“My turn, draw cards. Depending on the effect of the Divine Grace, my health will increase by another 500 points. ”

4500 health becomes 5000.

“Boy, you specially turned your two monsters into garrison representations in order to prevent me from sending the sealed left hand into the cemetery again by killing myself, but do you think this will stop me?”

“I didn’t think so, you scumbag, there will definitely be cards in the deck that draw cards by sending monster cards to the graveyard.”

“You’re pretty clever, you can actually guess it.”

The Titan was quite unexpected, his deck composition, You Ran seemed to know very well.

However, since You Ran knew, turning the monster into a guard should be done on purpose.

This made the Titan a little strange: “Why did this kid specially become a guard representation, does he really think that there are no high-attack monsters in my deck that can destroy the monsters that destroy him?” ”

You Ran didn’t know why the Titans did this, so they just followed the plan.

“I unleash the Magic Cama Bone Consideration from my hand to send a monster on the field that has no effect into the graveyard, and I can draw two more cards from the deck. I send the sealed left hand to the cemetery and draw cards. ”

At this moment of drawing the card, 5000 health points became 6000.

“I’m unleashing the alms of the magic card angel, drawing three cards from the deck and discarding two.”

Health 6000 has become 7500.

“Oops, his health is getting higher and higher, even if you want to reduce his health, it will take a lot of effort, not to mention that there is still a light sealing sword.”

“You Ran, come on.”

Several people hoped that You Ran could cheer, because You Ran was arguably the strongest among them.

If You Ran was defeated as soon as he started fighting with the seven stars, it would have a great impact on their morale.

I have to say that the Titan was arrogant to a point at this time, and when he lost the card, the Titan also told You Ran: “I threw the Queen of Hades Demon and the Extermination Emperor Demon into the graveyard from the cards, these are two monster cards.” ”

Specially reminding You Ran that these are two monster cards is equivalent to telling You Ran that there is a supplementary key in its cover card.

Inside the cemetery there are three-eyed monsters, sealed left hands, treasure hunting pandas, and two monsters that have just been thrown in, there are already five.

The activation condition of the supplementary dignitaries is that there must be five monsters in the cemetery, which has been met.

“I launch the magic card from the hand, the Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer. Put three cards in your hand into the deck, shuffle the cards, and draw the same amount. ”

“He has two parts of Axzodia in his hand.”

You Ran immediately paid attention to this information.

The two cards are reluctant to put back, and nine times out of ten they are the parts of Axzodia.

The Maltan Hammer is very skinny, counted as a card put back into the deck, and after shuffling, the Titan draws four cards, and the health points change from 7500 to 9500.

“Boy, this time I’m going to split the winner with you, I’ll open the covered card. Unscrupulously greedy, draw two cards from your deck, and then skip your own draw stage twice. Card draw. ”

The Titans don’t know what means You Ran has, but a quick victory is the best way.

Titan’s health has changed from 9,500 to 10,500 points.

“You guy is really lucky, I didn’t draw the second treasure hunting panda in such a draw.”

The Titan taunted.

“But it’s okay, I’m reincarnating the dead, giving up a card, and adding the treasure hunt cat from the graveyard to the hand. I usually summon treasure hunt pandas. ”

“Actually summoning the treasure hunting panda at this time, is it okay to swim around?”

Everyone is becoming more and more worried about You Ran’s situation.

“I activate the Treasure Hunt Panda effect, excludes the reincarnation of the dead from the graveyard, and specially summons the sealed right hand from the deck.”

“Hahahaha, the conditions for victory have been gathered. Boy, hit this card out, and you can rest in peace. ”

As soon as this word came out, it basically meant that the Titan had three parts of Ekzodia in his hand, and as long as he put the right hand on the field and the left hand of the graveyard back into the hand, he could make it up.

Shidai was a little annoyed and held grievances for Youran: “Since you guy is a duelist, you should use righteous and bright means to win and let the monsters collide head-on, not in this shady way.” You don’t have any duelist spirit at all. ”

This time, even Kuronos helped You Ran speak: “What the ten generations of errands said is not wrong, the duelist wins in this way, it is not a real victory.” ”

“He actually spoke for me.” You Ran was quite unexpected.

Although Kuronos suspended him because You Ran picked up Titan’s mobile phone, Curlonos has reflected in recent times, not to mention that now he and You Ran are both guarding the key of the seven stars and facing the teammates of the seven stars.

The Three Magic Magic Cards are so powerful that they definitely can’t let him come out, so which is lighter and which is more important, Cullonos is very clear.

Seeing the ten generations of Asuka saying such naïve words, fighting for Yuran’s defeat, the Titan smiled disdainfully: “Duel only wins, what duelist spirit, only you students will believe in this kind of thing.” ”

“You Ran, you’re done with this card. I activate the magic card, double magic, and this turn I can do the usual summon again. Present the sealed right hand on the field as an offering, and summon the Thunder Demon King Bone Demon in the hand. ”

“Boy, I won this duel, rest in peace. At this moment I opened the covered card and replenished the dignitary. Return the sealed left hand and sealed right hand in the graveyard to the hand. ”

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