After the ancient mechanical giant was shattered, Kuronos knew that something was wrong.

Shidai spoke happily: “Teacher, according to the effect of the Flame Winged Man, you can give damage to the attack power of the destroyed monster, and you have to accept 3000 damage.” ”

Cullonos only has 2900 health left, and he can’t withstand this damage at all.

In the next second, the Flame Winged Man spewed out a stream of flames, Kuronos’ health was zero, and the duel was over.

“Why am I being given that errand…” Cullonos couldn’t believe he would lose.

“I can’t believe that Kolonos was actually defeated by the examinees.”

Everyone in the audience couldn’t believe that there would be such a result.

Even the always confident Wan Zhangmu couldn’t believe it at this time: “The ancient mechanical giant was defeated so easily, this candidate is too lucky.” ”

“He was really right.”

Everyone’s eyes looked at You Ran again, and found that You Ran’s face was indifferent, as if he had already known the result.

“Win, teacher, what an interesting duel.”

However, Kouronos did not feel any joy in this time, and this duel made him lose face.

“It must have been that candidate in the audience who cursed me to lose at the beginning, which made me so unlucky.”

Kuronos immediately put all the responsibility on You Ran.

As the top person in charge of this admissions exam, if he loses to a freshman, it is really faceless, and he must save face.

“That freshman in the audience, you’re also here to take the exam, right? I’ll make an exception to give you a chance. Come down to the duel, as long as you can pass my exam, I will still let you in. ”

Cullonos spoke very calmly, but everyone knew that Curlonos had moved his anger to You Ran at this time.

“This freshman has something to do.”

You Ran is to qualify for the exam, and now that Cullonos is so happy to give the opportunity, You Ran is very happy.

“Teacher, is it true that as long as I win you, I will be able to enroll?”

“That’s right, come down.”

Cullonos must use You Ran’s defeat to prove that he is not poor, but just too bad luck just now.


You Ran immediately ran down from the audience.

You Ran passed by the tenth generation when he walked down the stairs: “You Ran, you must be admitted to the school.” Come on. ”

“I’m going to win.”

You Ran replied confidently, not taking Cullonos in his eyes at all.

“This freshman is so confident after seeing the strength of Professor Koulnos. Is he very powerful? ”

Many people have become interested in Youran.

“There are a lot of interesting people in this year’s new students.” Ryo Maruto, who was about to leave, now decided to stay and take a look.

“I must make this new student understand that underestimating me has a price to pay.”

Kuronos knew that he must not lose this time, otherwise his name as a professor would not be able to hold up.

When You Ran walked onto the stage, Kuronos spoke: “I hope your luck in drawing cards can be as good as the bad student just now, and play the full strength of the card set.” Not everyone can be as lucky as the candidate just now, winning when my hand is worse. ”

Cullonos is telling everyone that he just lost with bad luck, and he doesn’t have to be strong enough.

“In that case, I hope the teacher has a little luck drawing cards this time.”

The two shuffled each other’s decks.

“Teacher, in order to avoid your disbelief in losing, I will let you attack first.”

In the GX world, you can draw cards for the first attack, so the first attack actually has an advantage.

“This freshman is even more annoying than the freshman just now.”

Kuronos felt that You Ran’s attitude made him even more unhappy, so he couldn’t lose to You Ran anyway.


Cullonos agreed


“My turn, draw cards.”

When Kuronos saw the hand, a smile appeared on his lips.

When they saw Cullonos House say this smile, many teachers knew that Curlonos’ hand was very good.

“This freshman is going to be in trouble.”

“I activate the magic card, magnetically summoning the circle LV2. Summon a mechanical monster under two stars from Hand Katesh. Ancient gears in special summoning hands. ”

“According to the effect of the ancient gear in the hand, when there is an ancient gear on the surface side of the field to indicate the existence, this card can be specially summoned.”

“Take two ancient gears as sacrifices and summon ancient mechanical giants.”

“Actually summoned the ace monster in another round, really worthy of Professor Kuronos.”

“Hey, hey, I really don’t plan to show mercy to my subordinates.”

Many people couldn’t help but pinch a cold sweat for You Ran.

“Round knot…”

When Kuronos was about to announce the end of the round, You Ran spoke: “Teacher, don’t you have any trap cards to cover?” If there are no trap cards, an ancient mechanical giant alone can’t guarantee safety, right? ”

You Ran also reminded Kuronos to be safe and cover a trap card, which was teaching him to duel.

As a professor, You Ran’s student dared to teach him, and Kuronos felt that You Ran looked at people in the crack of the door and flattened people.

“No need for you to tell me how to do it, the round is over.”

Cullonos still announced the end of the round because he did not have a trap card in his hand.

And the ancient mechanical giant with an attack power of 3000 is not guaranteed to be safe, what kind of joke is this?

In the last game of fighting with the ten generations, if it wasn’t for the first custody magic card that made him pay 1000 health points, otherwise even if he ate the effect damage of the Flamewing Man, he would not have lost.

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