Although they didn't say it, in fact, both of them already had each other in their hearts.

You know, when Jonouchi woke up from the infirmary of the duel airship, he saw with his own eyes that Peacock Dance was wiping his face with a towel soaked in warm water. How could Jonouchi let such a girl down?

Especially seeing the person he liked being provoked in public in front of him, as a man, Jonouchi simply couldn't keep silent!

"Jonouchi, what are you doing? This is my duel, don't mess with me!"

"Huh? How can this be called making trouble? He bullies you and you ask me to watch? Is this possible?"

"You!" Hearing what Jonouchi said, Peacock Dance's face became slightly hot,"Huh, I'm not the kind of weak woman who needs protection. I'm sure you know that too!"

"Hehe, of course I know that Mai is not the kind of weak woman who needs protection!"

Knowing that Peacock Dance is a donkey who goes along with the hair, Jonouchi once again showed his warm-hearted character.

"It's just that you don't need to take any action against such a small character. He can't even beat me, so how can he be qualified to duel with Mai-chan? Do you think I'm right?"


She stretched out her little fist and gently hit Jonouchi's chest, then said shyly:"Although I don't deny what you said, your body has just gotten better and you need to rest well. I can handle this kind of duel, so you don't have to worry about me."

"My body is fine." He gently held Kongquewu's hand, and there was no room for anyone else in Jonouchi's eyes.

"Mai-chan, after all, I now bear the title of the number one god-killer. I won't be as unreliable as before. Believe me, I can protect you. You have to have some confidence in me, okay?"


"Mai sauce~!"

"belch~~!!!"X3 is full!

Honda, Ryuji Mika and Soichiro Ota, who was standing on the opposite side, said at the same time that they were too full from the dog food.

Who said that the life of a card player is destined to be lonely?

Look at Jonouchi, who just killed a three-mythical god, and now he is flirting with the beautiful peacock dancer. With such an attitude towards playing cards, he really deserves a happy life!

"Damn~ I can't stand it!"

Let alone the pain of losing his body, just the scene of affection in front of him, at this moment, Ota Soichiro felt that he was simply a complete loser.

Although card players generally don't take partners, but he is not a card player!

Recalling the years he worked at the Kaiba Group, Ota Soichiro, who didn't get married until his body completely disappeared in the online world, now has a huge psychological shadow area.

"That’s enough, you two dogs, stop showing off in front of me. I have decided to fight both of you at the same time. After I take over your bodies, I will transfer your consciousness into the gorillas in the African rain forest. Let’s see if you dare to continue showing off your affection in front of me!"


Hearing Ota Soichiro's words, veins popped out on Jonouchi and Kongquewu's foreheads at the same time.

"Mai, what should we do if someone seeks death?"

"What else can I do? Of course I will help him!"

Having their intimate time interrupted and being threatened to turn themselves into gorillas, these words are undoubtedly like lighting a lamp in the toilet for powerful duelists like Madoka and Jonouchi.

You know, unlike the original anime, Madoka is not a duel rookie like Kawai Shizuka, and Jonouchi is not someone like Honda who ignores the overall situation in order to pick up girls.

These two are first-class duelists with real skills!

"The cards you two have in the real world cannot be used here, so hurry up and choose the cards you want to use."

Like his previous colleagues, Soichiro Ota also gave Kongquewu and Jonouchi time to choose cards. After looking at each other, Kongquewu and Jonouchi quickly assembled their own decks.

Then, Soichiro Ota's nightmare began!

In the team duel mode, although the mechanical sergeant incarnated by Soichiro Ota has 8,000 health points, this amount of health is actually just a little more durable for Kongquewu and Jonouchi.

After assembling their own decks, Kongquewu chose the Condor Queen as the deck leader, while Jonouchi chose the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon as his deck leader.


Jonouchi LP4000

Peacock Dance LP4000

Mechanical Sergeant LP8000

"The duel adopts a one-on-two team cross-battle mode. I will win if I attack first!"

(Here we use the classic one-on-two cross-battle rules, the order is A﹥B﹥A﹥C﹥A)

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I normally summon Mecha-Tik Wolf." (Attack 1200, Defense 1400) (The original name of the anime card is different from the real card name, a translation problem.)

As a card was slapped on the duel disk by the mechanical sergeant, a small garbage mechanical wolf with a 1200 attack power appeared on the mechanical sergeant's field.

"Humph, do you think you can gain an advantage by teaming up? I have to say that you two are too naive."

Raising his hand and showing two mechanical monster cards, the mechanical sergeant sneered:"I activate the special effect of my own deck leader to support the artillery attack!"

"This effect can be achieved by discarding two Mech-type cards from your hand, giving each of you 500 health points of damage!"

"Although you can't attack in the first round, you still have to take all the damage. Lose blood for me!"

Two mechanical monster cards were thrown into the graveyard. Suddenly, two huge cannons appeared on the field. Jonouchi and Peacock Dance had no way to dodge. They were hit directly at the beginning. Jonouchi


Peacock Dance LP4000>3500

"Haha, how about it, now you know how powerful I am? Next I cover two cards and my turn is over!"

"My turn, draw a card!"She got hit for no apparent reason. It was impossible for Peacock Dancer not to get angry, especially when she saw the opponent cover two cards in the backfield. The anger and unwillingness of being dominated by the cover card in the backfield of the game immediately surged into her heart.

"I activated the special ability of the Condor Queen, the leader of the deck, and I can retrieve any magic card or trap card with the Condor character from the deck and add it to my hand!"

(To be honest, the deck leader ability in the Noa chapter can be said to be basically based on my own nonsense. People who have watched the anime know this very well. Otherwise, how could a blank card with no effect have such an awesome ability?)

After activating the deck leader effect, Peacock Dance found a card from the Duel Disk.

Taking this card in hand, Peacock Dance directly inserted it into the field magic slot of the Duel Disk.

"Field magic card activated!"

"Condor's Hunting Grounds"!

"The effect of Condor's Hunting Ground is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that the attack and defense of the Bird-Type monsters on your field are increased by 200 points at the same time. At the same time, if Condor Lady or Condor Lady Three Sisters are successfully summoned or special summoned, the controller of that monster can choose a magic card or trap card on the field and destroy it!"

"Next, I Normal Summon Lady Eagle One!"(Attack 1300 Defense 1400)

"Activate the magic card, and the gorgeous clone of Kageek is activated!"

"This card can only be activated when there is Condor Girl on your field, Special Summon Condor Girl or the Three Condor Girls from your hand or deck!"

"I choose to Special Summon the three sisters of the Condor Lady in Attack Position!" (Attack 1950 Defense 2100)

"The special effect of Condor Girl No. 1 is activated!"

"While this card is face-up on the field, the ATK of WIND monsters on the field can be increased by 300 points!"

Condor Lady No. 1 ATK UP 1800!

Condor Lady Three Sisters ATK UP 2450!

"The hunting ground effect of Condor is activated. Since I summoned two Condor monsters, I will destroy the two face-up cards on your back field!"


Due to the activation of the field magic card effect, the two cards that the mechanical sergeant had just covered were directly blasted into pieces. After seeing this scene, the mechanical sergeant said that he was indeed a little annoyed.

"Fighting, Eagle Girl No. 1, attack the Mecha Tik Wolf!"


The mechanical wolf with only 1200 attack points is no match for the Eagle Girl at all, and was directly sent to the graveyard by a claw.

Mechanical Sergeant LP8000﹥7400

"The three sisters of the Condor Girls, attack directly!"


The field was empty, and the mechanical sergeant had no way to avoid it. He was directly beaten by the three sisters of the Condor Girls.

Mechanical Sergeant LP7400﹥4950

"Haha, Mai-chan, well done!"

"As expected of Miss Wu, she is so amazing!"

"After all, he is a duelist who can fight back and forth with Kaiba Seto. His strength is really extraordinary!"

"Of course, this kind of opponent is nothing to me!" She shook her long golden hair in a very cool manner. In response to the praise from Jonouchi and others, Kongquewu was also very proud.

"Hum, I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"Damn it! Don't be so complacent!"

Seeing that Peacock Dance summoned a monster with an attack of 2450 points in the first round, the Mechanical Sergeant immediately realized that the person he had chosen might not be a soft persimmon that was easy to bully. He forcibly suppressed the regretful feeling in his heart and began his round.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I cover a card in my backcourt"

"Then the magic card"Treasures from the Sky" was activated from the hand, and both sides replenished their hand cards to six!"

Looking at the six cards just received, the mechanical sergeant's eyes immediately flashed a green murderous light.

"Next, I'm going to activate Toy Knight's special effects!"

"This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. If the number of monsters on your opponent's field is greater than the number of monsters on your field, you can Special Summon it from your hand. If this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon a Toy Knight from your hand!"

"Summoning two monsters at once?"

"He must want to be summoned by his superiors!"

Seeing the operation of the mechanical sergeant, Peacock Dance and Jonouchi looked at each other. There was no need for them to talk at all. Both of them already knew what the other wanted to say.

Just as Peacock Dance and Jonouchi expected, the mechanical sergeant played another card.

"I liberate the two monsters on the field and summon them to a higher level!"

"Perfect Mechanical King, attack display!"(Attack power 2700 Defense power 1500)

"Next, I will activate the special ability of the deck leader to support the artillery attack!"

"By sending two mechanical cards to the graveyard, I will deal 500 HP damage to each of you!"


Two bombardments sounded again, and Peacock Dance and Jonouchi were directly hit.

Peacock Dance LP3500>3000

Jonouchi LP3500>3000

"Fight, Perfect Mechanical King, attack the three sisters of Condor Girl!"

"Mechanical Punch!"

"Haha, don't even think about succeeding!" With a sinister smile on his face, Peacock Dance directly opened his own card,"Mirror Wall of Screen!" (The original anime effect does not require life points to pay)

As Peacock Dance's signature trap card, in the original anime, this card once made Dark Yugi suffer a lot. Even in that duel, if Dark Yugi hadn't had an idea and forced to talk nonsense, I'm afraid that the duel would really not be sure who would win or lose.

Due to the effect of the Mirror Wall of Screen, the attack power of the Perfect Mechanical King was directly reduced to 1350 points. With such an attack power against the three sisters of the Condor Girls with 2450 attack power, the result is simply imaginable.

"Oh no!!!"

With the mechanical sergeant's scream, the Perfect Mechanical King was dismembered by the three sisters of the Eagle Girls who counterattacked. Afterwards, the Perfect Mechanical King that exploded was sent directly to the cemetery without any suspense.

��Cross Duel rules: Player A who takes the first move can only attack Player B in the second turn. Since Player C, i.e. Jonouchi, has not entered the game yet, the Mechanical Sergeant cannot use monsters to directly attack Jonouchi in the second turn.)

Mechanical Sergeant LP4950﹥3850

"Damn it, I put the last card on the field and my turn is over"

"It's finally my turn!"

Seeing the outstanding performance of Peacock Dance, Jonouchi couldn't wait any longer. If this was a normal duel, Peacock Dance would have already taken down the Mechanical Sergeant.

"Jonouchi, he only has two cover cards in the backcourt, so it’s up to you next!"

"Just leave it to me! Hehehe~! It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Jonouchi let out a sinister smile that only a villain could have.

(Note: After the Duel City chapter is finished, the story line of the Three Evil Gods will begin. This story line is the original plot of the comics. Please be informed.)

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