On the moon branches, Ryo Maruto and Asuka stand by the sea.

Ryo Marutō said, “Asuka, you have changed a lot in a while, and your mood seems to have improved. ”

When Ryo Maruto said this, Asuka was a little embarrassed, and denied it: “Is it?” I don’t think much has changed. ”

“That’s a good thing.”

Ryo Maruto was sincerely happy for Asuka.

Before Asuka could say anything, it started raining in the sky.

Asuka breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, because in this way she could avoid Maruto Ryo questioning.

“It’s raining, go back!”

After Asuka finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Ryo Maruto followed behind.

Before they could take a few steps, the two of them stopped and looked up at the dark night sky.


A bolt of lightning streaked through, illuminating the night sky for a moment, and the two people saw a pitch-black shadow more clearly, flying from the sky into the island of the Duel Academy.

“That is?”

The two people fell into thought, and this dark shadow seemed to be a person.

In the principal’s office, in front of the curved glass window, when the headmaster looked up at the lightning in the sky, he also noticed this dark shadow flying in the sky.

Kushima muttered to himself: “Those guys really came according to the intelligence, and their movements were faster than expected!”

This dark figure landed on a hill in the school, looked at Obelisk’s dormitory, and let out a cold laugh: “You Ran, this time, I will bury you in the dark.” ”


You Ran couldn’t help but sneeze.

“Did you get a sweat playing tennis today and catch a cold?” Then I’ll go to bed early! ”

You Ran turned off the TV and turned off the lights and rested.


On the second day, the lecture was given by Daitokuji teacher.

In the lectures of Daitokuji Temple, there are a lot of notes every time, and your hands hurt, and the speed of writing notes is very slow.

At the end of school, You Ran was still carefully copying the notes on the blackboard.

Asuka saw You Ran writing slowly, and smiled: “Let’s eat, my notes are lent to you, go back and make up for it!” ”

“Thank you.”

Being able to go back to the dormitory and write is definitely better than writing in the classroom.

Just when You Ran and Asuka were about to go to the cafeteria to eat, Daitokuji called You Ran and Asuka: “You Ran, Asuka, don’t go first, follow me to the principal’s office.” ”

“Todai, Manjome, Misawa, you also come with me to the principal’s office!”

“Teacher, why?”

“I knew when I went, and I don’t know now.”

Daitokuji said so, and several people could only follow to the office, but You Ran probably guessed what it was.

When they arrived at the door of the principal’s office, several people also met Kuronos and Ryo Maruto.

Kuronos had recently been suspended, and he was in a more upset mood, and when he saw Yuran, Asuka, and the tenth generation, he immediately turned his head and walked into the principal’s office.

When he came to the office of Yun Dao, Yun Dao did not hide a few people, and directly opened the door, so he told a few people about the Three Magic Cards.

“The card of the three illusions, is it very powerful?”

Ten generations were immediately interested.

“It is precisely because it is very strong, so it needs to face some trouble, those three magic cards sleep in the depths of the school’s underground, according to the legend of the island, when the card reappears on the surface, the world will be wrapped in monsters and the world will be destroyed.”


Kushima’s words made several people’s expressions become solemn.

You Ran knows that the situation is very calm, and the ten generations are with a good mentality.

“Although I don’t understand it very well, it seems to be a very powerful card.”

“Shut up and listen.” Kuronos yelled at the Ten Generations in annoyance.

Kurashima continued, “Now the person who wants to get these cards unsealed has appeared. ”

“Who the hell?” Ryo Marutō, who had not spoken all this time, spoke.

“Seven Star King, seven people who are completely enigmatic, one of them has arrived.”

“The Three Illusions Demon is protected by the Seven Star Gate, and the seven stone gates require seven keys to open.”

Kushima took out a box.

“These are the seven keys. I hope you can protect these seven keys. ”

“The duel to protect the Seven Star Gate Key must be won, this is the agreement of the legend of this island since ancient times.”

“Daitokuji-sensei and Professor Kuronos, the two of you are making up the numbers, and it is up to you to choose which of you two is willing to take on this responsibility!”

“Let me do it anyway.”

Koulnos spoke directly.

Kulonos was quite appreciative: “Professor Kuronos, it seems that you still have a deep affection for the school, if you can protect the key of the Seven Star Gate this time, then I will exempt you from punishment.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Kuronos happily agreed: “Headmaster, don’t worry, give me the protection key.” ”

“Things have changed like this, I don’t know what the future will be.” You Ran secretly said.

You Ran is basically equivalent to replacing Daitokuji Temple.

If it were not for the action with Daitokuji Temple, then the movements of Daitokuji Temple during this time would be unknown.

“If you have this determination, please accept the key to the Seven Star Gate.”

“Headmaster, leave it to us.”

The tenth generation was the first to take a key from inside the box.

After the tenth generation took the key, others also took one.

You Ran finally took his own seven-star door key.

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