Chapter 82 I still flirt with girls during duels!!

You Ran originally thought that Darkness was an honorable duelist, but he had to watch out for it now.

You Ran took off the seven-star key pendant hanging around his neck.

“Asuka, you wear this.”

Seeing You Ran hand the key of the seven stars to herself, Asuka quickly refused: “This is not okay, if you don’t have the key of the seven stars yourself, if he uses the props of the dark game against you, then you can’t deal with it.” I have dragged you back just now, and this time I can’t drag you back again. ”

You Ran used this light-angled phantom rabbit to easily defeat Darkness’s True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, so how useful this card is, Asuka knows very well.

You Ran had just made Asuka very embarrassed in order to save herself, even if she was taken as a hostage again, then You Ran could at least refuse to compromise while ensuring her own safety, instead of directly putting the key on her body like this time.

If You Ran himself is affected by the dark game, it is not a good thing.

You Ran has its own system, so it will not be affected by dark games at all.

But You Ran can no longer be threatened, after all, this light-angled phantom rabbit has little impact on You Ran, and it will be gone if it is gone.

If you wait to summon the ace monster and then be forced to send it to the cemetery, it will not be a joke.

“As long as you are safe, I can duel with peace of mind.”

You Ran’s words made Asuka suddenly stunned, not knowing what to say

But at this moment, Asuka felt very happy in her heart.

By the time Asuka came to her senses, You Ran had already put the necklace of the Seven Star Key around Asuka’s neck.

It was the first time that the two people were so close, and Asuka’s face was slightly red, embarrassed to look directly at You Ran, and subconsciously lowered her head.

“With this necklace of the seven-star key, you are not afraid of his dark props. Don’t be so careless next time. ”


Asuka answered with a blushing face.

“Abominable stinky boy, duel is duel, what kind of fame over there, what kind of girl to pry.”

Wan Zhangmu watched from the side and gritted his teeth.

Hayato smiled helplessly next to him, comforting Wanjomu: “Don’t take it to heart, the relationship between the two of them is very good.” ”

“Nonsense, when the relationship will be good.”

Wan Zhangmu simply could not accept this matter.

“Asuka, you remember to keep an eye on the two of them and don’t let them be captured by him again.”

“Well, I definitely won’t have a problem this time.”

Asuka replied solemnly.

It has just dragged its feet, and this time Asuka will definitely not be able to let herself get off Youran’s hind legs again, so no matter what, she will make good use of the seven-star key that You Ran gave him, and no longer give Darkness a chance.

But for Darkness, You Ran’s overthinking is superfluous

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t use that despicable light-angled phantom rabbit, I won’t take any more hostages, as long as you defeat the kid called Wanzhangmu next to you before, just beat my true red-eyed dragon knight, even if you lose, I will admit it if you are swallowed by darkness.”

“Now that the words are so good, who knows if you will regret it then? You Ran remembered very well that Darkness lost this duel, and in the end there was only one mask, so of course it can be said so lightly. ”

“Okay, it’s your turn, go ahead!”

Darkness is too lazy to talk to You Ran anymore, he has the pride of being a duelist, as long as You Ran duel properly.

Looking at the seven cards in his hand, You Ran immediately had a choice.

“This magician in the hand can make a special summon by sending a card into the graveyard. I give up a hand and specially summon a sorcererer. ”

“Then I used the three-star light-angle phantom rabbit to tune the stars with the five-star trickster.”

“The gathered prayers will become new shining stars, become the path of light, call in harmony, fly, stardust dragon.”

“Have you finally summoned your ace monster, Stardust Dragon?”

Darkness knew that You Ran finally stopped using that headache dueling method.

“I could have won very easily, but you have to increase the difficulty for me, there is no way, you can only summon ace monsters.”

“I activate the effect of the Stardust Dragon that I just sent into the graveyard, and when I successfully summon the Stardust Dragon, this card in my graveyard can indicate the attack on the field to indicate a special summon.”

“Then I activate the Spray Harmonic effect in the graveyard, and when this card is in the graveyard, send one of the cards in the hand to the graveyard, and this card is summoned. This card specially summoned by this effect is excepted when leaving the field. ”

“I give up a hand and specially summon a jet homologist from inside the graveyard.”

“I tune with a one-star jet homogenizer and a one-star stardust dragon, and the gathered prayers will lead to the horizon of a new speed, become a path illuminated by light, a harmonic call, a power of hope, an equation homogen.”

“The effect of the equation homophony, you can draw a card when this card is summoned in harmony.”

“I use the two-star equation to tune with the eight-star Stardust Dragon.”

“The gathered dream crystals will open the door to a new evolution, become a path of light, accelerate the harmony, be born, meteor dragon.”

Just now, Wan Zhangmu gave You Ran a piece of news, he has a lava demon god in his hand, so You Ran can’t easily summon two monsters, otherwise he will be in trouble if he is relieved by the other party.

“Activate the effect of the meteor dragon, confirm the five cards on the deck, and make the corresponding number of attacks according to the monsters of the star tuner. You Ran confirmed five cards. ”

“I have two star tuners in the five cards above my deck, so I can attack twice this time.”

“Fight, I use the Meteor Dragon to attack your True Red-Eyed Dark Steel Dragon.”

“I activate the covered card, encourage, and target a monster on my field, and this monster’s attack power increases by 700 points until the end of the round, so my True Red-Eyed Dark Steel Dragon’s attack power becomes 3500 points.”

“I unleash quick attack magic, simple reconciliation, choose one star tuner monster in the graveyard, and choose a monster to increase the attack power of a monster other than that. I removed the Lighthorn Phantom Rabbit and increased the attack power of the meteor dragon by 1600 points, so the attack power of the meteor dragon became 4900 points. ”

“I activated the covered card, Harmony Emissary, this turn I have zero damage to the monster battle on the field, and I have received zero damage.”

The effect of the Harmony Emissary makes the meteor dragon’s attack ineffective at all.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

“It’s a pity, if you didn’t have that messenger of harmony, You Ran would have won.”

Hayato felt sorry, but Asuka was very confident in You Ran: “You Ran’s advantage will still not change, now in addition to the scrap iron scarecrow just now, there are four gaikas, and the meteor dragon with an attack power of 4900 points, even if he summons the true red-eyed dragon knight, it will be difficult to defeat You Ran’s meteor dragon, as long as You Ran’s meteor dragon is not destroyed by the effect.” ”

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