Chapter 74: The True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight Changes Hands!!

After You Ran left, the others glanced at the somewhat lost Wan Zhangmu, knowing that they had lost to You Ran with such a strong card, and they didn’t even see You Ran’s ace monster Meteor Dragon, which may be a bit big for Wan Zhang’s blow.


Many people who originally supported Wanzhang sighed and left in frustration.

I also wanted to use Wan Zhangmu to frustrate You Ran’s sharp qi, but Wan Zhangmu still failed, so no one can easily defeat You Ran now.

The only one who can hope to defeat You Ran may be Ryo Marutō, who was the undisputed first place before Obelisk Blue.

Now who is the first place between Ryo Maruto and You Ran is really hard to say. However, You Ran and Maruto Ryo have a good relationship, and it is impossible to help them frustrate You Ran’s sharp spirit.

After Yuran left, Asuka and Ryo Maruto did not stay any longer and returned to Oberysk Blue together.

On the way back after leaving, Asuka said with emotion: “You Ran, I originally thought that when you met this true red-eyed dragon knight, you would fall into a bitter battle, but I didn’t expect you to win so easily.” ”

“How can I win easily, I was deducted 2500 health points, and I almost lost.”

Ryo Maruto also spoke at this time: “Facing this true red-eyed dragon knight, only deducting 2,500 health points, has won very beautifully.” In the face of this monster card, it is really difficult to not deduct any health points”

Just as a spectator, witnessing the power of this true red-eyed dragon knight, Ryo Maruto felt that the effect of this card was really too much, especially the effect of destroying monsters, which can be destroyed twice in one turn, and ordinary people can’t afford to hurt.

Asuka was quite curious at this time, so she opened her mouth and asked Ryo Marutō: “By the way, Ryo, if you came to duel with this true red-eyed dragon knight of Wanjangmu, what strategy would you use?” ”

Youran’s strategy is basically not to be destroyed, and then rely on trap cards to fight back.

To Asuka’s question, Ryo Maruto thought for a moment and replied, “If it were me, I might choose to find a way to invalidate his monster effect, and then use a powerful monster to attack quickly.” ”

For Ryo Maruto, the electronic dragon deck does not have as much resistance as the cards of the Stardust Dragon series, so the only advantage is high attack power.

As long as after fusion, especially with borrowed power debt fusion, the high attack power is scary, and it is not possible for the opponent to catch up for a while and a half.

“Asuka, what if it was you?”

“If it were me, I would probably be the same as You Ran, with trap cards to fight back.”

Asuka does not have powerful monsters, so she can only fight back with trap cards like You Ran.

The three of them chatted while walking, and this duel between You Ran and Manjomu today gave Ryo Maruto and Asuka a a lot of ideas.

After everyone left, there was only one person left by the river.

Today’s duel made Wan Zhangmu hit a lot hard, but Wan Zhangmu will not give up, as long as there is still this card, he will definitely have a chance to defeat You Ran next time

After a moment of emotional loss, Wan Zhangmu regained his spirits.

Failure is not terrible, give up now, that’s scary.

It’s just that just when Wanzhangmu was about to leave, a figure fell in the sky again, which is the darkness that came to find Wanzhangmu.

After Darkness landed, he rushed to Wan Zhangmu and opened the door to the mountain: “Wan Zhangmu, take out the true red-eyed dragon knight and the seven-star key on your body, I can spare your life.” ”

Wan Zhangmu is now at this time when the fire is relatively strong, in order to defeat You Ran today, he has waited for this day for a long time, and the result is another fiasco.

Now another seven-star who doesn’t know what it is, wants to snatch his key again, and even this time, even his own true red-eyed dragon knight wants to snatch it, and the courage is really not small.

“Another seven-star, now give Uncle Ben a hurry up, Uncle Ben is not in the mood to take care of you.”

Manjomu solved a seven-star, so to some extent, Manjomu’s task was completed.

“The true red-eyed dragon knight is used so badly, and the tone is so rampant. It seems that if you don’t pass the strength, you can’t hand over the key of the seven stars and this card. Then don’t blame me for being unkind. ”

“Have the guts to say such things to my Uncle Wanzhangmu, count you unlucky today, now Uncle Ben is angry, you will die ugly.”

The dueling disc has entered the dueling mode again, and it is necessary to take out the seven stars in front of you who do not know whether to live or die.

Originally, if I met someone from the Seven Stars, I would contact six other people to come over.

Before the duel with You Ran began, Wan Zhangmu met the people of the seven stars, so he didn’t think about notifying.

Now that he is dueling with the seven stars again, he did not think about informing You Ran and their gang, so You Ran’s people are not aware of it at all now.

In the next second, a dazzling light was released from Darkness’s body, enveloping the eyes in it.

“What is it?”

Wan Zhangmu wanted to resist, but this light could not be grasped at all, and before he could react, he had already appeared on the school volcano when he came back to his senses.

“Where is this?”

“This is the place where you experience a hellish duel, come on.”

“It seems that you are different from the other seven stars!”

“Just experience it.”

“Is it? Uncle Ben is very interested in experiencing it. ”


Wan Zhangmu is not afraid at all, with the power of the true red-eyed dragon knight, he believes that he can defeat it again.

In the first round, Wan Zhangmu summoned the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight very smoothly, which is the kind that does not deduct health, and the opening hand is relatively good.

“In front of this true red-eyed dragon knight, you seven stars are not worth mentioning at all, pay for your arrogance just now. Cover three cards to end the round. ”

Wan Zhangmu was very confident, but it was a pity that the invincible True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight was short-lived and easily disappeared on the field.

A moment later, there was a miserable cry on the school’s volcano, and Manjomu had fallen to the ground.

The coma of Wanzhu Yuan is not a coma that has lost his soul, but only because the dark duel is too painful, and he passed out.

Darkness took away the seven-star key and the true red-eyed dragon knight from the unconscious Manjomu.

“This card can only exert its power if it is really the right person.”

Darkness glanced down at Wangzhang’s eyes.

“Let you use this card, and this true red-eyed dragon knight will be disgraced.”

“Really red eyes, from now on you follow me, I will let you create an undefeated legend.”

After saying these words, Darkness disappeared, leaving Wanzhangmu alone.

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