Chapter 144: Two Against Two Duel!!

Of course, You Ran did not forget the words of the red dragon, and these dark moles also need to be dealt with.

Since he got the cards of the Life Torrent Dragon from the Red Dragon, this task must of course be completed.

So I finally met these people, and of course You Ran should pay attention to it first.

This dark mole man saw that You Ran was paying attention to him, so he paid and left in advance.

It didn’t matter if this person walked away, You Ran wrote down his characteristics, and turned back to the people of the Seahorse Group to help investigate.

Although You Ran is only a spokesperson, but some small favors or small requirements, Haima Group will still cooperate with You Ran.

“By the way, You Ran, will President Seahorse participate in this competition?”

Ryo Maruto asked curiously.

As soon as this topic was picked up, others became curious.

“The president will participate this time.”

You Ran gave an affirmative answer.

The strength of the cards of the Astral Tripolar Gods intrigued Seahorse, so there was no reason why Seahorse should not participate.

“President Seahorse has to participate, that’s really happy.”

Both the Tenth Generation and John were happy at the same time.

You Ran smiled and said, “Actually, if you challenge the president, he will definitely be very happy.” As long as you have more puzzle cassette, no matter who challenges him, he will definitely agree. ”

“Why is that?”

Several people felt incomprehensible.

A duelist like a seahorse, doesn’t he pick a partner when dueling?

“In fact, the reason is very simple, because President Seahorse is too strong, ordinary people dare to challenge him.” Don’t forget, this time the Duel King competition rules are that the sixty-four duelists who get the most puzzle cards at the end can enter the final. ”

“Registration for the competition starts today, although the Duel King competition starts in three months, and then the audition takes three months, but the rules of the competition are not limited to betting on the puzzle card duel in advance.”

“With so many duelists this time, if you want to enter the top one hundred and twenty-eight, you must have at least a thousand puzzle cards to be considered safe, and you must have to duel many times, for a duelist like President Seahorse, there is no one to challenge, and it is difficult to get together the puzzle cards, so he is very troubled.”

As soon as You Ran explained this, several people completely understood.

“Too strong seems to be really a problem. But You Ran, wouldn’t you have this kind of trouble? ”

Jiren asked.

“You Ran, don’t forget, you showed the power of an excess monster a few days ago, so there should be many people who dare not duel with you, right?”


You Ran laughed, “I have so much black powder, I am not worried at all.” ”


Several people laughed, but they didn’t expect that You Ran actually put all the keys to getting the puzzle cards on the black powder.

After eating, a few Ks sat and chatted for a while, then drove the D wheel to the viaduct and began to look for the duelist.

Instead of acting together, everyone scattered to find the duelist.

You Ran is with Asuka on the D wheel to find opponents on the side of the viaduct I have to say, Seahorse Group, International Illusion Society and the Professional Duelist Alliance are very handy, the viaduct is much more spectacular than the 5DS, and the viaduct almost circles the entire Shindo Shino City several times.

Even duelists in tens of thousands duel on a viaduct will not feel crowded.

You Ran originally thought that there would be a lot of black fans who saw You Ran’s unpleasantness and then came to duel, but even those black fans You Ran met when signing up in the morning, when they met You Ran in the D round, they all chose to leave directly.

Because of the relationship between You Ran and these people walking directly, this caused Asuka who followed You Ran to act with no one to duel with him.

You Ran looked at Asuka next to him and looked embarrassed: “Asuka, now it seems that it seems wrong for you to act with me, and no one will duel with us.” ”

Asuka discovered this problem and smiled slightly: “It’s okay, it’s just the first day, don’t worry, it’s good to take a ride like this.” ”

“I’m afraid…”

However, before You Ran finished speaking, a person came over on a D wheel.

When this person saw Asuka, he greeted him warmly: “Hello, beauty, you seem to have a good relationship with this kid, do you want to duel with me.” ”

Hearing that someone was going to duel with herself, and this person still seemed to be a black powder of Youran, Asuka smiled and looked at Youran: “Youran, I seem to be naked with you.” ”


You Ran didn’t know how to answer.

Just now said that he was tired of Asuka, and now there is black powder to give away the head.

This black fan saw that You Ran and Asuka had such a good relationship, and couldn’t beat You Ran, so he thought of eliminating Asuka from this duel king competition.

“Since someone is here to pick the side, then Asuka, can you?”

“Of course.”

Asuka replied affirmatively: “You Ran, just look at my changes, I won’t be the one to drag you back anymore.” ”

Asuka planned to make You Ran change her through this duel, and then looked at the person next to her: “Since you want to challenge me, then come”

“No problem, don’t cry if you lose.”

The man smiled triumphantly.

“My name is Keith Howard.”

“So it’s him, I really don’t recognize it.”

When I heard the name, I remembered that this person was Keith Howard from an era before the game.

But at this time, a person with a D wheel came over, and this person was the person who had just been seen while eating.

“Howard, you’re in too much of a hurry.”

This man, called Bulls, came to stop Howard and You Ran from dueling.

This person is really meeting for the first time.

“Burs, are you annoyed, I’m not looking for You Ran to duel, I’m looking for this girl next to me to duel, you also have to take care of this?”

Howard was impatient and felt that Bulls was a bit of a mother-in-law.

Of course, You Ran’s strength is very strong, of course, he knows, but You Ran always has to be defeated, because You Ran’s strength is very strong, if the Earth Binding God can absorb You Ran’s power, then the king of the underworld can recover more than half of his injuries.

No matter how many people you duel, it is better to defeat You Ran.

The relationship between the two people is so good, if you defeat Asuka, maybe You Ran will lose your mind, and there may be flaws when dueling, otherwise You Ran will be calm and calm in the duel, it will be difficult to defeat You Ran.

Bulls knew that Howard wanted to make merit, because whoever could heal the more injuries of the King of the Underworld would gain more power.

However, Bulls felt too anxious and made You Ran lose his mind, but can this be sure that this does not make You Ran more angry?

If You Ran was angry and searched for them specifically, then they would be in trouble, so Bulls came this time because he had a better strategy to stop Howard.

“I don’t think a one-on-one duel is interesting, You Ran, dare to come to a two-on-two team galloping duel?”

Bulls extended an invitation to You Ran.

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