(Most of the cards used by Noa are original cards from the anime, and there are no real cards at all, so the author can only try to upload pictures from the original anime about Noa's duel.)

"Humph, it's just as I expected!" With a sneer on his face, Kaiba Seto had already expected this situation.

"I choose the light attribute!"

"What?" Seeing that Kaiba Lairan actually destroyed the Electric Dragon with a higher attack power, the spectators immediately expressed their confusion. However, before Muto Yugi and others could react, Kaiba Seto immediately showed another card.

"I banish the Electric Dragon and Giant Virus from my Graveyard and Special Summon this monster from my hand!"

"Come out!"

"Light Pulsar Dragon!" (Attack 2500 Defense 1500)

"The special effect of this monster is that it can remove one light attribute monster and one dark attribute monster from the graveyard and then special summon them from your hand!"

"Humph, Noah, do you think I didn't see through your tricks? Now you have to bear the consequences!"

"Light Pulsar Dragon, attack Chiron the Sage!"

"Nebula Blast!"

A shock wave spewed out from the mouth of the Light Pulsar Dragon and directly hit Chiron, the Sage on the field of Noa.

Unlike what I imagined, Noa still looked nonchalant as he watched the monster on his field being smashed into pieces.

Seahorse Noa LP3500﹥2800

"It’s not over yet, the giant virus attacks directly!"

"Haha, Seto, you are really merciless."After being hit by the giant virus, Noa smiled and shook her head.

Seahorse Noa LP2800﹥1800

"Well done!"

"Great, Kaiba has the upper hand!"

Seeing Kaiba Seto reduce a lot of Noa's health in one go, Honda, Jonouchi and Mika Ryuji cheered on the spot

"Kaiba, you have to be careful!" Unlike the optimistic Jonouchi and others, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and shouted seriously,"This kid can't afford to play and might turn the table over, so you have to be prepared in advance!"

"Overturn the table?" As his old enemy, Kaiba Seto could still listen to Li Youfeng's words. After thinking seriously for a few seconds, Kaiba Seto took out a card from his hand.

"I cover a card in the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he had just drawn, Noa chuckled grimly and said,"Seto, you are indeed a little beyond my expectations, but unfortunately, the victory will still belong to me in the end. Next, I will let you see my true strength!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Great Flood!" (Anime original card, no real card, the effect is similar to the Flood Burial, but this is a magic card, and the effect of this card is to destroy all monsters on the field and throw all monster cards in the hands of both players into the graveyard)

"This is the first round of the creation of the world. All monsters will be submerged by the flood!"

As the magic card was activated, the entire field was instantly covered by a flood as big as a landslide. The giant virus and light pulsar dragon on Kaiba Seto's field were simply unable to resist the flood that was like a natural disaster. They were all swept into it.

After a while, as the flood gradually calmed down, the fields of both sides, except for the initial foothold, turned directly into a boundless ocean.

"Hehe, what do you think, Seto? This is the power of creation of heaven and earth. The power of the flood can not only destroy the monsters on the field, but even the monsters in the duelists' hands can be sent to the graveyard. Seto, this is the power of creation. Under such power, you are destined to end in failure!"

"Is that really the case?"Looking at the confident Noa, Kaiba Seto sneered,"Do you think I can't guess you'll do this? In fact, I've already prepared a backup plan!"

"Oh? What's the back-up plan?" As if hearing something funny, Naiya also showed a sinister smile on his face.

"The effect of the Mausoleum Defender is activated!"

"While this card is in the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card if a face-up Dragon-Type monster on the field other than Shrine Guardian is sent to the Graveyard by an effect or is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard!"

"This won't work, Seto!" Suddenly pointing at Kaiba Seto, Noa laughed and said,"Just when the flood started, the first effect of my deck leader was activated!"

"What?" Kaiba Seto was surprised to find that the monsters in his graveyard had no reaction at all.

At the same time, a huge ark slowly floated up from the ocean behind Noa, until it appeared steadily behind Noa.

Pointing at the ark behind him, Noa explained:"This is the leader of my deck, the Ark of Miracles!" (Note: The Ark of Miracles is a ritual magic card, not a monster card at all, so from the beginning to the end, Noa was just talking nonsense in this duel!)

"It’s so big, is that Noa’s deck leader?"

"Too cunning, actually hiding the deck leader until the effect is activated?"

Seeing Noa's deck leader, Ota Yugi and Jonouchi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What kind of nonsense is this deck leader? Can the deck leader be hidden when not in use? Are the rules so casual?"

After complaining about the ridiculous duel rules, Li Youfeng suddenly thought of something and shouted to Kaiba Seto:"President Kaiba, you have to be careful. Noa's deck leader can absorb all monsters entering the graveyard. If I'm not mistaken, he may have other special effects, such as special summoning monsters absorbed by the Ark or banishing absorbed monsters to achieve the effect of blood recovery!"

Everyone:"What? There is such an outrageous ability?"

Seeing that Li Youfeng could name so many special effects of Miracle Ark at once, not only did everyone present widen their eyes, even the person involved, Noa, showed an incredible expression.


Because he really couldn't stand Noa's shameless behavior, Li Youfeng directly chose to hint Kaiba Seto. Although strictly speaking, such behavior can be regarded as a foul, for Noa now, Li Youfeng's actions are completely insignificant.

And this is not a formal duel match after all. It can be said that such a duel is completely a rule that Noa has set for himself and is extremely beneficial to himself for his own amusement.

Outrageous monster effects, exaggerated fake card effects, if this were in a formal duel match, Noa would definitely be directly judged out!

"Damn Li Youfeng, he's such a big mouth!"

After Li Youfeng exposed the effect of his deck leader, Naya's face instantly turned ugly.

"Humph, you are amazing, You Feng. Is this the intuition of a top duelist? Haha, you are indeed worthy of being completely defeated by me!"Haha, noticing Noa's gloomy expression, Kaiba Seto immediately realized that Li You Feng had most likely guessed the remaining special effects of the Ark of Miracles, and that was why Noa had such a big reaction.

"Humph, you are indeed the enemy that you admit, Seto. Your observation ability is indeed extraordinary.

Shaking her head helplessly, Naiya turned her gaze to Li Youfeng.

"But You Feng, how can you be sure that you didn't guess the effect of the Ark of Miracles wrongly?"

"The reason is very simple!"Li Youfeng raised his eyebrows at Noa with a sly smile on his face,"That's because your dueling skills are simply not comparable to President Kaiba's. If you don't come up with such an exaggerated deck leader, do you think a third-rate player like you is really qualified to stand in front of President Kaiba?"

"A third-rate player?"

Upon hearing Li Youfeng's words, veins instantly appeared on Naya's forehead.

However, what made him even angrier was that Kaiba Seto, who was standing opposite him, laughed unscrupulously after hearing these words.

After a burst of laughter, Kaiba Seto crossed his arms over his chest, looked back at Li Youfeng and said with a smile:"Youfeng, this is the first time since I met you that you have acknowledged what you said.

You really are worthy of being my nemesis.

You said it very well!

" With a confident smile on his face again, Kaiba Seto looked at Naya, who was standing opposite him, with an unfriendly look.

"You Feng! I'll remember this favor. Now just keep your eyes open and watch me beat this third-rate player who doesn't know his own limitations!"

"Seto, don't be too proud. Just think of it as my charity to you. My turn is over."

"My turn, draw a card!"

At this moment of relief and high morale, Kaiba Seto's body was actually filled with blue-green fighting spirit. Although he had not yet truly awakened, the Lord of the White Dragon appointed by fate finally began to walk towards his own life trajectory at this moment.

"Noah! The effect of the Great Flood is very powerful, but for you, this card is a double-edged sword!"

Looking up at the Ark of Miracles behind Noah, Kaiba Seto raised his hand and showed the card he had just drawn.

"And judging from the current situation, the goddess of victory is still smiling at me!"

"I Normal Summon Spear Dragon in Attack Position!"(Attack 1900 Defense 0)


Now Noa's field is empty, Kaiba Seto will definitely not miss such an opportunity

"The Spear Dragon attacks directly!"

"Humph, Seto, you miscalculated!"

At the moment when the spear dragon launched the attack, Naia smiled sinisterly.

"I'm going to activate the second special effect of Miracle Ark!"

"Once per turn, you can Special Summon an equal number of monsters on your opponent's field in Defense Position, so I Special Summon Defender of the Shrine!"

"Hehe~ What do you think, Seto? The defender of the spirit temple has a defense of 2100 points, and your spear dragon can't defeat it!"

"As for the double-edged sword you mentioned, haha, it doesn't exist for me!"

Turning to look at Li Youfeng who was watching the battle, Naiya sneered sarcastically:"Li Youfeng, even if you guessed the effect of my deck leader with your extraordinary intuition, what can you do? You still can't do anything to me? Hahaha!"

"You laughed too early!"

Before Li Youfeng could speak, Kaiba Seto roared

"You Feng has already reminded me, do you think I will make such a low-level mistake? I have already predicted your clown tricks!"

After saying these words, Kaiba Seto directly showed a magic card from his hand.

"Quick Attack Magic Card Activate! Charge!"

"This card can be activated by targeting a face-up monster until the end of the turn, and its attack power increases by 700 points!"

Lance Dragon's attack power increases by 2600!


With a loud bang, the Lance Dragon directly penetrated the defense of the Spirit Temple Guardian. Seeing this scene, Naia began to lose his composure, and even his eyes became more and more fierce.

"The special effect of the Spear Dragon is activated. When this monster attacks a monster in defense position, it will deal an attack damage value that exceeds the defense, so you will receive 500 points of penetration damage!"

Seamana LP1800>1300

"Naia, your so-called creation of heaven and earth is nothing more than this. My turn is over."

"Seto, you are looking for death!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Watch, Seto, this is the second round of the creation of heaven and earth!"

As Noa spoke, fresh vegetation gradually grew on the land where the flood had receded.

In a flash, the entire land was covered with ancient primitive plants. As the absolute overlord that once ruled the entire earth, dinosaurs also appeared in everyone's sight.

"I Normal Summon Mega Rex!"(ATK 2000 DEF 1400)

"Attack indication!"

"Huh~? Naia, you really have a bad taste!"

Seeing that Naia actually summoned the dinosaur monsters very appropriately, Li Youfeng couldn't help but sneer:"Do you really think of yourself as the creator? Oh, you summoned the dinosaur monsters in the dinosaur age, and in the next round you have to use meteorites to hit the earth to clear the field, and then enter the ice age?"

"By the way, dinosaurs will gradually become extinct during the Ice Age, so in your third turn, do you have to summon woolly mammoths?"

"Hehe, you want to compare yourself with Kaiba's president with your childish way of thinking? Come on, are you sure you have graduated from junior high school?"

"Eh? So that's how it is?" After hearing what Li Youfeng said, Biao Yugi was the first to react,"I understand, the so-called seven rounds of creation of heaven and earth mentioned by Noah is actually the development history of the earth mixed with some biblical stories."

Peacock Dance:"Eh~! What a disgusting bad taste!" Jonouchi

:"I can't stand it, this little brat really thinks he is God!" Honda

:"Haha, I didn't expect Youfeng's imagination to be so big, I just don't know if he guessed it right."

Yuga Ryuji:"I think it should be close to the truth. Look, Noah's face is as black as the bottom of a pot, which means Youfeng's guess is definitely very close!"

"Li Youfeng~ you bastard!"

Nai Ya was exposed before she could finish pretending. At this time, Nai Ya was already mentally broken by Li Youfeng. She stared at Li Youfeng with a look as if she wanted to eat him. Nai Ya almost squeezed out a word from between her teeth.

""You bitch, have you never been beaten before? If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

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