Chapter 158: Learning to Accelerate Homology!!

The secretary knew that Asuka had misunderstood, but at this time Yuran happened to come over on the D-wheel.

You Ran noticed Bekas’s secretary, because You Ran had seen Becas’s secretary on TV during the press conference.

“Hello Mr. You Ran, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You’re President Becas’ secretary, right?”

“That’s right, Mr. You Ran, we haven’t met, you can know me, it makes me feel very honored.”

“Because I saw you on TV, I recognized it. Are you here to find Asuka? So I’m going to wait for you to finish talking? ”

“No need, Mr. You Ran, you came just in time. Actually, we came here to give this accelerated harmony card to Miss Asuka. The accelerated harmony card is not available to ordinary duelists, so far it is the only one in the entire world that you can use, so this card is given to Miss Asuka, and we hope that you will teach Miss Asuka to use this card. ”

“However, Miss Asuka seems to be worried that we will use this card against you, so she has no intention of accepting this card. I think if you are willing to let Miss Asuka accept it, then Miss Asuka will accept it. ”

Sudden good things always have to be suspicious, and the same is true for You Ran.

You Ran took a look at this card, it was indeed a card of accelerated homology: “Becas is worthy of being the father of cards, no card can be difficult for him, and the accelerated homology cards have been studied, which is really quite amazing.” ”

Admiration to admiration, You Ran asked: “You and Asuka have a life, what is the reason why you want to give this card to Asuka.” ”

“Because it’s very simple, it’s all Mr. You Ran’s trouble.”

“Woe I caused?”

You Ran felt that this statement was very unreasonable.

“It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me. Because of my connections, you were able to work out homological cards, especially when President Seahorse came to me for a duel, and in that duel, you definitely gained something very important. ”

“Then this card I believe you also have other purposes, so if you put the responsibility on me, I don’t think it’s fair.”

“Mr. You Ran, you are so shrewd. In that duel, we did capture the energy data of the use of the homological card through the duel between President Seahorse and you, and then we were able to successfully study the homological card. ”

“So confessed?”

The extent of this confession is unexpected.

“Mr. You Ran, please believe that we have no ill intentions. The reason why I want to give this card to Miss Asuka is because Mr. You Ran used an excess card before you, which caused a great impact on the issuance of the homophony card. ”

“Now many players think that the power of the excess card is better than the same tone card, we hope to change this impression of the player, so we gave this accelerated harmony monster card to Miss Asuka, hoping that Miss Asuka will exert the power of this harmony monster card in this duel, so that other duelists can see that the power of the same monster will not be lost to the excess monster”

As soon as he said this, You Ran understood that it turned out that the card could not be sold.

This one has to help.

How to say that You Ran is also a shareholder of the International Illusion Society, and You Ran can’t watch the stock price of the International Illusion Society plummet.

In addition, this card that accelerates the transaction can be a good force for Asuka, so there is no reason to refuse.

“Okay, we agreed. The method of accelerating harmony I will try to teach Asuka as much as possible. But I hope your company will hurry up and work out excess cards. ”

If the excess card is researched, the International Illusion Society will definitely skyrocket again, which will be of great benefit to You Ran.

“Then borrow Mr. You Ran’s auspicious words.”

The secretary then handed the card to Asuka again.

At Yu Ran’s gesture, Asuka accepted the card.

“Mr. You Ran, Miss Asuka, I wish you good results in this duel.”

After that, the secretary left, and her task for today was completed.

Looking at this card, Asuka was very puzzled: “Is accelerated homology really difficult to use?” ”

Seeing Asuka’s appearance of such disbelief, You Ran smiled and said, “You can find out if you try it.” ”

“Then I’ll try.”

Asuka still didn’t want to trouble You Ran too much, because if you still let You Ran teach her to learn accelerated harmony, wouldn’t it be equivalent to dragging your legs again?

This time, Asuka didn’t want to swim and then leg, so she gave up the original electronic angel deck and switched to the world’s only two scrap decks that she was very lucky to buy.

Yuran accompanied Asuka on a D-wheel to the viaduct, and Asuka summoned the monster normally without entering duel mode.

The monster Asuka with the same tone adjustment has, which is the same as a card that You Ran has, which is the fluctuating dragon vocal dragon.

After Asuka summoned the Wave Dragon Phono Dragon, Asuka used the Wave Dragon Phono Dragon to tune the stars with the Star Charged Warrior.

When both monsters turned into stars and began to adjust the stars, Asuka wanted to summon the Stardust warrior she got, but found that when this card was placed on the duel board, the monster did not appear, and the two monsters that had turned into stars turned back into monsters.

And at this time, Asuka’s D wheel began to stall.

Fortunately, the stall was not serious, so Asuka quickly stabilized.

Asuka immediately pulled over.

Yuran stopped beside Asuka.

“… You Ran, why is this, why the conditions have been met, but this card cannot be used. ”

“That’s the secret of accelerated homology, because this card needs speed to resonate with their power. How can I tell you okay? ”

You Ran already has the heart of the mirror to stop water, but this is all obtained by the blessing of the system, so it is easy for You Ran to enter the state when using it.

Teach others to learn to accelerate the same tune, You Ran really dare not say that there is no problem.

You Ran thought for a while before saying, “In fact, the secret of accelerating homology lies in the word acceleration. When using high-speed power to summon in unison, make the two monsters resonate, and in the process, you must also keep your mind calm and let your mind stop like water. ”

“In this process, you don’t let yourself feel that you are deliberately using accelerated harmony, you calmly feel the speed, feel the changes of the D wheel, and look for the feeling with your heart, so that you can find the feeling of accelerated harmony in a certain opportunity.”

“If it’s fast, your attention will be on the D wheel, right?”

“It takes you time to practice, so acceleration homology is very demanding for D-wheel driving skills.”

“No one is looking for us to duel now, I’ll accompany you to practice.” The best way to practice your D-round technique is to practice corners. As long as you can maintain high speed in the corners, you have succeeded in the first step. ”

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