Chapter 109: Changes in Ryo Maruto!!

“It’s over.”

Ryo Maruto knew there was no hope.

Just now, he thought of borrowing the fusion to lift and get through this round, but You Ran didn’t give him this opportunity at all.

Even Ryo Maruto gave up, but the boys around him who hoped to swim in the book were unwilling to give up.

“He has another Gaika and should be able to get through this round, as long as it can be successfully passed.” Although everyone knows that when Ryo Marutō’s three electronic dragons are sealed, this probability is already very small, but they still have a vision for this tiny hope. ”

However, this Gaika is an instant fusion, and there is no way to bring them this small hope.

“I use the Dark Magic Guide and the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon to launch a direct attack on you.”


Many people shout in their hearts, hoping that reality will not be so cruel.

But that’s how cruel it is.

A total of 4,900 attack damage directly zeros Ryo Maruto’s health.

“Brother lost.”

Sho sighed.

“Sure enough, You Ran won.”

Asuka muttered to herself next to her.

Just after speaking, Chuixue said something next to him.

“Asuka, you actually don’t expect Liang to win, but to expect You Ran to win, it seems that your relationship with You Ran seems to be the same as I heard, it is better than the relationship with Liang.”

After You Ran defeated Chairman Kagemaru yesterday, Fukiyuki has already recovered, and his memories have all been restored to their original state, so he can come to participate in this graduation model duel today.

“There is no such thing.”

Asuka immediately denied it.


Fuyuki smiled and didn’t tease too much.

Ryo Maruto knew that the duel with You Ran was very slim for him, but when he really lost so quickly, it still made him a little disappointed.

But Ryo Maruto can afford to lose.

His deck design is indeed very good, but You Ran directly grasps the weakness of his deck.

Once the three electronic dragons were restrained, they were really powerless to return to the sky.

Maruto Liang looked at You Ran frankly: “You Ran, I really lost to you, your calculation in this duel is above me, very powerful.” Although it was short-lived, you showed me how insufficiently aware of duelists about their own weaknesses. ”

Ryo Maruto’s words are very sincere, not like after losing to Ed Phoenix in the anime, so self-defeating, because he really never thought that the electric dragon could be restrained like this, so that his deck could not be unfolded.

“I won’t leave such a big weakness for you in the next duel.”

You Ran replied with a smile: “I know that this strategy can only succeed once, so if I duel again in the future, I will not use this strategy again.” ”

“I’m looking forward to dueling you next time.”

After Ryo Maruto lost this duel, he already had a new plan, so he would definitely surprise You Ran next time.

When Ryo Maruto finished this sentence, as Master Maruto and also the principal of Takushima, he applauded happily: “Today is really witnessing a very wonderful duel, let us congratulate the two graduates together.” ”

When Kurashima applauded, the rest of the audience applauded, congratulating You Ran and Ryo Maruto on their early graduation.

Kurashima presented a graduation certificate to You Ran and Ryo Maruto, and today’s graduation model duel ended.

You Ran and Ryo Maruto left the gymnasium, and the rest of the people dispersed.

You Ran went directly back to the dormitory to pack up his things and leave by boat tomorrow, while Ryo Maruto did not return to Obelisk’s dormitory, but walked in the direction of Kunshima office.

When Kushima returned to the office, he was surprised to see Ryo Maruto waiting for him in the office.

“Liang, now that you’re graduating, why don’t you go back and pack your things?”

Maruto Ryo glanced at Kushima Island, spoke with a serious attitude, and his title changed: “Master, I want you to hand over the electron flow deck to me.” ”

“Electron flow deck?”

Kushima was stunned for a moment.

“That deck does exist, but it’s a diversion that goes against our genre philosophy. At the time of birth, the original master sealed the forbidden deck. ”

Liang opened his mouth and replied: “Master, this era is different from the previous era, and if the deck of electron flow does not change, it will not be able to keep up with the current era.” ”

“You just said that the deck violates the philosophy of our electronic stream, but the idea is in the people who use it. As long as we abide by the philosophy of our genre in our hearts, even if we use the electronic flow deck, it will not change the philosophy of our genre. ”

“And the real duelist will not be limited to just one power, just like You Ran’s homological deck, which is already very strong, but he still adds the power of fusion to the deck.”

“When You Ran defeated Teacher Dadeokji, I think You Ran said very well, whether it is summoning from superiors, or harmonizing, or fusion, only flexible use in duels is the strongest power.”

“If we are limited to the genre concept of electron flow, and we can’t accommodate the idea of the deck in the electron flow, the electron flow will never be able to give birth to new ideas.”

“With the change of times, if the flow of electrons does not change, the power of the flow of electrons will lose its brilliance under the power of harmony.”

This is what Ryo Maruto came up with.

There are no homological cards for electronic dragon-related cards now, so Ryo Maruto can only think of fusing the power of the deck in the electron stream, and only in this way can he compete with homophony again.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his back to Ryo Maruto, looking at the scenery outside the window, he wondered whether to give the electronic flow deck to Ryo Maruto.

Kurashima felt as if he really couldn’t stubbornly believe that the existence of the deck in the electron flow should no longer be there.

Now that there are harmonic cards, the flow of electrons should indeed change with the times.

Anyway, he is already old, and the only one who inherits the future of electron flow is Ryo Maruto, who is still young and has extraordinary duelist talents.

“Okay, Liang, let me, as a master, conduct another assessment of you after many years. Back to our electron flow dojo. ”

“Understood, Master.”

Ryo Maruto happily agreed.

You Ran was packing up his things at this time.

You Ran definitely wouldn’t have thought that he had changed the plot again, and this time he changed a lot.

Originally, Ryo Maruto was going to change his temperament after a duel with Ed Phoenix, experience a long period of failure, decadence, and then find himself and get the electron flow deck.

Now that Ryo Maruto has obtained the electronic flow card set, there has been no change in personality, so You Ran changed the plot in a good direction this time.

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