Chapter 127: Alienating Ed and the King of Fast!!

Although You Ran really wanted to go to King Sai’s place to squat Paradox now, the situation on Asuka 10th and their side needed You Ran’s help even more, so You Ran could only let it go for the time being.

“Okay, Headmaster, I know, I’ll go to the academy tomorrow.”

“That’s great, You Ran, the school will send a helicopter to pick you up tomorrow morning, and tomorrow’s duel will please you.”

“Headmaster, I’ll do my best.”

After You Ran agreed, Yudao hung up the phone with confidence and went to deal with tomorrow’s duel.

At the same time, Paradox certainly saw the news of the press conference where You Ran returned, so he found the king of Sai.

“King Zhai, you give me an explanation, You Ran actually disappeared and came back in less than five months, so isn’t the last incident in vain?”

Of course, King Zhai knew the news of You Ran’s return.

Because You Ran is returning faster than expected, King Sai is using tarot cards to predict the future.

Paradox’s master did not affect the king of Sai, and the king of the fast replied lightly: “I should have said it last time.” I can’t promise he’ll never come back, and now that he’s back, there’s no way around it. ”

“What you said is very simple, how things will develop now, can you tell me? You can see through the future Mr. Saiwang. ”

“Things will get more and more interesting, I didn’t expect to drive away You Ran, and someone with the power of the Earth Binding God appeared, disrupting our plans. Now there are also people with special powers in the Duel Academy. ”

“These Earth Binding God users are definitely not the same as us, but this person from the Duel Academy should be able to win over.”

“Bringing this person together and gathering the strength of the three of us should be better than the power possessed by those users of the Earth Binding God.”

“If you want to win someone over again, are you sure that person can cooperate with you?” He can bring the entire Duel Academy student into another world, and his strength cannot be underestimated. ”

“I know, but he will soon face defeat and he will be willing to cooperate at that time.”

“I have arranged the things to persuade him, and you will be responsible for picking him up when the time comes.” If he doesn’t believe in our abilities, just show off your strength a little. ”

“So what about You Ran?”

Paradox came over mainly to ask about You Ran’s side, because he no longer had the ability to take the monster from You Ran’s hands.

“You Ran left him alone for the time being, if he can help us solve those guys who have fallen to the ground, don’t you think this is a particularly good thing?”

“So what we have to do is to strengthen our side and meet the necessary conditions for the implementation of our plan.”

“Now the gang of guys from the Earth Binding God is very headache, it is estimated that this gang will also participate in the Duel King Competition, and when the time comes, they will definitely meet You Ran, let You Ran fight with them.”

Paradox nodded: “That’s true, but I don’t think those guys are so difficult to solve.” If you give it to me, I feel that I will be able to take them down easily. ”

“I know your strength, but don’t expose it easily. Let you pick up people this time, you just show your strength a little, don’t expose all your strength. ”

“Okay, you are going to pick up people for me, and he will arrive at the dock in the early morning in three days.”

“Then let me see if your prediction is accurate.”

With that, Paradox left.

Early the next morning, Kushima sent a helicopter to the Duel Academy with You Ran at ten o’clock.

In a clearing of the Duel Academy, machines for dueling are ready.

When You Ran arrived, You Ran saw a more unexpected person, this person was Aid.

The events of Shattered Light did not happen, and You Ran knew that Ed would definitely still listen to King Zhai to a large extent now.

Seeing You Ran, Ed said hello: “First meeting, You Ran, I’m Ed Phoenix, I didn’t expect the principal to call you over.” ”

Originally, the task was given to Ed this time, but yesterday Ed’s decision was temporarily changed, so Ed probably guessed that it was Youran.

“Ed, nice to see you here.”

You Ran spoke happily.

“Registration for the Duel King Tournament will be held soon, I hope to have the opportunity to duel once when the time comes, I would love to see your strength.”

“I hope there will be a more interesting duel then.”

You Ran didn’t particularly want to duel with Ed, but You Ran knew that Ed was still on King Zhai’s side now.

The king of Zhai and Paradox brought trouble to You Ran, and You Ran had to bring them some trouble, and You Ran would not give Ed some eye drops, it would be a loss.

You Ran said to Ed: “By the way, Ed, remember to say hello to the person who plotted against me, he had better take my stardust dragon and never appear in front of me, hide a little, don’t be caught by me, otherwise, I will let him die ugly.” ”

“What do you mean?”

Ed frowned.

“Do you mean the duelist you fell into the sea during a galloping duel? I don’t know that duelist. ”

Ed felt a little baffled by Youran.

He and You Ran met for the first time today, so why did You Ran put the responsibility of this unknown person on him.

“I know you may not know him, but I want you to help me convey it to King Zhai and ask him to convey this sentence to him for me.”

Leaving this sentence, You Ran walked forward, which was enough to make Ed Phoenix feel disgusted with King Sai.

Is it a distrust of Ed to treat the king of fast as a best friend, and as a result, the king of fasting still hides this kind of thing from Ed?

What the king of Zhai and Paradox are planning together, You Ran does not know, but it should be a great loss to them to turn their Edward and let them lose a general.

You Ran believed that Ed would be confused when he learned the news from his mouth.

“King Sai knows that person?”

“Ed couldn’t help but talk to himself, planning to go back and ask the king of fasting.”

You Ran came to the side of Yun Dao, and Yun Dao said happily: “You Ran, you came just in time, the preparations here have been completed, you just go to the sub-space duel device.” ”


You Ran walked away with the dueling disc and got on this sub-space dueling device.

At this time, under the doctor’s notice, Asuka John and several others came to the school’s tennis court.

“John, please.”


John replied solemnly, knowing that the responsibility of taking everyone back was placed on him, and this duel must stimulate powerful energy and get the ultimate treasure jade god rainbow dragon.

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