Chapter 79 is angry, you are playing too insidious!!

“My turn, draw cards.”

“I still don’t believe it, it’s impossible to take a three-star little monster.” Darkness was a little angry at this point. ”

“I activate the magic card, fuse and recycle, add a fusion card in the graveyard to a fused material monster as a hand, and I will return the true red-eyed fusion and the true red-eyed black dragon in the graveyard to the hand.”

“I will activate the magic card again, the dead will be reincarnated, give up a hand card, and add a monster card from the graveyard to the hand. I choose the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight. ”

“The True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is a monster with extra decks, so it won’t return to the hand, just back to the extra deck.”

“Then I activate the magic card, the true red eye fusion, I will send the true red eye black dragon and the black magic guide in the card set into the graveyard.”

In order to ensure that the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight can be summoned quickly, Darkness’s deck can contain more than one set of True Red-Eyed Black Dragon and Dark Magic Guide.

“At this moment, I activated the permanent trap card skill extraction.”

“You don’t think, unleash the covered card, the bribe of the demon official. When the opponent launches the magic card trap card, the effect is invalid and destroyed, but because of this effect, you can draw a card. ”

You Ran knew that skill extraction was not so easy to launch successfully, so he could only draw another card.

“You’re quite defensive, if you activate this card just now, won’t my scrap iron scarecrow be gone?”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to do it.”

Just kidding, for a light-angled phantom rabbit that is not very popular, darknes560s will launch the trap card to protect the true red-eyed dragon knight, so how can it work?

If this card was really just activated, then even if the indomitable fighter Lei Lei destroyed Youran’s Lighthorn Phantom Rabbit, when the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight was summoned, it would be invalidated, and it would be a big loss.

Removing the trap cards that can cause trouble for the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, Darkness becomes imposing: “Go back to my field again, my soul, the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight.” ”

“Boy, just now you relied on this little rabbit to bring shame to my true red-eyed dragon knight, this round, this stinky rabbit of yours will give me a cemetery.”

“Activate the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, destroy the light-horned phantom rabbit on your field, give you the damage of the original attack power value, and accept 1600 damage”

In the next second, the light-horned phantom rabbit was destroyed. You Ran’s health has changed from 4,000 to 2,400.

“Fight, I’ll launch a direct attack on you with a true red-eyed dragon knight, it’s over, boy.”

“It’s not so easy to end, I unleash the effect of the Destroyer in my hand, and when the opponent launches a direct attack, I summon this Katashi to the field to end the opponent’s battle phase.”

“I unleash the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, discard one of the cards in my hand, and invalidate your Destroyer effect.”

“Then I launch the covered card, precision defense. Guard a monster under four stars in the graveyard to indicate a special summon. This effect summons monsters on the field, and this turn will not be destroyed by combat and effects. ”

“You actually induced me to use the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight in advance.”

“This is a choice you made yourself, it has nothing to do with me, you can not start to wave your hand, indicating that it has nothing to do with yourself.”

“This dead rabbit is back.”

“It makes Darkness a little uncomfortable.”

However, because it is ineffective and destroys your Destroyer’s effect, my True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight’s attack power rises to 4,000 points.

“Although your Lighthorn Phantom Rabbit has dropped 2400 attack power, it still has 1600 points, which is still far more than this dead rabbit of yours.”

“I know.”

You Ran smiled, not caring at all.

“End of round.”

Darkness doesn’t believe it, 1600 attack power is far away

More than You Ran’s light-angled phantom rabbit, even if You Ran summons monsters by himself, he also has to accept the effect of light-angled phantom rabbits, so the attack power of 1600 is still very secure.

“My turn, draw cards.”

Seeing the drawn card, You Ran smiled happily: “I’ll summon another light-horned phantom rabbit.” ”

“What? Another one? ”

Darkness’s whole person was stunned.

“The effect of the light-angled phantom rabbit, the attack power decreases by 300 times the value of the level, so your true red-eyed dragon knight drops another 2400 points, so the attack power becomes zero.”

However, You Ran’s Lighthorn Phantom Rabbit also has zero attack power, but that’s okay.

“I changed the other light-angled phantom rabbit from a guard representation to an attack representation.”

“Fight, I attack your true red-eyed dragon knight with the light-horned phantom rabbit.”

“You guy.”

Darkness’s heart was angry.

His super powerful monster, You Ran used two light-horned phantom rabbits to reduce his attack power to zero, and he also wanted to use light-horned phantom rabbits to die with his monsters.

Others are such a strong monster, You Ran used this garbage monster to die together, said in the past?

Is this the peak moment of this light-angled phantom rabbit?

“You Ran’s fighting style has changed really much today.”

Asuka, who was next to Youran, was surprised.

In the past, You Ran’s dueling style was to summon in the same tone, but as a result, You Ran didn’t need to summon in the same tone today, so he used two light-angled phantom rabbits, Asuka felt that it was quite good, this method was indeed time-saving and labor-saving, and the effect was amazing.

“This kid is really despicable.”

Wan Zhangmu couldn’t help but complain at this time.

Seeing his trump card being destroyed by You Ran’s repeated attacks with this garbage monster, Wan Zhangmu felt very heartbroken.

Hayato was a little speechless at Manjomu’s words: “Manjomu, whether we can go out now or not, it’s all up to you.” Your position should be on You Ran’s side, hoping that he won. ”

“I know, but I just think this kid’s way of dueling is too shameless.”

Darkness doesn’t get caught with its hands.

“I’m not going to let you stinky rabbit move my True Red-Eyed Dragoon eleven cold hairs again. Unleash the storm of the covered card, Itacua. ”

“The representation of monsters on the table side of the opponent’s field has changed, so let me turn all your two monsters into guard representations!”

“Launch a quick attack magic card from your hand. The holy gun of the forbidden one. With a monster on the side of the field as an effect, the monster’s attack power decreases by 800 points at the end of the turn, and it is not affected by the magic trap effect other than this card. ”

“The attack power of the Lighthorn Phantom Rabbit is originally zero, so it will not decrease. The battle continues, attacking your true red-eyed dragon knight. ”

Although the other light-angled phantom rabbit became a guard representation, as long as one attack was successful, You Ran did not believe in the two covers of darkness

Cards are all able to stop Youran’s attacks.

In fact, just as You Ran thought, Darkness’s two gay cards are not able to stop the attack of You Ran’s monster.

Darkness’s True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight collided with Youran’s Light-Angled Phantom Rabbit and exploded, disappearing on the field again.

“Damn it.”

Darkness couldn’t help but scold.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

You Ran ended the round in a good mood.

“My turn, draw cards.”

When he saw this card, Darkness had a new plan

“I cover a card and end the round.”

“Great, You Ran suppressed him.”

Hayato was very happy, in this way, even if his small life was saved, he would just come to find Manjome with You Ran Asuka, and he would fall into crisis, which would be too unlucky.

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