This time I called to the principal’s office, and Kusushima was to find out if there was any more useful information about yesterday’s duel with the seven stars.

Confirming that there was none, You Ran and several people left the principal’s office.

“Let’s go to the commissary, maybe we can buy cards now.” Ten generations immediately proposed.

“Let’s go.”

Several people had no opinion, including Kuronos, who followed in the direction of the commissary.

When a few people arrived at the commissary, there were still many cards in the commissary.

This is also because the recent card packs are so popular, so the commissary buys more goods.

There are also card packs, and several people began to pick them up.

You Ran symbolically bought two packs.

You Ran is mainly for the treasure card that cuts down on life.

If you can buy it, it’s lucky, if you can’t buy it, forget it.

You Ran bought more restrained, the four people of Shidai, Misawa, Asuka, and Ryo Maruto bought a little more, and each bought ten card packs.

Wan Zhangmu and Cullonos, as kryptonite bosses, were completely unceremoniously direct, and each of them took fifty card packs.

Sanze smiled and asked You Ran: “You Ran, why did you only buy two packs, didn’t you take a bonus of 100 million before?” ”

“The bonus belongs to the bonus, that bonus has other uses, and the card bag is almost the same as buying two packs.” If you are lucky, you can buy the card you want in two packs, and if you are unlucky, you can’t get more than you buy. ”

“I can’t agree with what you say.” Wan Zhangmu opened his mouth to retort.

“Only if you buy more, you have a chance of getting the card you want.” Luck is too illusory, and it is foolish to pin the hope of buying a good card on luck. ”

“Everyone’s opinion is different, you can buy more if you have money.” You Ran was too lazy to argue with Wan Zhangmu.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if the family starts a company, other people can’t do it.

You Ran only bought two packs, so You Ran opened them directly.

The card packs in the commissary are ten cards each.

When You Ran opened the first card bag, he shouted out happily: “Luck really can’t stop it.” I also have this day of transit, so I can buy the card I want. ”

You Ran’s words attracted the attention of several people.

“You Ran, what card did you buy?” Ten generations asked for the first time.

“It’s this life-cutting card. When I was dueling with President Seahorse before, I thought that this card was good, but I didn’t expect to buy it. ”

“Wow, your luck is really good, this card is really easy to use.”

“Actually, this card is also what I want, I recently bought forty or fifty card packs I haven’t bought, you can remove one card pack.” It is said that only three copies of this reissue will be issued. You’re so lucky. Misawa showed a look of envy.

At that time, when Seahorse used this card, it was really enviable, it could replenish five cards at a time, and it would not allow the opponent to gain any benefits.

Although the risk is not small if you need to lose the card after five rounds, relying on this card, you may be able to turn over directly against the wind, and Seahorse relied on this card at that time and almost won Youran.

“So buying a card bag still depends on luck, and buying more may not be able to get good things.”

It’s really a joy to swim here.

When he didn’t get the system before, You Ran didn’t get a Leiya card when he bought a card pack.

Now that there is a system to buy a card bag, luck is up.

“This kid is lucky today.” Wan Zhangmu was speechless next to him.

Just now said that it is a stupid thing to pin your hopes on luck, but you Ran directly bought this life-cutting treasure card.

This card is also very wanted.

He has bought no less than 500 card packs in recent days, but he has not gotten the true red-eyed dragon knight he wants.

At this time, You Ran heard the sighing voice of the tenth generation: “Hey, how can this be, I have bought so many card packs recently, but I have not bought a card that can match my hero deck.” And if new hero cards are not issued, are hero decks targeted? ”

The tenth generation is very depressed.

Recently, many veteran groups have been strengthened, especially the ancient mechanical giants have produced a lot of fusion monsters, so recently Kuronos is also crazy to charge money to buy cards.

The tenth generation is also thinking of the hero card to come up with some new fusion monsters.

“I’m about the same as you.”

Ryo Maruto’s voice next to him also looked very helpless.

Ryo Maruto felt that the attack power was indeed enough, but the effect of the electronic dragon’s card was too weak.

So Ryo Maruto hopes to have a new card about the electric dragon, and it makes him very uncomfortable not to have one.

For the discomfort of the ten generations and Ryo Maruto, You Ran is understandable.

The cards needed by the tenth generation must be taken back from the universe, and when you get the new Yuxia, the strength of the tenth generation card set will be greatly improved.

As for Ryo Maruto, the electronic dragon does not have homological cards, only excess cards, so the only use for the two people to buy cards now is to supplement some limited-edition magic cards and trap cards.

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