Chapter 94 You Ran was forced to accept the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight!!

Asuka didn’t forget something important, so she took out a card and handed it to Manjome, who was sitting in front of her right.

“By the way, Wan Zhangmu, you can take this true red-eyed dragon knight back.”

This card was placed in the deck of Blowing Snow, and now Asuka felt that it must be returned to Manjo.

Even if Fukiyuki wakes up later, Asuka believes that Fukiyuki will definitely agree to return it to Manjome, so Asuka feels that it is better to return it to Manjome in advance now.

“What a red-eyed dragon knight!”

Wan Zhangmu glanced at it, but did not reach out to take it. Seeing this card, Wan Zhangmu was very emotional.

This card regained unparalleled self-confidence, and as a result, this card gave Manjome a hard blow, letting Manjome know that he could not win by relying on one card.

Seeing that Manjome did not reach out to take the card, Asuka was very incomprehensible.

“Wan Zhangmu, you take it.”

Asuka then handed the card closer in front of Manjome to make it easy for Manjome to reach.

Manjomu really wanted to get this card back, but now this way to get it back, for Manjomu, is just forced to pity himself to get it back.

This card of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight was lost by Manjome in a duel in the dark game.

To lose is to lose, so in the eyes of Wan Zhangmu, this card no longer belongs to him, so even if you want to get it back, it is not in this way.

“Asuka, give this card to Youran!”

“To You Ran?”

Asuka was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she said.

Even You Ran, who was sitting next to Asuka, was surprised that Manjome would say such a thing.

You Ran immediately spoke: “Wan Zhangmu, why are you giving it to me, I don’t need this card.” ”

“I don’t care if you need it or not. At that time I lost to Blowing Snow, and Blowing Snow took this card, then Blowing Snow lost to you, of course you have a reason to take this card. ”

Manjomu said his reason.

“And I didn’t say that this card will be given to you forever, I just put it on your side for the time being.” When I defeat you, I will get this card back in a dignified manner.”

At the beginning of entering the school, You Ran brought great shame to Wan Zhangmu. The Shenlong Catapult Tiger, which was hard to get, lost to You Ran.

Later, God favored him and let him buy this true red-eyed dragon knight, and he lost to You Ran again, this kind of shame of two consecutive times, Wan Zhangmu felt that he must be washed away in a dignified manner during the third duel.

This card is placed on You Ran’s side, and Wan Zhangmu can take it as a sign of shame in his life, so that he can never forget the shame You Ran brought him.

It’s like the Hippocampus, who have lost the God Card, but the Hippocampus has never forgotten to defeat their old enemy, so Manjome has to learn from the Hippocampus.

You Ran smiled lightly at Wan Zhangmu’s words: “Wan Zhangmu, you better take the card back, it’s useless to put it on my side.” ”

“If you don’t use it, you will collect it first.”

“It’s not good, even if I lose it one day, it’s not good.” And once it’s on my side, you’ll never get it back. ”

This is very arrogant, but You Ran can only tell the truth.

The probability of wanting to overcome himself is still quite low. Because of the recent duel victory, You Ran has obtained a lot of points, and You Ran has begun to draw excess cards.

However, now these excess cards are not enough for You Ran to form a deck of cards, and there are no cards that You Ran likes to use, so You Ran only continues to use homological cards now.

Therefore, in the future, You Ran’s strength will become stronger and stronger, and the possibility of Wan Zhangmu wanting to defeat You Ran is very low.

But these words made Wan Zhangmu unbearable.

What is it that once it is placed on You Ran’s side, it will never be able to take it back, why does You Ran dare to say that it will definitely be able to defeat him?

“You Ran, what you said is too absolute, I will definitely defeat you before you graduate from the Duel Academy. If I can’t, this card will truly belong to you forever, I will never get it back, you can sell it if you want. ”

Manjomu set himself a deadline.

The value of this card may be very expensive in the market now, but it is not a problem for Wan Zhangmu, and face is what he cares about most.

Therefore, he cannot indefinitely lengthen the cycle of defeating Youran, so he must be ashamed before graduation.

The next time he challenges You Ran, Wan Zhangmu will definitely challenge You Ran with the same tone deck to let You Ran know that he is not something to underestimate.

You Ran saw Wan Zhangmu’s proud posture, and also knew that Wan Zhangmu, as the young master of a large group, wanted face, so he smiled indifferently: “Actually, there is no need to set me up before I graduate, I may graduate soon, so if you want to get this card back one day, you are welcome to challenge me at any time.” But I don’t always accept a challenge, if you have enough records to make me agree to a duel with you. ”

You Ran limited the conditions for Wan Zhangmu, otherwise every time he bought any card, he would come to You Ran to challenge, and You Ran would be too annoying.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long, this day will come soon.”

After speaking, Wan Zhangmu stopped talking to You Ran, and this tone must be told with facts.

After this duel, Wan Zhangmu found that although the True Red Dragon Knight who fused the monster was powerful, the homological card seemed to be more powerful.

And the true red-eyed dragon knight has a big flaw, once it is destroyed, and then revived with a magic trap card, the effect of destroying the damage given by the monster cannot be activated.

The only thing that can be activated is the effect that is invalid when the magic card trap card monster effect is activated.

But this effect also discards a hand. You can’t play without a hand, which is too bad.

When Manjomu said this, Asuka could only hand this card to You Ran: “You Ran, you can save this card first!” ”

“Asuka, if you keep this card, this card should be a big strength boost for you.”

Asuka is the weakest among everyone, and You Ran feels that this card is still good for Asuka, stronger than all of Asuka’s current cards.

“No, no, keep this card for yourself, I don’t need it.”

Asuka rejected the card this time.

First of all, this card does not match her electronic deck, and if you rashly put this card into the deck, Asuka feels that it will have a great impact on her electronic angel deck.

In addition, this card is too expensive, and many rich people have already bought it at a high price, which is not comparable to the electronic angel Mei Zhu Li that You Ran lent her before.

“If you don’t want me, just keep it first.”

You Ran accepted the card.

“Wanjangmu, I will let you see the true power of this card when there is a chance.”


Wanzhang was dismissive.

Wan Zhangmu feels that Blowing Snow is already very slippery for this card, can You Ran be even more slippery?

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