silly.

Slowly turning around, the laundry dragon lady half-closed her eyes and bowed slightly with an indifferent look, and gave Li Youfeng a fairly standard maid salute. This action immediately made Li Youfeng realize that this card definitely had a duel elf.

Looking at his duel elf, Li Youfeng also waved to her quickly. After saying hello, Li Youfeng immediately activated the monster effect of the laundry dragon lady.

"The special effect of Washerwoman is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can throw three cards from the top of the deck into the graveyard!"

"Hey, Mo Liang, do you think Li Youfeng is crazy? He actually used cards with such huge side effects continuously. Is he looking for death? Don’t you have a grudge against him? Has Li Youfeng used such a card before?"

"I don't know, but I've never seen such a duel skill when I dueled with him before, so I don't understand what he wants to do, but this Li Youfeng is extremely sinister and cunning, so we'd better be careful."

Seeing that Li Youfeng actually used the"self-harm" effect card continuously, Malik and Baliang were both surprised at the same time. However, just when they thought Li Youfeng was going to end his turn, he played another magic card from his hand.

"I activate the magic card name reasoning from my hand!"

"When this card is activated, the opponent declares a monster's Level, and until a Normal Summoned monster appears, flip cards from your deck. If the monster that appears has the same Level as the declared Level, all flipped cards are sent to the Graveyard. If not, the monster that appears is Special Summoned, and all other flipped cards are sent to the Graveyard."

""Baliang, don't you think I look down on you? Then this time it's up to you to choose!"

Hearing that Li Youfeng actually picked his name, Baliang laughed and said,"Li Youfeng, you are such an idiot. Do you really think I don't understand the meaning of this card? You want to special summon a monster? You're dreaming!""

"The monster I choose is the level of the monster that appears on the field, which is 4 stars!"

"Hehe, I guess there should be a lot of 4-star monsters in your deck. Okay, you can flip the cards from the top of the deck!"

Malik, who thought he understood the meaning of this card, turned to look at Tapir, and said with a fake smile:"Huh, Tapir, I didn't expect you to be useful. I have to say you did a really good job this time."

Staring coldly at Malik, Tapir sneered and said:"Hey, Malik, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. I'm not happy at all when you praise me!"

"Then I will start!"

Looking at these two funny guys, Li Youfeng sneered in his heart

"First card, Magic Card: Farewell of Half-Dragon Maid"

"The second card, the continuous magic card, high morale!"

"The third card, magic card, Half-Dragon Maid's Dressing"

"The fourth card, Half-Dragon Maid Dormitory Dragon Girl"

"Since the Half-Dragon Maid Dormitory Dragon Girl is a four-star monster, it is sent to the graveyard!"

"The magic card Half-Dragon Maid's changing effect is activated!"

"When this card is in the Graveyard, you can activate this effect by targeting a Half-Dragon Maid monster on your field, add this card to your hand, and that monster returns to its owner's hand!"

"I choose the Half-Dragon Maid Nursing Dragon Girl on the field, and add the magic card Half-Dragon Maid's Changing Clothes to my hand!"

"Next, I will release the Laundry Dragon Lady's Advanced Summoning!"

"Earth Mother Alice, attack display!" (Attack power 2400 Defense power 1200)

"Next I cover three cards and my turn is over!"

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