When Becas got out of the car, a reporter asked: “President Becas, many people on the Internet are now denouncing the International Illusion Society, feeling that the International Illusion Society has spread the super harmonious card set to the market without officially issuing cards, which makes many players have very opinions.” ”

“Especially in the past two days, I have been buying your new card pack, in order to get the dueling of the dragon catapult tiger, I feel that the money has been spent in vain, and now I want to return the money, what do you think?”

This matter actually began to ferment yesterday, and Becas certainly noticed it, and came to the company today to be ready to be interviewed.

Beccas’ special voice sounded: “I know that everyone must be very concerned about this issue, so yesterday we did an internal investigation and suspected that someone was privately researching the new card.” ”

“After some adjustment, I can assure you that our company does not currently have a deck of so-called homological cards.”

“As for why there are students of Duel Academy on the Internet who have such a deck, I think you can ask President Haima Seto of the Seahorse Group about this question.”

“As an investor in the Duel School, there is such a student in his school, perhaps the handwriting of President Seahorse.”

The reporter immediately asked: “President Becas, do you have any evidence?” ”

“I have no evidence, it’s all speculation, but the only person in this world who has the ability to research cards that I have never heard of is President Seahorse.”

This makes many people feel that it makes sense, and the Haima Group should have this ability.

“Does this matter have something to do with the Seahorse Group?”

Asuka and the others watching the news were a little taken aback.

“Could it be that You Ran is a child of the top management of the Haima Group?”

Many people in the classroom looked at Youran.

You Ran felt that no one believed this kind of thing to explain, so he was too lazy to explain, so he walked out of the classroom alone to breathe.

However, at this time, Seahorse, who also paid attention to the news, found that Becas threw the pot at him, and he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

“Damn Bekas, without any evidence, dumped the pot on the Seahorse Group, as despicable as before.”

Such a pot from the sky, the seahorse does not accept.

Although this news is really announced, it will be a good thing for the Seahorse Group in the short term, but the problem is that there is no such card, how can the Seahorse finally explain it?

Haima doesn’t want to make the stock price of Haima Group unstable, he also wants to build Haima Park!

“Guiping, immediately release a message announcing that our Haima Group has nothing to do with the homological card this time.”

“Okay, brother.”

“Also, cancel all today’s meetings for me, I’m going to find Beccas.”

“Brother, what are you looking for Beccas for?”

“Of course, I made it clear to him. Beccas is absolutely the only person in the world capable of issuing such cards. I don’t know why he didn’t admit it, but I had to find him. ”

After that, Seahorse left the office and went to the safe where the cards were stored in the Seahorse Building.

After taking the safe, Seahorse went to the tarmac on the top floor and drove the blue-eyed white dragon plane to Beccas for an explanation.

The Seahorse, who has not had a duel for a long time, has a very simple purpose this time, and his eyes are sharp: “Bekas, I must let you hand over the homological card.” ”

The Seahorse also has an old enemy that must be defeated.

But this old enemy has three phantom gods in his hands, and the power of the blue-eyed white dragon in his hand is absolutely not enough, so the seahorse needs the power of the homophony card.

Beccas is the kind of person who will not be taught a lesson and will not hand over the card, just like he got the blue-eyed light dragon from Becas before.

It’s a pity that the blue-eyed dragon was destroyed.

That’s why Seahorse will regain his deck this time and teach Beccas a lesson.

At this moment, many people in the Duel Academy felt that they could raise their eyebrows and exhale.

“Now that the news is so big, it is estimated that the International Illusion Society will soon issue a homological card set, as long as there is a homological card set, You Ran is nothing.”

“That’s right, as long as there is a homological card set, he is only a level of Osiris red in the end, how can it be compared with our Obelisk blue people.” So you don’t have to worry too much, wait until you get a new card, absolutely no problem. ”

“I know.”

When Wan Zhangmu saw this news, he was actually very excited, because he finally found an opportunity to be humiliated.

I also thought that the Shenlong Catapult Tiger could be comparable to the homological card set, but it turned out that it was not.

If you want to defeat You Ran, you still need to be able to get equal strength.

However, not everyone is as vindictive as Manjome, and most people are happy to increase the strength of the deck and get new ways to summon.

“Big brother, the equivalent card is out, we can also join the same tone card.”

Sho happily spoke.

“It doesn’t matter to me, I think my hero deck is pretty good, I don’t need homology cards.”

“Big brother, don’t you like the same tune?”

“I believe in the power of the Hero deck.”


Asuka heard these people’s discussions, they were all happy that they would soon have the power of the homological card, looked back at You Ran, and found that You Ran was no longer coming, and secretly said: “Now many people want to obtain the power of the homological card set, this card is not exclusive to him, is he disappointed now?” You can’t think about it like that, do you? ”

Thinking of this, Asuka got up from her position and left to come to the classroom.

You Ran saved her yesterday, so Asuka owes You Ran a favor and plans to go and see the situation.

After Asuka left the classroom, she asked the people in the hallway, and someone saw that You Ran had just gone to the top floor, so she took the elevator up to the top floor.

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