Chapter 125: The Return of the Seal!!

After running into the space-time channel, You Ran was finally safe.

“It’s a pity, if only they really lost both and died together.”

You Ran felt that seeing so many cards did not get back, it was really a pity but there was no way, 36 Ji still took the best policy, and could not let the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon be harmed, otherwise he might not be able to go back.

And if you stay here and don’t have anything to eat, it’s really a desperate situation.

When sitting on the back of the photon dragon and continuing to rush back to the real world, You Ran had to sigh that the acceleration of the harmony was really fast, and even the light surpassed.

When he came to the elven world from the real world before, You Ran only took less than a few tens of seconds, but sitting on the back of the galaxy-eyed photon dragon, You Ran returned to the real world, but it took five full days.

On the sixth day, on a mountain, a passage suddenly opened, and You Ran jumped out of the passage.

The real world is that the galactic eye photon dragon cannot appear, so he can only say goodbye to You Ran in the passage.

“Thanks, Photon Dragon.”

“We are partners, you don’t have to be so polite. When you need my help, call me out. ”

Of course, the card of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon was printed, so the photon dragon can be regarded as another trump card of You Ran.

“No problem. Go back and be careful. ”


After saying goodbye, the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon left, and the passage closed again.

Back in the real world, You Ran was very happy.

“Finally back, but then again, where is this.”

Looking at this mountain field, You Ran felt that the landing location did not seem to be so perfect.

You Ran took out his phone from his pocket.

Because there is no electricity and no signal in the elf world, so after swimming to the elf world, the mobile phone is turned off, so at this time, when it is turned on, there is still 40% of the electricity in the mobile phone, which is enough.

When he opened his phone, You Ran saw hundreds of messages, and hundreds of calls, all of which were calls and messages from friends like Asuka 10th.

You Ran did not resume their messages and calls immediately, but chose to get through to Haima’s phone.

Although Haima didn’t call You Ran much, Haima has been waiting for You Ran’s call, so when he saw You Ran’s call, Haima was very happy.

“You finally called me, where have you been all this time?”

You Ran knew that it had been almost five months since he last disappeared, and this time of disappearance was still quite long.

“There was a little accident, but these things are not important now, President Seahorse, you come and pick me up now, I am in the mountain now, I don’t know where it is, you pick me up through my mobile phone positioning!”

“Okay, no problem, you keep the phone open, I’ll let someone from the Haima Group fly a helicopter to pick you up.”

After speaking, Haima hung up the phone, and then asked the people of the Haima Group to immediately search for You Ran’s signal.

After talking to Haima on the phone, You Ran was relieved, because Haima did not refuse to send a helicopter to pick him up, indicating that You Ran’s current endorsement should not have been lifted.

“Fortunately, President Haima is more powerful, otherwise the endorsement fee liquidated damages will not hurt.”

You Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and then You Ran called Asuka to report that she was safe.

It’s just a little unexpected that when You Ran calls Asuka, the other end of the phone shows that your phone is not in the communication area.

“Not in the communication area, will there be such a thing?”

You Ran felt that his signal should be okay, otherwise it would be impossible to call the seahorse just now.

You Ran dialed Asuka’s phone again, but the phone still did not get through, it was still the prompt tone just now, and the phone was not in the communication area.

Subsequently, You Ran called the tenth generation, and the phone from the tenth generation to You Ran also prompted that it was not in the communication area.

“It’s really strange, could it be that Yobel let them all enter another world?”

You Ran had to think so.

You Ran entered the elven world for five months before returning, and after so much time, it is very likely that the matter of breaking the light has passed, and now it has become Yubel’s business.

Although You Ran considered that it might be related to the Earth Binding God mentioned by the red dragon, You Ran felt that the ten generations in this period must have obtained the new Yuxia, and the Yinka was full of power, and the Earth Binding God could not easily defeat him.

After sitting on the mountain and waiting for two hours, You Ran heard the sound of a helicopter.

Got on the helicopter and returned to your hotel accommodation, which is still there.

“Mr. You Ran, your D wheel has been repaired again, and now the moment has entered the official use stage, and it is the moment that powers all the solar energy, so there is no need to use electricity to drive it as before, and it can be used permanently.”

“Okay, I see.”

You Ran nodded, and he was very impressed in his heart: “President Seahorse is a bit bullish, and Moment can actually study it so quickly.” ”

However, You Ran is no longer strange, after all, in order to duel with the game, people who can enter another world at all costs, so it is not an unacceptable thing to be able to study the moment.

You Ran asked what happened when he was absent for five months, and then he knew that a lot had happened in the past five months.

The appearance of the Earth Binding God made many people disappear, but when You Ran and the red dragon defeated the king of the underworld in another world, the matter of the Earth Binding God absorbing human power became weaker, or even close to gone, so there has been no thing that makes people disappear recently.

On the other hand, in the Duel Academy, a lot of things have happened, and many students have entered the other world.

To You Ran’s surprise, the Shattered Light did not happen.

“What’s going on, didn’t the Yubel thing happen after the Shattered Light thing? Why did the Eubel thing happen first? ”

You Ran felt a little unreasonable.

But no matter what, You Ran can only attribute all the reasons to the reason why he changed the direction of the plot.

Therefore, Asuka ten generations have all entered the world that Yubel brought to them, and now they can’t come back and can’t be contacted, which is very normal.

“By the way, Mr. You Ran, the people from the company’s publicity department asked me to confirm the time with you, and this afternoon from four o’clock to six o’clock will hold a press conference for you to report to all media friends and fans who are concerned about your disappearance, I don’t know what do you think?”

“Okay, it’s scheduled for four o’clock, don’t be too late.”

“Okay, I’ll arrange it now.”

When the people of the Seahorse Group went to arrange a press conference, You Ran went to take a shower, change clothes, attend the press conference, be in a better spirit, and let Paradox know by the way that he came back safe and sound, and this time he was finished.

Before, he would be sent to other worlds, and this time You Ran already had the power of the red dragon, and this kind of thing would not happen a second time.

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