“It’s boring to defeat your ace monster so easily.”

Wan Zhangmu’s voice was very calm, as if it was expected.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

“My turn, draw cards.”

After You Ran drew a card, he began to attack: “I turned the scrap warrior and the scrap homologator into an attack representation. Fighting, I attack the VW Jet Tiger with the Scrap Warrior. ”

“The VW Jet Tiger has an attack power of 2000 and the attack power of the Scrap Warrior is 2300. If Manjomu is destroyed and the VW Jet Tiger is destroyed, he will be very passive. ”

Everyone knows that the final purpose of Manjomu is to summon the VWXYZ Divine Dragon Catapult Tiger.

If the VW Jet Tiger is destroyed here, it will be impossible to summon the VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Tiger.

Of course, Wan Zhangmu will not let You Ran succeed.

“Launch the trap card and the attack becomes powerless. Invalidate the attack and end the battle phase. ”

You Ran didn’t care: “I’ll cover two cards and end this round.” ”

“Finally escaped the catastrophe, I don’t know how many rounds it will take for Wan Zhangmu to summon the Divine Dragon Catapult Tiger.”

Everyone is looking forward to it in their hearts, hoping that Wan Zhangmu can summon the ace monster.

If the ace monster loses before it is summoned, it is indeed almost meaningful.

“My turn, draw cards.”

Wan Zhang’s eyes were delighted: “Activate the magic card, the pot of strong desire, and draw two more cards from the deck.” ”

When he saw these two cards coming up, a smile appeared on Wan Zhangmu’s face: “True duelist, drawing cards can bring miracles.” ”

“I summon Gamon the X leader. According to the effect of the front-line graveyard, the Z-tracked combat vehicle is specially summoned. ”

“X and Z actually got drawn, and I was so lucky. If you come to Y again, You Ran will be in trouble. ”

However, as soon as the words fell, Wan Zhangmu opened the covered card.

“I unleash the permanent trap card, the cry of life and death, and summon the Y dragon head from the graveyard.”

“When did the Y dragon head enter the cemetery?”

Xiang, who was watching the battle, was shocked.

“It should be the card sent to the graveyard when the VW Jet Tiger effect was activated in the last turn.”

Todai explained.

“Wan Zhangmu actually prepared to this point. Wan Zhangmu is really powerful, worthy of the person of Oberysk Blue. ”

Misawa is also impressed.

When all the materials were assembled, Wan Zhangmu was full of confidence: “It’s going to be on.” XYZ Merge and summon XYZ Dragon Cannon. ”

Although today’s luck is very good, it is a bit of a pity for Wan Zhangmu, because he has no hand cards.

If he has another card, he can activate the XYZ Divine Dragon effect and destroy Youran’s scrap iron scarecrow.

But now, he must summon trump cards to destroy this scrap iron scarecrow.

“You Ran, let you see my trump card. I put the XYZ Dragon and VW Jet Tiger together again. Summon the VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Tiger. ”

A huge robot appeared in front of everyone, majestic.

“It’s worthy of being a master, and actually summoned the ace monster in two rounds.”

There was an exclamation from the side, and I saw the figure of this super Leiyaka that had just been launched.

“Ten thousand eyes are beautiful.”

Kuronos praised Wan Zhangmu madly in his heart, and Wan Zhangmu’s dueling strength did not disappoint him.

“With this Shenlong Spraying Tiger, there is no reason to lose again, this errand student is going to drop out of school.”

Koulnos was overjoyed and felt that he finally had a chance to make amends for yesterday’s mistake.

Yesterday’s mistake allowed You Ran and the ten generations of two poor students to enter the school.

But it doesn’t matter, fire one by one, first fire You Ran, the biggest thorn.

Wan Zhangmu saw that You Ran was still very calm, and he didn’t like this calm look.

“You Ran, take it, I will activate the effect of VWXYZ Shenlong Catapult Tiger, once a round, you can put one card on the field excluded, I want to remove your scrap iron scarecrow.”

In the next second, Youran’s scrap iron scarecrow was directly excluded.

However, when he saw that Wan Zhangmu chose a scrap iron scarecrow, You Ran smiled: “Wan Zhangmu, since you chose a scrap iron scarecrow, then I will win this duel.” ”

“What did you say?”

Wan Zhangmu was stunned for a moment.

He destroys Youran’s scrap scarecrow, so he can attack next.

The Shenlong Catapult Tiger has an attack power of 3000, and You Ran’s scrap warrior has an attack power of 2300, why would You Ran dare to say that he won this duel?

“Won’t you?”

The people around couldn’t help but look at You Ran, never dreaming that You Ran would make a victory declaration at this time.

“How is it possible, this poor student is in front of the Shenlong Catapult Tiger, it is impossible to contend with.” Cullonos could not accept this fact either.

He spent so much money to give the Divine Dragon Catapult Tiger that he had gathered all his eyes, and the power of this card was stronger than his ancient mechanical giants, and he should have the strength to crush it.

“Could he be bluffing?”

Wan Zhangmu began to ponder in his heart.

There are two monsters on Youran’s field, and two gaikas, which are quite intimidating.

Wan Zhangmu felt that You Ran’s confidence should be two trap cards.

“Trap cards can sometimes change the situation on the field, so two cover cards can’t be easily underestimated.”

If you are concerned that these two trap cards do not move, Wan Zhangmu feels that it is very unfavorable to him.

“If I don’t attack this round, then maybe my dragon catapult tiger will be gone in the next round.” So he had to get rid of his scrap warrior in this round. ”

“If you launch an attack on his scrap warrior now, then according to the effect of the dragon catapult tiger, when launching the attack declaration, you can change the offensive and defensive form of one of the opponent’s monsters, and I can make the scrap warrior become a guard representation.”

“Even if his gaika can increase the attack power of monsters, it is only 1300 points of defense power for a waste warrior who becomes a guard, and he will not let my Shenlongtan shoot tiger to kill himself.”

“Without this scrap warrior, it should be impossible for him to cut all my four thousand health points in the next turn.”

Wan Zhangmu had a plan in his heart and knew what he should do.

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